Chapter 285: The relationship is really messy! Missing Sakura Tosaka!!

In fact, it is not quite correct to say that Tosaka Sakura sent it to the door herself.

Kitahara White Autumn is just a night when he accompanies Alice Phil to race a car.

I happened to find Tosaka Sakura under the bridge hole.

Then she silently brought her back home.

Sakura Tosaka’s pitiful appearance at first.

I guess anyone will be very angry no matter who looks at it.

Although I don’t know why Sakura Tosaka is in that place at this time.

But inevitably, Kitahara Bai Qiu was a little angry.

However, there was a girl next to him, Alice Phil, who was even angrier than him, which made him put his anger down a little.

“Sakura? Sakura? My name is Alice Field, and I am Bai Qiu’s wife. ”

“Why did you sleep in that place?”

“No, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it, if you want, you can live in our house, oh, our house is quite big.”

Alice Fil looked at Sakura Tosaka with a dull expression on her face due to her question, and quickly changed her speech.

Tosaka Sakura naturally didn’t want to say it, her face was very sad.

She was sure she had met a good man.

But she didn’t think of anything about it.

Kitahara and Alice Phil turned out to be husband and wife.

Sakura Tosaka glanced at the two of them.

In my heart, I feel that the two are indeed quite compatible.

For Alice Phil’s retention, Sakura Tosaka also did not know whether to agree.

She subconsciously looked at Kitahara Baiqiu.

In this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu smiled at her slightly, and naturally said: “If you want to stay, stay, after all, even if you leave, Ai Li and I will not be relieved, right?” ”

“If you don’t mind, we’ll be able to raise you as our own daughter in the future.”

“If your parents dare to come to you, as long as you don’t agree, no one can take you away from us.”

Alice Fell nodded her head in agreement at this moment, “Well, it is better to say that if your parents dare to find out, we will definitely teach them a lesson to teach them to be angry with you Oh Sakura.” ”

Sakura Tosaka’s face was slightly red.

With his head bowed, he whispered something.

“What are you talking about, Sakura?”

Alice Phil didn’t hear clearly, some curious question-and-answer.

Then Sakura Tosaka spoke again, “I, I don’t want to be your daughter.” ”

Tosaka’s face turned red.

She looked at Alice Fall and Kitahara Hakuaki as they looked young.

Especially Kitahara White Autumn.

It was unbelievable to see that he was already married.

But how could this be possible for Sakura Tosaka to call out to his father?

Obviously it seems…… At most a dozen years older than her.

“Huh? Sakura this, rejected us? ”

Alice Fell heard Sakura Tosaka’s answer, and the whole person was struck by lightning, and she couldn’t help but ask pitifully.

“No, I didn’t…”

Tosaka Sakura looked at the cute lady and was also a little flustered, and she didn’t know how to comfort the adults at a young age.

Kitahara Baiqiu also smiled at the side and continued: “Then whatever you want to call it, as long as you stay, don’t say anything else, let someone be anxious, it is also very good, isn’t it?” ”


Sakura Tosaka nodded slightly.

Then she looked at Kitahara and Alice Phil and said, “Thank you Brother Baiqiu, thank you Sister Ellie.” ”

“Wow, it turns out that the refusal is not to be our daughter, not to leave.”

Alice Phil also understood at this moment, and suddenly hugged the cute Sakura Tosaka intimately and said, “Yes, brothers and sisters are also okay.” ”

Alice Phil’s beautiful face was full of happy smiles.

Sakura Tosaka was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of Alice Phil.

But I have to say.

Sakura Tosaka felt very lucky.

“Huh? Wait a minute! ”

At this moment, Ilya also rushed in directly, pointing at Sakura Tosaka in disbelief and saying, “Mom and Dad, if she calls your brothers and sisters, what should I do?!” Ilia was indeed a little confused. ”

If Sakura Tosaka is called Brother Hakuaki Kitahara, what about her? Sakura Sakasaka looks about the same age as her, right?

Sakura Tosaka saw Ilya, and the expression on her face was also stunned.

She didn’t expect…

Kitahara Bai Qiuming looked so young, even if he got married, he even had such a big daughter.

Even Sakura Tosaka.

At this moment, when I saw Ilya, I felt a little dizzy in my heart.

Could it be that…

Brother Bai Qiu and Sister Ellie are not as young as they seem? In this regard, Sakura Tosaka really did not guess wrong.

Kitahara White Autumn is indeed not as young as it seems.

But Alice Phil, who looks more mature and noble, is much younger than she seems.

“Well, you have your own opinions.”

For Ilya’s question, Kitahara Bai Qiu Fu E, also opened his mouth.

And the other side.

The Tosaka family.

“What! You said Sakura is gone? ”

Jian Tong looked at Tosaka Shichen in front of him, and his face also directly darkened:

“Tosaka Shimo, shouldn’t you have made such an excuse to regret it?”

“No, no, it is true that the little girl Sakura is gone……”

Tosaka Shimoto’s face was full of bitter smiles, and he explained.

He didn’t think of it at all.

Sakura would choose to run away from home in order not to go to Kiri’s house.

The daughter behaved so resistant to the Kirito family.

Causing Tosaka Toho to wonder if he had done something wrong. But this little wavering, he also quickly firmed up.

No, he couldn’t have done anything wrong.

For magicians, wasting such a good magic talent is the real mistake.

However, the Holy Grail War is imminent.

The disappearance of Sakura Tosaka did catch Tosaka by surprise.

The other daughter, Tosaka, looked at him with a look that was not father or daughter at all, but full of hatred.

Even his wife, Aoi Tosaka, was deeply shocked and locked herself in her room………

“If it’s gone, go find it!” I’ll tell you Tosaka Toho! Before the Holy Grail War began, I had to see that child. ”

Kirito looked angrily at Tosaka Tokito.

From Tosaka’s performance, he could see that Tosaka was not lying.

But it was also because of this, he was even more angry.

In the end, Tosaka Totomoto was only to this extent, and he still looked up to him before.

Kirito was not worried that Tosaka would not be able to find Tosaka Sakura.

He was worried about something else.

The Holy Grail War is approaching.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a child as young as Sakura Tosaka ran out and was killed.

If Sakura Tosaka was really killed, would what he did during this time still make sense?

After saying that, Jian Tong also glanced at Tosaka Shichen and then left directly.

Tosaka’s face was full of bitter smiles.

Jian Tong could think of it, and he could naturally think of it.

So at the moment he.

Also very anxious ah…

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