Chapter 279: The Great Wedding! Marry the maiden of Kitahara Hakuaki!!

The eldest princess actually had a good relationship with the Holy Master?

This undoubtedly shook the entire Kingdom of Britain.

Not only that.

After Morgan Lefey’s relationship with you was exposed.

Everyone has learned that the relationship between Gui Ni Wei Er and you is also excellent and extremely close.

These two things.

Let the British people, who originally regarded you as God in their hearts, also found it.

Even if it’s God.

It’s not that I don’t like mortals at all.

Reach this conclusion.

All men, all knights. At this moment, it was also completely excited.


With the prestige and prestige of King Arthur Altoria, the choice of mates and the birth of a child is not only a headache for Artoria herself.

The knights are actually a headache too.

For not everyone is worthy of their king.

If the other party is too mediocre, let alone Artoria can not agree, even the knights can not agree.

Partially, throughout the Kingdom of Britain.

There was no knight who could compare with Artoria.

In the hearts of the people.

Artoria’s prestige is equal to yours.


Knowing that you will also like human maidens, how can you not surprise the knights and ministers.

Since he was able to accept his sister Morgan Lefey.

So, will sister Artoria refuse? Those are the descendants of kings and holy teachers!

Guan is thinking about it, and you can imagine what a great existence that must be! One thought of the possibility of the union of two of the most exalted positions in the whole country to produce offspring.

And how can we not make people happy? How not to make a knight happy?

All the knights know that their own king, but they have always been very fond of the Holy Master and have devoted themselves to the Holy Master.

The Holy Master also seemed to be very fond of his own king.

Nothing else.

Isn’t this a love story that can be sung and wept? Artoria was also forcibly pushed in front of you in the anticipation of all.

“That, Teacher Bai Qiu, what should I do now?”

Artoria’s face was full of redness, and she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu in front of her, and her eyes were a little evasive.

“What do you say? My lovely Majesty the Queen. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Artoria’s cute appearance, and also pinched her face and couldn’t help but smile.

The last time I kissed Kitahara Hakuaki, I didn’t react at the time, and Altoria, who reacted afterwards, was shy.

Even because of his shyness, he did not go to find Kitahara Baiqiu for a while.

Now as king, he is forced to marry all his men and knights.

Even if the other party is the object of their choice, it is really difficult for the girl.


“Don’t think I don’t know, I and Morgan Lefey, but you’ve exposed Oh, Leah.”

Kitahara pinched Artoria’s face and couldn’t help but smile and say yes, his relationship with Morgan Lefe.

It was Her Majesty the Queen in front of her who spread the news herself.

“Uh-huh… This, this can’t be entirely blamed on me! ”

“Hmm, who called my sister so annoying, since I was looking for me to show off every day, I didn’t know what it meant before, and later, I knew, can I not be angry?”

“Nasty sister! Dislike! Dislike! Dislike! ”

Artoria had no image of a king at all in front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Instead, she was like a real girl, her face full of angry and jealous expressions.

But it does.

As Artoria’s older sister, Morgan Lefey likes to bully and tease her sister.

In the matter of bullying Altoria, it can be said that it is bad, and it cannot be completely blamed on Altoria.

“What about Guiniway?” People haven’t offended you, have they? ”

“Also, didn’t you spread the news that King Arthur and the Master were born together?”

Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but smile and shake his head.

All of this is the girl’s self-directed and self-acting under the stimulation of Morgan Lefey.

As for the purpose of self-directed and self-acting……… It also goes without saying.

“Teacher Bai Qiu, do you even know this?”

Artoria’s eyes widened, and there was something unbelievable in her tone.


Artoria only felt a fever on her face, and the red could not be red.

If this kind of thing is exposed and known by the parties, it is really embarrassing, ah, this is just a little trick for her as a king……… What’s not to like.

She this……… Isn’t she also afraid that Kitahara Baiqiu accepted her sister, but she didn’t want to accept her?

On this point.

This legendary, heroic and sassy king was very worried in his heart.

All in all, let’s apologize.

“Yes, I’m sorry, Teacher Bai Qiu.”

Artoria bowed her head and whispered to Kitahara Hakuaki.

“I’m sorry and I’m all right?” If an apology is useful, what else do you need to look into? ”

Kitahara shook his head and said with a smile on his face.

The police?

Artoria’s face was a little confused, not knowing what Kitahara Hakuaki was saying, but she could hear that Kitahara Hakuaki did not forgive herself.

Suddenly, he also asked timidly.

“So, what do you want to do with Teacher Bai Qiu?”

“Thoughts? Of course it was the punishment of Leah. ”

“How, how to punish?”

“Just punish Leah for marrying me, and be with me forever in the future.”

Artoria was stunned.

Then, a look of surprise and happiness suddenly appeared on his face.

She directly excitedly hugged the Kitahara Baiqiu in front of her, tears in the corners of her eyes, and said loudly: “Hmm! I accept such a punishment! In the future, I will definitely accompany Bai Qiu for a lifetime! Forever and ever! ”

Just like my own sister.

Artoria also removed the title of teacher………………………………

After the news of the imminent marriage of the Holy Master and the King spread.

The whole Kingdom of Britain is also cheered by the whole country.

All of them had enthusiastic expressions on their faces.

All the knights and ministers were full of vitality at this moment.

The day of your wedding to Artoria was set soon.

This is the auspicious day of the zodiac chosen for you by all.

Except for Artoria.

Naturally, the wedding also included Morgan Lefey.

As someone close to you.

The two sisters were married at the same time.

No one felt anything wrong.

Morgan Lefey looked at you with a happy smile on his face.

On this day, she fantasized about how long it had been.

Although there was a nasty sister besides her, this was also expected by Morgan Lefey, so she didn’t care.

The key is to marry you and tell the world about your relationship.

And Guinifer after learning the news.

He even ran to the court of the Kingdom of Britain to make a big fuss, clamoring to marry you.

Say that I like you for a long time, and now that you are old, you can’t get married quickly, so you must also add her name to this wedding.

Merlin, who was in charge of the wedding, was sweating profusely and had no idea what to do.

You look at the beautiful and beautiful girl who is just in her early twenties and says that she is old and can’t get married, and her face is crying and smiling.


With your consent.

Merlin also added Guiniway’s name to the bride column.

The former Liao Dekuan King was almost fainting from this happiness.

He had originally sent his daughter to Artoria in order to make her close to Artoria, who was destined to become king.

But I didn’t expect it.

Now there is such a big guard.

That is the Holy Master, and how can it not be exciting that the daughter has received the love of the Holy Master?

As the days go by.

The wedding date of your wedding with Morgan Lefey, Guillaume, and Altoria is also getting closer and closer.

This wedding is not a child’s play, and the steps of etiquette are cumbersome and complicated.

Whether it’s Morgan Lefey, Guillaude or Atoria.

They were all forcibly pulled to familiarize themselves with the major steps of the wedding in case something went wrong on the wedding day

As for you, you are omnipotent in the eyes of everyone, and everyone is convinced that this is only a small thing for you, and naturally does not ask you to learn these things.

Every day, the three young girls look like they have no love.

Seeing you leisurely and leisurely smiling and admiring their appearance, I only think it is more unlovable.

They can’t blame these people yet, because they are also thinking about the whole of Britain.

Even if they are princesses, queens, they have to accept them.

It is precisely because they are princesses, queens, that they understand this matter more naturally.

In this case.

Finally, the big wedding is also a complete arrival.

When the news of the big wedding came out, the entire Kingdom of Britain was celebrating it, and the whole world was celebrating.

In order to celebrate, Artoria also decreed a general amnesty for the world, the reduction of taxes and the joy of the people.

After all the bustling etiquette. You have also officially become husband and wife.

Of course.

Husband and wife belong to husband and wife.

In fact, the essence is not too much of a name.

King Arthur or King Arthur.

And you are also a holy teacher.

The feast ended and the courtiers withdrew.

You and Artoria hold hands and walk together to the direction of the palace.

The girl was undoubtedly very nervous.

“I’ll help you fulfill your wishes, you give me everything you have, and the contract is done, Leah.”

“Huh? What are you talking about? White Autumn? ”

“Later… You’ll know. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu did not explain, but directly kissed it.

He wouldn’t estimate anything.

Nor will there be fear of changing anything.

Directly signed an eternal contract with the beautiful and beautiful girl in front of him.

The consequences of this, everything like this, he will all bear the knot.

Day 2.

Kitahara Baiqiu also went to Morgan Lefey, and after the two were already extremely familiar with each other and smiled, naturally there was no need to say anything more.

Day 3.

Kitahara Baiqiu went to Gui Ni Wei’er.

This troublesome court is also going to marry the young girl of the Northern Plains White Autumn, and she is also very nervous at this moment.

However, she also accepted everything about Kitahara Hakuaki…

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