Chapter 278 Artoria understands people’s hearts!!

Artoria’s body and countenance.

After pulling out the sword in the stone.

So many years have passed, and it has never changed.

It was still the petite and lovely body and overly beautiful face of the original.

This is the magic contained in the sword in the stone.

Most of the knights didn’t care about it.

Because they felt that the immortal image of the king was a divine symbol.

The last one with an immortal image was you, as a Terran Saint Master.

As long as Artoria is still the good king, these are only part of her legend, and it doesn’t matter what gender is.

During this period.

Even if it is messed up now.

Merlin also kept his prophecy and took Artoria to a holy lake.

Altoria was also there by the Excailbur of the Sacred Sword given by the Elf of the Lake.

Since then, Artoria has also had two sacred swords.

Just sweep everything away in Artoria.

When Britain’s prosperity really reached its peak.

Artoria returned to the capital after a battle.

Come to you.

Silence pounced into your arms.

Rarely, there is no happy smile on the face, but a worried face.

“What’s wrong?”

You touched Artoria’s pretty blonde hair in your arms and asked softly.

“One thing, I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but people seem to be a little dissatisfied with what I’m doing.”

The maiden who is the king lies peacefully in your arms and responds softly.

Under your inquiry.

You know it from Artoria.

This time, in order to complete the battle with maximum efficiency and avoid casualties to the greatest extent possible, she could squeeze a village to prepare supplies without hesitation.

Sacrifice the innocent people of one village in exchange for the protection of ten villages or more.

As a king, Artoria’s approach was actually very reasonable, but it was resisted by many people and questioned by many knights.

Combined with Artoria’s decade-long unchanged appearance, people began to fear King Arthur’s selflessness.

This is also the origin of ‘King Arthur, who does not understand the human heart’.

After the maiden Artoria goes to sleep tired in your arms.

You also gently put down the girl.

Then walk out of the sacred place that the maiden has carved out for you in the kingdom for you

You haven’t been out of this place in years.

And not long after you walked out.

You also happened to hear Tristan, the Knight of the Round Table, saying, “King Arthur, you don’t understand the human heart.” ”

With no expression on your face, you instantly came to the Knights of the Round Table, looked at the knight Tristan and asked, “So, you know it very well?” ”

Your presence startled all the knights present.

Tristan was even more frightened and broke into a cold sweat and almost fell to the ground.

“Holy Master!”

“Holy Master!”

“Holy Master!”

Knights salute you in a hurry, their faces full of respect.

Their hearts were also shocked.

Because after Artoria became King Arthur.

It has been a long time since you have stepped out of the sacred place, and you have not appeared in the sight of everyone.

No one thought that you would show up today because of Tristan’s words.

And, noticeably, a little angry.

You looked at everyone expressionlessly and said, “I look at you, but I have been at ease for too long, and the invincible battle has made you flutter and start to get carried away?” ”

All the knights heard your words, and cold liver appeared on their foreheads.


Under the leadership of King Arthur.

Under the leadership of Artoria.

They have never lost.

In my heart, I was indeed a little overwhelmed.

“Tristan, you say that Arthur doesn’t understand the human heart, that she did something wrong, then I ask you, if it were you, what would you do?”

You looked at Tristan expressionlessly and asked.

Tristan’s face was pale, the cold sweat on his back was also rising, and he opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say.

See Tristan can’t answer.

You also answered for him with an expressionless mouth.

“The pursuit of perfection is a hero, not a king.”

“As king, Arthur must take care of the overall situation, be indecisive, and be full of kindness, is this a man who can be a king and have many kingdoms?”

“Heroes, can anyone be a hero?” Want to be a hero, that is, to gamble with everyone’s life, bet to lose, accompany you to die is one or two? By that time you are a bear! ”

“If Arthur loses the bet, will she have to pay the price, is it?” Or more villagers? ”

“Have you really been carried away by countless victories, forgetting even the nature of war, the cruelty of war?”

“Then do you remember who brought the key to victory, the basis of victory?”

The knights hear you.

One by one, they also broke down in cold sweat.

Tristan’s face was even whiter, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

“Is the village where Arthur requisitioned supplies gone?”

“Or is it that the villagers in the village were slaughtered by Arthur?”

You looked expressionlessly at all the knights kneeling before you, especially Tristan, and continued.

You know, it’s impossible for a girl to do that kind of thing.

“Don’t be here full of benevolence and morality.”

“If you really feel that the villagers are innocently exploited, come up with something to compensate them afterwards, instead of questioning Arthur here.”

“Is it true that you have all forgotten what it is like to be a people who have been bullied by the outside world?”

“What did you look like now?”

“Arthur changed all that, and to this day, he can’t even understand this simple question and question Arthur.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“Reflect on it, next time, I don’t want to see something like this happen.” Saying that, you also disappeared directly in the same place. ”

All the knights’ faces were full of shame and fear.

They almost did something wrong because they were so overwhelmed that they began to question themselves. His own king now had some happiness in his hearts in addition to shame. Thankfully, I was awakened by you before I made a mistake.

Tristan’s eyes were blank and his face was pale.

Afterwards, he also voluntarily quit the Knights of the Round Table and became a pawn

Exit the Knights of the Round Table.

It was because he felt like saying that.

He had no face left in the Knights of the Round Table.

And become a pawn.

But he also wanted to serve his king, for Artoria.

This is actually just Tristan’s inadvertent move.

Even in the original timeline, Tristan has spent the rest of his life regretting because of this brainless nonsense.

Although it was an unintentional act, it caused very serious consequences.

No heart to no heart.

But to do something wrong is to do something wrong.

The numerous knights, also silent, did not prevent Tristan’s withdrawal.

Among them, why didn’t anyone question Artoria’s approach?

It’s just that no one is like Tristan.

Everyone’s hearts were full of shame and felt that they had healed themselves as knights.


All knights.

He also came to Artoria and pleaded with his own king.

Artoria was stunned.

There are some things that she herself is actually not suitable for.

You just helped the girl say it.


Artoria’s face was full of surprise as she found you.

She knew.

It’s all because of you.

She feels incredibly happy that she can meet you.

Under the excitement.

The girl even tiptoed up and kissed you directly on the lips.

It was a maiden’s first kiss.

Now the initiative is dedicated to you.

Due to surprise, excitement, happiness and many other emotions.

Under this kiss, the girl even forgot to be shy.

You look at the happy elf-like girl, touch your lips and smile.

Who says Artoria doesn’t understand the human heart? Isn’t that understandable?

The root cause of the knights’ distrust of Artoria has been eliminated and the crisis has been touched.

Not only that.

This incident also sounded the bell for the knights, and they were more unwavering in their faith in their king than ever before.

And the fate of Morgan Lefey has been completely changed by you, and Hugh Ni Zang is also dry every day to stay by your side.

Mordred wasn’t even born, and certainly couldn’t have rebelled against his own Artoria.

Ranslot’s defection was naturally unlikely either.

Everything is starting to go for the better.

After Artoria succeeded in destroying the lowly king Vottigen.

The whole Kingdom of Britain.

It also reached a peak again.

Under the leadership of King Arthur Altoria, the Kingdom of Britain has also completely entered the middle track, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

But what worried the knights was a little worried.

Their king had no intention of choosing a mate all these years.

He also never left his own descendants.

Although Wang’s incomparably beautiful countenance had never changed from beginning to end, no one knew what the future would be like.

Have offspring, give birth to offspring.

is the foundation of a country.

It is the root of everyone’s peace of mind.


After the war.

Countless knights and ministers above the court were constantly talking.

Hopefully, Artoria will be able to choose a mate and give birth to her own cough.

Even if the next child is also a queen, it is no problem.

Artoria blushed every time and couldn’t help but think of you.

And at this very moment.

Your relationship with Princess Morgan Lefey.

It was also finally exposed.

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