Chapter 280 with Artoria’s Child! Mordred!!

After the big wedding.

All the knights, ministers, and people of the Kingdom of Britain were also at peace at this moment.

The king had his own object.

And the other party is still as noble as her, so that everyone can accept that you are undoubtedly the best ending.

Next, they just need to wait for the king to get pregnant. A child of the noblest and most sacred lineage was born. That would surely become the next king of the Kingdom of Britain.

That’s it.

They will not fear that one day the kingdom will collapse and lose all its glory and wealth.

Even many people still think.

If it was a child born to the Holy Master and Princess Morgan Lefey, it would not be impossible for Guillaume.

Because of Artoria’s relationship, everyone may not be able to accept it.

But Princess Morgan Lefe.

That’s totally fine.

Because she and Artoria represent the bloodline of the Pendragon family.

For a kingdom.

Compared to the king’s battle for the throne caused by too many heirs born.

They were more afraid that the king had not left any heirs.

Of course, what these people don’t know is that they are simply thinking too much.

All three young girls have undoubtedly signed a contract with you.

It is extremely difficult for you to have children born naturally. And whether or not to give birth to an heir, you can feel at any time.

Just like Morgan Lefey did.

Artoria and Guinifer, who had signed a contract with you, were shocked and did not expect it.

Just by being with you, you can gain so much power on your own.

This force is undoubtedly beyond their imagination.

They can’t imagine what kind of existence you really have the power to be.

At the same time, their mood is also like the original Morgan Lefey, very happy to be with you.

Artoria, who married you and gave everything to you, was undoubtedly much bolder in front of you.

After getting this power, she also jokingly complained to you, why don’t you give this power to her in the first place, if you have this power in the beginning, she absolutely can’t work so hard for so many years.

“So Artoria, who had such great power in the beginning, or Artoria now?”

You smile.

The same is how to ask Artoria.

Artoria froze for a moment, she didn’t speak, just smiled, closed her eyes and leaned happily into your arms.

No doubt, it won’t be.

Artoria just said that she never regretted her experience over the years, nor did she regret that she had become what she is now.

After you get married.

Merlin looked at the British kingdom that should have perished at this moment, and it was still as prosperous as ever, and it could even be said to have reached an unprecedented peak.

There was also some confusion in his eyes.

Eventually, under many considerations, he asked Artoria to resign.

As a teacher who had been teaching her since childhood, Artoria was very puzzled by Merlin’s resignation, and wanted to keep him, so she asked him why he was leaving.

Merlin’s eyes were extremely complex.

He glanced at Artoria, at the Kingdom of Britain today, and finally in your direction.

He opened his mouth.

In the end, he still didn’t say anything, shook his head and left.

Merlin’s will was decided.

Altoria ultimately failed to keep Merlin.

However, this also planted the seeds of doubt in Artoria’s heart.

After Merlin left.

The Kingdom of Britain was as thriving as ever in Artoria’s hands.

She was an extremely wise king.

Artoria was also very satisfied to look at the bustling kingdom in front of her.

The only pity is.

As you might expect, Artoria’s stomach has not been moving.

Until one day.

There was a loud noise from where you lived, and Queenie, Morgan Lefeld, and Atoria rushed over at the first time.

Watching your house suddenly collapse, you walked out of the room in embarrassment with a look of surprise on your face.

The collapse of the house was a very small thing.

But it’s your house collapsing, and it’s a bit unbelievable. The three daughters were undoubtedly not full of anxiety, concern and asked you what had happened. You say no doubt that everything is fine, but you are not careful to control the power.

Such a statement made the three daughters more suspicious and worried.

Didn’t control the power well……… It’s also unbelievable to be in you.

Morgan Lefey suddenly thought of what Merlin had said about fate.

Hurry to ask you…

“Bai Qiu, is it the anti-devouring of fate?!!”

Morgan Lefey’s face was full of worry, and he walked up to you, took your hand and asked.

“Ah, yes, I underestimated it, but the problem is not big.”

Kitahara laughed twice.

In the face of Morgan Lefey’s answer, he also spoke.

It is indeed a bit underestimated.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not expect that this thing would be so difficult.

Like a big mountain, it kept pressing down on him.

That’s not to say how strong it is.

Rather, this is nothing at all for Bihara Baiqiu.

If Kitahara Baiqiu wanted to put this mountain down, or crush it, he could easily do it.

It’s just that he can’t do this, and once he does, many of the consequences caused by it can be borne by the Moon World.

Gaia and Alaya, the two little ones, trust him to agree to let him change Altoria’s fate.

He couldn’t betray the trust of those two little guys. All Kitahara White Autumn can only choose to carry this big mountain.

One thing Merlin actually got wrong.

The change in the fate of King Arthur Artoria involved the fate of the entire Kingdom of Britain.

It means that to save Artoria is to bear the fate of the entire Kingdom of Britain, but the fate of the Kingdom of Britain has changed.

In fact, it also affects the whole world! All, not exaggeration.

For Artoria.

Kitahara White Autumn is burdened with the fate of the whole world.

And the key point is.

The Kingdom of Britain existed for one more moment.

The fate that Kitahara Hakuaki had to bear would be aggravated by one point.

“The regurgitation of fate? What is that? ”

Artoria and Guillaude were stunned, and the two looked at each other and asked incomprehensibly.

Looking at Altoria with a puzzled face.

Morgan Lefey was inexplicably angry.

And then told Artoria all the truth!

When Artoria heard all the truth, the whole person was stunned again.

“My destiny… The fate of Britain……… Originally, it was like this, Bai Qiu for me…”

“I would have been… It would be……”

Gui Ni Wei Er was also stunned at this moment.

The two young girls looked at Kitahara Baiqiu in disbelief at this moment.

In their eyes, they are undoubtedly full of touch, tearful tears, and love is almost all about to pour out.

“Hey, what are you doing, it’s really just a small thing for me, you’re exaggerating.”

Kitahara Baiqiu cried and laughed, and said to the two girls.

Indeed, although it is a bit of an exaggeration to bear the fate of the entire world, it is not impossible to cope with the Northern Plains White Autumn.

It’s really that point, and nothing else.

Gaia and Alaya couldn’t resist coming to him.

“It was just a small thing, and I had never seen a teacher like you.”

Artoria rushed up and hugged Kitahara Hakuaki and said in a weeping tone.

Because of the excitement, she called out the teacher who had not shouted for a long time.

At this moment, she also finally understood.

Why did Teacher Merlin look at Britain before leaving, and look at the place where the North Plains White Autumn lived, her eyes were full of complexity.

Teacher Merlin must have known about this matter and would have chosen to leave.

But even when he left, he didn’t tell her the truth.

It is now known to Artoria about this.

At this moment, Gui Niwei also silently stepped forward to hug Kitahara Baiqiu, and tears continued to silently leave on her cheeks.

“Bai Qiu, you tell us what to do to end all this.” Artoria asked at this moment, her eyes filled with determination. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was also a little stunned, and he said, “Are you sure Leah?” If that’s the case, you may not be the queen of Britain, Britain has left you, and fate will become confused again. ”

“I’m sure.”

Artoria’s eyes were full of determination.

“No regrets?”

Kitahara asked again.

“Absolutely no regrets!”

Artoria said again.

All she could do for Britain was done.

What happens next to Britain is up to it.

Regret, what does she have to regret?

As a king, she thought she had done a good job.

What she did for Britain, calling it a legend, is no problem.

Kitahara looked at Artoria and smiled on his face.

The girl has really changed.

Once she was willing to give up everything she had for the sake of the Kingdom of Britain. Now she was willing to let Britain fall into bed again for his sake.

Say it’s unknown.

But in fact, no dynasty can survive the test of time.

Not to mention the demise of the Kingdom of Britain.

King Arthur Artoria was naturally fine when he was there.

But if Artoria is gone, there is undoubtedly only one end waiting for the Kingdom of Britain.

“Well, I told you it wasn’t that serious, and that’s not comforting to you, at least not at all.”

Kitahara laughed lightly and continued.

“It’s no exaggeration to say that even if Leah wants to be queen for ten thousand years, I have no problem.”

“I don’t want to be the queen for ten thousand years.”

“Yes and yes, but at least we have to leave a child for Britain before we leave.”


And so it is, under your deliberate guidance.

You and Altoria’s children.

Mordred. It was also born.

The birth of the little princess.

The whole of Britain was thrown into cheers.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

The little princess Mordred will become a wise king like her mother in the future. Under the watchful eye of you, Altoria, Morgan Lefeld, and Guillaume.

Mordred also spent a happy childhood…

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