Chapter 276 I’m jealous, you’re responsible!!

Merlin eventually went away in a trance.

Even when he left, he still didn’t understand why you did it if you wanted to save Artoria.

That should be a better way.

For example, he took Artoria away when he did not pull out his sword in the stone.

Then find someone to pull out the sword in the stone and replace her or something.

Although it will be a bit troublesome to do so, at least not as serious as it is now.

He also wanted Artoria to be King Arthur, and wanted to change the ending and fate of King Arthur.

This is undoubtedly the most difficult.

The ending of the teenage girl Artoria may ~ can be changed. But the end of King Arthur, the end of Britain.

That’s all doomed!

Kitahara just smiled at this and didn’t explain anything to Merlin.

Not the maiden of King Arthur, is that still a maiden?

Although now may be a bit of a hassle to it.

But for Kitahara Hakuaki, the trouble is not very big.

In the type moon world.

Once the development of the world deviates from the trunk, the inhibition force will send someone to solve the problem of blocking or simply forming another parallel world.

Keep it from affecting the trunk.

And what Kitahara Hakuaki has to do is not only to change the fate of Artoria.

And it is necessary to completely lay the changed fate on the trunk.

The relationship between the northern plains of the white autumn and the inhibitory force.

Gaia and Alaya naturally did not send heroic spirits to stop Kitahara Hakuaki.

But if you want to change the trunk.

Then the impact and change of the world after it is changed.

All of them had to be carried by Kitahara Hakuaki.

All of them had to be corrected by the power of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Otherwise, face unknown consequences.

Gaia and Alaya would never agree.

This is also the Kitahara White Autumn.

Having a Terran Holy Emperor and the World Guardian Identity Tu Natural is incomparably close to Gaia Alaya.

Coupled with its own great strength.

This made Gaia Alaya agree. This is also what Merlin called fate reversal.

Change your fate without authorization.

Not only may it encounter many crown-breaking heroes, but it is also basically impossible to succeed.

Even if it is possible to succeed, you need to pay more than a star and a half.

Of course.

That’s why Merlin said that.

There was also a reason why he did not understand Kitahara Baiqiu.

“No problem? White Autumn. ”

Morgan Lefey held Kitahara Baiqiu’s hand at this moment, and the beautiful face was also a little worried.

“Of course it’s fine, it’s nothing to me, it’s a little hassle at best.”

Kitahara laughed softly.

He has a backstage, he has strength, he has a personality.

What did that mean for him? Hear the words of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Morgan Lefey was also relieved.

She heard about it.

Although there are some concerns about Kitahara Hakuaki.

But hear Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

She also still believed in Kitahara Hakuaki.

“I really didn’t expect that… Sister, Leah, she had such an ending. Morgan Lefey’s eyes were a little confused. ”

If it weren’t for listening to Kitahara Bai Qiu and Merlin talking.

She really didn’t think about it.

Artoria and her Britain, in the end, will be shattered.

Kitahara Bai Qiu’s face was a little subtle.

He looked at Morgan Lefey and spat in his heart, is it not because of you that that is the reason for this?

Although the current Morgan Lefey certainly won’t be like that.

Morgan Lefey Pendragon.

How could it not be one of the fates changed by Kitahara Hakuaki?

“Bai Qiu, you can do this for Leah’s sake…”

Morgan Lefey looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, and there was some emotion in his tone at first.

And then.

The girl soon changed her appearance.

Slowly puffing up his face, he showed an angry look and said, “I’m jealous.” ”

Morgan Lefey also directly tiptoed up, hugged Kitahara Baiqiu’s neck, and kissed Kitahara Baiqiu for a long time.

Kitahara Bai Qiu cried and laughed.

I have to say that this nun’s courage is indeed great.

Long after.

Morgan Lefey only then withdrew his mouth, but his hands still wrapped around Kitahara’s neck, and his face showed a cute look of negative anger.

“What kind of vinegar, your fate, I have not changed as well?”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and happily hugged his beloved girl in the air.

Morgan Lefey hugged Kitahara Baiqiu tightly, her face was also slightly red, and she asked curiously, “My original fate has also changed?” Is this true? So what was my original fate? Bai Qiu, is it also very miserable? ”

“Yeah, old miserable old miserable, without me, your end would be worse than Leah’s.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu nodded thoughtfully, and said with a smile in his eyes.

“Uh… It was even worse than Leah. ”

Morgan Lefey shivered for a moment, a look of fear on his face.

What does that look like?

Morgan Lefey is simply unimaginable and doesn’t want to know.

She looked at the North Plains White Autumn in front of her, and her heart was full of warmth.

But on the surface, she still pretended to be a delicate look, and said with a negative voice: “Then I don’t care, anyway, Princess Ben is jealous, so you have to be responsible for compensating Princess Ben.” ”

As he spoke, Morgan Lefey’s sparkling eyes were also bent into crescent moons, and then kissed them again.

Bold and romantic.

This is the nature of Morgan Lefey.

And the other side.

Artoria after becoming King Arthur.

It is also easy to start dealing with various troubles.

All these years of hard work to become king were not in vain, so as soon as he ascended to the throne, Artoria was enough to be called a perfect king.

Although Artoria secured the throne with your support.

But after all, it’s women, and everyone knows that if it’s just an internal challenge, you won’t care.

Naturally, during this period, knights also challenged Artoria.

However, Artoria also easily defeated many challengers in full view of everyone.

In the midst of everyone’s uproar.

Artoria was also completely conquered by all the knights.

Watch what Artoria does.

Everyone has to admit it.

This is indeed an ideal, perfect king.

The days of being king were still very tired.

Every time Artoria felt tired.

will come to your side.

Lean on your body and close your eyes.

Sometimes, I even fall asleep unconsciously.

But after every rest at your side.

As a young girl of the king, she will feel refreshed and relaxed.

Of course the girl knows it’s because of you.

Every time I smile at you, I am very dependent.

Artoria tells you.

It doesn’t matter what she will become in the future.

But in front of you, she will always be the little girl she once was.

And then………

It didn’t take long.

You see the girl bring back another girl.

Artoria tells you.

The name of the other girl was: ——— Gui Ni Wei Er Zero…

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