Chapter 275 is all messed up! Fate’s Regurgitation!!


Destined to be a long night.

Morgan Lefey and you undoubtedly also signed an eternal contract.

After signing the contract, Morgan Lefey felt the power in his body.

Only then did I finally know what kind of existence you really are.

Her heart was filled with horror.

Although I have long known that you are not simple, I have long expected your mystery.

But she didn’t think of it at all.

You wouldn’t be so simple.

Just by making a contract with you, she feels as if she is omnipotent, even as a contractor.

Then how strong should your body be?

“Bai Qiu, I really didn’t expect that you were such a great being…”

Morgan Lefey lay in the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu and said with emotion.

It is indeed a great existence.

And it was so great that it could not have been greater, to the point of unimaginable magnitude in Morgan Lefey’s view.

What did the whole world, in front of Kitahara Baiqiu, count? In his eyes, anyone is probably just like an ant, right?

“How? Scared? A bit unexpected? ”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed a few times, and it was also the lovely Morgan Lefey in his arms who asked.

“Scared? How can it be! ”

When Morgan Lefey heard this, he rolled his eyes directly and said triumphantly: “Even if it is great, it has not been conquered by Princess Ben.” ”

“The content of your covenant has bound us together for eternity and eternity, and we are destined to be together forever.”

“Hum hum hum ~ small I can make the great you so fascinated, Princess Ben is happy before it is too late!”

Morgan Lefey’s face was full of cuteness.

For her, although at first she really did not expect that Kitahara Baiqiu would be so great.

But…… Even if it is great, did you not accept her?

Hey, this is really something that can make people proud.

Kitahara Hakuaki also felt a little amused about Morgan Lefey’s cute appearance.

This girl.

I really deserve to have loved myself since I was a child.

And now.

She also got herself what she wanted.

“You earn.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu cried and laughed.

“Of course! I just made a lot of money! And I’m still in front of Artoria! ”

Morgan Lefey answered as he should, his face full of pride.

Artoria was also busy these days after pulling out the sword in the stone.

And you are also a girl who has spent a few days with her to give you everything and claim to have made a lot of money.

Merlin has come to see you a few times in the past few days, and looks anxious and his face is full of anxiety.

But you kept him out of the world of you and Morgan Lefey from beginning to end.

Until Artoria’s successful succession.

After finally being a relief to be queen.

Such a life is broken.

And Artoria after coming back.

It seemed as if something had gone wrong with his sister Morgan Lefey.

Looking at her eyes was full of pride and confidence every time.

This left Artoria completely confused.

She had not yet found her sister proud of becoming King Arthur, and her sister had nothing to be proud of with her.

What amazed Artoria the most.

She found that her sister called you and began not to call you teacher, but directly called your name Bai Qiu.

This shocked Artoria.

She was acutely aware of what might be going on here, but she couldn’t imagine what was going on.

I can only fall into distress.

You just smiled at Artoria’s distress and didn’t explain.

And Morgan Lefey, though proud, was happy.

But he also did not tell the truth to his sister.

The tacit understanding and the North Plains White Autumn chose to hide.

She likes to see her sister upset and unable to find answers.

Under your teaching

Morgan Lefey has always been a pure girl, and the whole person seems to be as beautiful as a goblin.

Aside from still liking to bully his sister Artoria from time to time, he never did anything excessive.

The relationship between the two sisters from childhood to adulthood is also excellent.

Naturally, there could be no more things in the future that she would cause Britain to perish.

Settle a relationship with you a few days later.

Morgan Lefey learned that it was not easy to have children in such a way as you, and immediately came up with the idea of creating life.

After you learned about it.

There was no objection and no approval.

Just tell Morgan Lefey that you personally don’t like to create life, you prefer natural concubinage.

The young girl was naturally stunned when she heard this.

After thinking about it for a while, nature also gave up the use of external forces to create life.

Because of this, many of the lives that should have been created by Morgan Lefey were not born in this world………

But Morgan Lefey loves children very much and wants a child very much.

You don’t like to use external forces to create life, she respects your decision, but if you can naturally conceive life, then it is completely fine?

So, Morgan Lefey comes to your room every night without Artoria to try to do it.

You can’t laugh at this, and naturally you can’t refuse. But I really want to conceive life how easy it is.

Another night passed.

Morgan Lefey is by your side and asks you how long it will take to conceive naturally.

You answer about a few thousand years from now.

Morgan Lefey froze, a look of displeasure.

Pretending to be vicious and vicious directly bites your arm, indicating that this is a punishment for your willfulness.

You cry and laugh even more about this.

My heart is full of compassion for the cute girl.

Wait a while.

When Merlin found you again, you finally let Merlin in.

“Holy Master! Holy Master! ”

“Why are you revealing the identity of Artoria’s woman?”

Merlin ran in with a furious face, his face full of anxious questions.

Kitahara Baiqiu replied with a light smile, “That’s because I don’t think there is any need to hide it at all, don’t you see that now, isn’t it completely fine?” ”

“But Artoria shouldn’t have revealed her identity!”

Merlin spoke.

“Oh, why not, Merlin, can you talk about it?”

Kitahara Baiqiu was surprised and asked.

“This is because… This is because…”

Merlin was dumbfounded and began to gag.

For the existence of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Merlin was a little incomprehensible the first time he heard his rumors, and the first time he saw him.

It’s just that after coming into contact with Kitahara Baiqiu, Merlin only cared too much when he was a special being.

As a crown magician.

Merlin is a clairvoyant with excellence.

He had long seen the birth of King Arthur and the tragic fate that King Arthur would face in order to do so.

However, he did not choose to stop it.

Merlin didn’t think anything of it.

After the appearance of Kitahara White Autumn.

Things started with a huge shift. Looking at Morgan Lefey beside Kitahara Baiqiu.

His pupils shrank even more.

Morgan Lefey……… Have they all been related to this one? Messed up! Messed up!

It’s a complete mess!

“Because King Arthur was destined to cause the collapse of the entire Knights of the Round Table and the crisis of Britain in the future, right?”

Kitahara saw that Merlin was still hesitating whether to tell the truth, and said directly with a chuckle.

Morgan Lefey heard the words on the side, and his face was suddenly stunned.

I didn’t understand what Kitahara was saying.

“You know?”

Merlin’s face was also stunned, and he asked subconsciously.

Then he remembered all the magic and power of Kitahara Baiqiu, and he was not surprised at once, and he quickly continued: “Since you know, then you should understand that you can’t do this!” By doing so, you are changing the fate that Artoria should have! ”

“Why not? How has such a thing as fate changed? ”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and asked rhetorically.

Merlin’s pupils narrowed, and he took two steps back, in disbelief: “If you change Artoria’s fate, you will be eaten by fate.” ”

“The queen Altoria represents not just her, but this Britain.”

“The fate of the whole of Britain is reversed…… Not one person can afford it, and no one can do it. ”

Morgan Lefey was completely shocked to hear this. She probably understood what the two were saying.

Fate regurgitates.

And it is the fate of the whole of Britain.

Even if she knew the strength of Kitahara Baiqiu, she couldn’t help but worry about it.

“Fate regurgitates? Does no one resist living? ”

When Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, his face suddenly smiled even happier: “Trouble, that’s just right, too powerful me, I’m worried that this world can’t bring me any trouble.” ”

Merlin heard the words, and the expression on his face was stunned…

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