Chapter 284: Sakura Tosaka who ran away from home! Take in!!

There is still a long way to go before the start of the Holy Grail War.

Kitahara Hakuaki brought Alice Phil in advance, the purpose of Ilya’s mother and daughter.

Naturally, I also want to accompany them to play in Winterwood City.

Both girls were not very old.

Even as a mother, Alice, who looks noble and mature, is actually not much older than her real age.

Alice Phil, who has been locked up in the castle of Einz Belen since she was a child, is also very new to everything in the outside world.

Kitahara Hakuaki, as a husband, naturally satisfies all the nonsense of his wife and daughter.

In the eyes of all.

They are all handsome fathers, beautiful mothers, and lovely and happy daughters.

And that’s exactly what it is.

Alice Fell felt like she was going crazy.

As a reward, she also gave her beloved husband an unknown number of fragrant kisses, and how many benefits she gave her husband at night………

Looking at the intimate appearance of the two people.

Sometimes Ilia really thinks that she will not be a drag oil bottle.

But that’s okay.

When you grow up, it will definitely be different.

Dad still likes himself very much.

Ilia cheered herself up internally. Meanwhile. The other side.

The Tosaka family.

Tosaka Tokitomi has been very happy to learn that the Kirito family is willing to adopt a child.

In the end, he decided to pass his youngest daughter Tosaka Sakura to the Kirito family

But because of his wife’s reluctance.

The eldest daughter, Rin Tosaka, strongly objected.

And the younger daughter Sakura Tosaka looked at the stranger and looked at him.

In the end, he also used the excuse that the child was still young and his wife was reluctant to have children.

Stayed for Sakura Tosaka for a while.

What makes Tosaka Tokitomi happy.

Jian Tong was really very good at talking and agreed to his request.

What a nice guy.

In the future, if Sakura passes by, he can rest assured.

In this regard, Tosaka Toshitomi also sighed in his heart.

However, even if it is delayed.

The agreement between Tosaka Tokito and Kirito could only be postponed until the beginning of the Holy Grail War.

Although Tosaka Sakura slipped away temporarily, she must still go. The atmosphere at home has become completely different from before.

Sakura Tosaka no longer calls Tosaka Tomotomo her father.

Tosaka Rin didn’t look good about his father either. Even Aoi Tosaka often had a grudging smile on his face.

Although she was able to understand Tosaka Tokitomi’s grievances.

However, this does not mean.

She was able to accept separation from her own daughter.

Pass on to the Kirito family, who knows how Sakura will live in the future? Who knows what the Kirito family will do to Sakura?

You know, in the magic world, you can be regarded as no good person.

This kind of thing as a good person is completely unrelated to the magic world, and it can be said that it is rare

As a magic family, how can the Kirito family be simple.

As the time of the Holy Grail War draws nearer.

The day of Sakura’s departure is also getting closer and closer.

Aoi Tosaka weeps every day, and she and Tosaka Rin cherish their last time with Sakura Tosaka.

Late one night, Sakura Tosaka opened her eyes.

Reluctantly, he glanced at his sister and mother.

She also decided to run away from home.

For the Kirito family.

In Sakura’s heart, there has always been a feeling of resistance.

It was as if if if she had arrived at Kirito’s house, she would have encountered something that she would not have.

Sakura Tosaka knew.

Even if he opposed, Tosaka Toshitomi would still send her to the Kirito family because her sister Tosaka Rin had already helped her……… Even for this and Tosaka Shimoto

Had a fight.

But it didn’t help.

So why didn’t she run away from home? Tosaka Tokimori is not at home today.

It was getting closer and closer to her time to go to the Kirito’s house.

It was her last chance.

Took some of my own things.

Sakura Tosaka carefully walked out of the Tosaka family, and finally took a deep look at the Tosaka family, and finally decided to leave.

The dark night was very silent.

It was a feeling of loneliness in the whole world as if you were the only one left.

Sakura Tosaka’s small body walked in the middle of this night.

His eyes were in a trance, and he accidentally fell.

The clothes on his body were already dirty, and his knees and arms were accidentally brushed and skinned, and there was blood flowing out.

A child’s body is incredibly fragile.

Sakura Tosaka could naturally feel the fiery pain coming from the wound.

But she still got up strong and continued to walk.

Her small figure heard a choking sound, and then the choking sound slowly turned into a cry, and finally it was even more crying.

She didn’t really know where she should go, she had nowhere to go. However, Tosaka Tokitomi didn’t want her anymore, and she really didn’t want to go to the Kirito house.

That’s it.

Finally crying tired, also walking tired of Tosaka Sakura.

Under a bridge, I found a place to sleep deeply.

It was close to October, and the night was already a little cold.

Sakura Tosaka was sleeping, and her small body also shrunk into a ball.

Until the next day.

The sun shone on Sakura Tosaka’s face.

Let her eyelids touch lightly, and consciousness began to slowly return, and there were signs of awakening.

It was as if she heard someone speaking in her ear.

“Bai Qiu, Bai Qiu, you say, why does this little girl sleep under the bridge?”

“The amount…… Maybe there are some reasons, right? ”

“What reason could such a little girl sleep under the bridge?” What about her parents! That’s disgusting! ”

“There is indeed something hateful, and when I find the child’s parents later, I will definitely teach him a lesson, well, Ellie, don’t be angry, it’s not good to be angry.”

Hear the conversation between the two.

Sakura Tosaka slowly opened her eyes.

When everything in front of her eyes appeared in front of her eyes.

Tosaka Sakura also found that at this moment, she was no longer sleeping under the bridge hole but was in a strange room.

Looking around, Sakura Tosaka also found that this room also looked extremely luxurious.

Thinking of something, Tosaka Sakura subconsciously raised her hand again and looked at it.

She found that the wounds on her body had also healed.

In the end, Sakura Tosaka also saw an incomparably handsome teenager and an incomparably beautiful young girl.

Sakura Tosaka’s eyes were also full of confusion.


And at this very moment.

Kitahara Hakuaki also seemed to notice the awakening of Tosaka Sakura, came to her and smiled and said, “My name is Kitahara Hakuaki, how do you feel, okay?” ”

What a kind person………

As Lori’s Tosaka Sakura, seeing Kitahara Hakuaki’s first glance, she couldn’t help but feel her heart beating faster, and she couldn’t help but think in her heart.

Have you met well-meaning people?

“That… That one……… Hello Brother Bai Qiu, my name is Sakura…”

The glutinous loli sound also came from Sakura Tosaka’s mouth.

Sakura Tosaka has short black hair and emerald green eyes.

A delicate little face, because of some nervousness even seems embarrassed and afraid.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the little girl in front of him and smiled slightly.

Naturally, he recognized the little girl.

Except for some differences in hair color and memory, other aspects, it can be said that it is exactly the same.

However, what made Kitahara Baiqiu a little puzzled was that.

Now the little girl.

Shouldn’t you still live happily in the Tosaka family? Why did you suddenly appear under that bridge hole?

As Tosaka Sakura, who is the key to Tosaka’s wishes, Kitahara Hakuaki has been preparing to solve her affairs in the past few days.


He hadn’t waited for action.

Tosaka Sakura herself, took the initiative to send it to the door?

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