Chapter 289 Your answer makes me very dissatisfied!!

Sakura Tosaka and Aoi Tosaka were also stunned at this moment, and their faces were full of surprise as they looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

“You, you actually destroyed the Kirito family?!!”

Tosaka Toshitomi was also incredulous and couldn’t help but take two steps back.

As one of the three royal families.

The Kirito family is not a cat or a dog.

The result was so easily extinguished, and there was no movement.

It’s simply unbelievable.

Tosaka Shimoto could guess that Kitahara Hakuaki might not be simple, but he did not expect that Kitahara Hakuaki was not so simple.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Tosaka Shichen thought in his heart, cold sweat came out of his forehead.

He did not doubt the veracity of the matter.

Because if it is a lie, this kind of thing is simply broken at the touch of a touch, and there is no need to lie at all.

But that’s exactly what happened.

It would make Tosaka even more shocked.

Logically, it is a happy thing to have a being stronger than the Kirito family who is willing to adopt Sakura Tosaka.


For the Kirito family, Tosaka Tomoto knows very well.

Knowing that if Tosaka Sakura passed on to the past, he would inevitably accept the magic path of the Kirito family.

As for Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

He didn’t understand it at all.

If it’s really just a simple attempt to adopt Sakura Tosaka, and waste Sakura Tosaka’s magic talent.

How could Tosaka agree! For Tosaka’s thoughts.

Kitahara White Autumn can naturally see through it.

Magic way, magic way.

To tell the truth, in the Moon World, the battle of the Demon Dao is indeed everywhere.

It is not uncommon for siblings to kill each other for the sake of inheritance.

This is also the root cause of Sakura Tosaka’s going to the Kiritsugu family.

“Is this the end of the Fa?”

Kitahara shook his head, sighed in his heart, and spoke.

“Tosaka Tokitomi, you think it’s a good thing to send Sakura to the Kirito family, but is that really a good thing?”

“Have you ever thought that maybe Sakura doesn’t want to leave the Tosaka family for the so-called magic way, as long as she can stay in the Tosaka family, she would rather be an ordinary person herself.”

This kind of thing as the Demon Dao is indeed something that mortals dream of.

Most magicians see it as more important than their own lives.

However, there are always a few alternatives on the mysterious side, who feel that family and friends are more important than the so-called magic way.

And Sakura Tosaka is undoubtedly like this.

With her well-behaved, sensible, and obedient nature.

In front of her family and the magic way, she will undoubtedly choose her family without hesitation.

In the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu.

This kind of alternative is actually normal.

Most of the magicians like Tosaka Tokitoshi were a bit demonic.

“With a talent beyond the imagination of ordinary people, how can you just be an ordinary person!” Nature is to go to the magic path and not waste your talent! ”

In this regard, Tosaka Toshitomi said without hesitation.

Sakura Tosaka on the side heard the words, and her eyes were full of darkness.

“Then have you ever thought about whether it was right for you to send Sakura to the Kirito’s house, and have you ever thought about what Sakura will experience in the Kirito’s house?”

Kitahara Shiraaki looked at Tosaka Shichizen expressionlessly.

“On this road, there will always be something to pay, some price, as long as you can succeed, and even reach the root, then everything is worth it!” 」

Tosaka Shichen’s face was full of heat, and he said without any scruples. Roots, this is the lifelong pursuit of all magicians.

Kitahara Bai Qiu sighed, he had nothing to say.

He decided to let Tosaka Shichen take a direct look and see what Tosaka Sakura would experience when she arrived at the Kirito family!

Kitahara Shiraaki looked at Sakura Tosaka on the side and said softly, “Sakura, you took your mother and Rin with you…”


Sakura Tosaka refused without hesitation, she looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and said, “Brother Hakuaki, I want to stay too, stay and know everything.” ”

“That’s pretty scary, just like before, it might frighten you.”

Bihara said softly.

“It doesn’t matter! With Brother Bai Qiu here, I will be very strong. ”

Sakura Tosaka shook her head and said seriously.

Kitahara Shiraaki looked at Sakura Tosaka and was not persuading.

He looked at Aoi Tosaka and Rin Tosaka and subconsciously said, “You two…”

“Please let me know everything, sir, you’re in trouble.”

Aoi Tosaka respectfully said with a pleading face full of pleading after bowing down to Kitahara Hakuaki.

“I, I… Sakura is not afraid and I am not afraid! ”

The same little Lolita Tosaka Rin looked at Aoi Tosaka at this moment, looked at Sakura Tosaka again, closed her eyes and said strongly.

“All right.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the attitude of the two people, and naturally no longer persuaded each other.

He looked at Tosaka with no expression on his face, and for this guy, he had promised Alice Fell to teach him a lesson.

“What are you going to do?”

Tosaka Tokito’s face was full of vigilance, and he looked at Kitahara Shiraaki and asked.

“Don’t dare to do anything, just let you see it with your own eyes.”

Kitahara Baiqiu was expressionless, and then he casually brushed his hand.

The surrounding scene directly produced drastic changes.

At this moment, the Tosaka family slowly disappeared from sight, and all of them also came to a familiar place.

A Kirito.

This is not the real world.

It is an illusion created by Kitahara Baiqiu.

However, whether it is from the touch and feel, it is no different from the real world for Kitahara Baiqiu to be able to do this.

Tosaka’s pupils were also constricted, and his heart was full of panic.


At this moment, Tosaka’s frightened voice also sounded directly.

Insect……! A lot of worms!!!

Tosaka looked around and grabbed his mother’s arm tightly, and the whole person was trembling.

Even Sakura Tosaka, who had already seen it once, was pale at this moment.

As a mother, Aoi Tosaka hugged her two children tightly, her eyes full of terror and her face full of fear.

When was she.

I’ve seen such a horrible scene.

For the three of them, Kitahara Baiqiu looked at them.

Around them, a golden light also appeared, protecting them.

All the bugs did not dare to approach and consciously avoided the three women.

As for the others, Bihara Baiqiu did not do it.

Since you want to understand the truth of everything, you naturally must also have the consciousness to accept all cruel realities.

“Tosaka Tokiyoshi, you should be no stranger to this place, right?” Do you want me to tell you where this is? ”

Kitahara asked as he looked at Tosaka.

Tosaka glanced around, with a bitter smile on his face, and said, “I know, this is the Kirito family.” ”

“Yes, that’s right, this is the Kirito family.”

Kitahara glanced at the terrifying insects around him and gestured, “Then do you know what Sakura will face if you send Sakura to Kirito House?” ”

Tosaka heard the words, and also looked around, silent.

Both Aoi Tosaka and Tosaka’s pupils shrank violently.

Look at the dense horror bugs in front of you.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the Demon Abyss.

If Sakura Tosaka came here, what would she experience, would it be said? Originally, the two actually did not know the situation of the Kirito family.

Especially Aoi Tosaka.

She knew that Tosaka Toshitomi wanted to pass Sakura to the Kirito family in order not to waste Tosaka Sakura’s magical talents.

But she had no idea about the situation of the Kirito family.

Therefore, although his heart was uncomfortable, this did not stop Tosaka Shichen.

This was the case if she knew that this was the case for the Kirito family.

She was absolutely desperate to stop Tosaka Tokito.

Who is a mother who will push her daughter into the abyss?

“It’s all worth it for the sake of the devil.”

Tosaka looked around, and after a moment of silence, he finally replied in a deep voice———!!!

However, at the moment when Tosaka Toshitomi answered.

His body flew straight out, his stomach was hit hard, his face was distorted, and he immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

“I am very dissatisfied with your answer.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu didn’t seem to have done anything, looked at Tosaka Shimoto, and said lightly.

Then he waved his hand again.

The surrounding scene suddenly changed again.

Sakura Tosaka’s pupils shrank when she saw the new scene.

Because she saw.

Myself……… It was lying in the middle of the terrible worm cave that made people’s scalps tingle and their scalps tingle.

Countless insects, as if covering their whole body, are crawling towards their own bodies, their own bodies………

Sakura Tosaka’s face was pale, her whole body was trembling, and she held her mother’s hand tightly.

“This is something that Sakura would face if I hadn’t appeared, Tosaka Tokitomi, how do you feel?”

Kitahara Shiroki came to the fallen Tosaka Shichen and stepped on him and asked.

Hear the words of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Tosaka Tokiho hadn’t spoken back yet.

Aoi Tosaka and Rin Tosaka felt like they were going to suffocate.

Tosaka looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief, and just by looking at it, she felt her scalp tingle and disgusting.

However, is this something that her sister Sakura Tosaka would face if she really went to the Kirito family?

Aoi Tosaka looked at the worm cave, and her eyes no longer had any radiance for Sakura Tosaka.

She only felt her own heartache, and the heartache was almost suffocating. Although it was known to be false, although it was known that this did not happen.

However, Aoi Tosaka still could not accept it.

Accept that you almost forced your daughter to this point…

“It’s all worth it for the sake of magic.”

Tosaka glanced at Sakura Tosaka, who was tortured in the worm cave as if she had no consciousness.

He closed his eyes, but replied anyway.

He replied to this.

Let Aoi Tosaka, Rin Tosaka, and Sakura Tosaka all look at him in disbelief.

Two sisters at this moment.

It just felt like he was so strange.

Only Aoi Tosaka knew, knowing that Tosaka Shisei was such a person.

He put the magic path above everything.

But right now.

In the face of Tosaka Shishin’s words, Tosaka Aoi was also disheartened.

In the face of such a daughter, he actually said such a thing.

At this moment, Aoi Tosaka felt as if her whole being was paralyzed and weak.

“Is it?”

There was no change in Kitahara Baiqiu’s face.

It’s just that……… Countless bugs at this moment.

It was also crazy to start gathering around Tosaka Tokitoshi.

Immediately afterward, these insects also directly wrapped up Tosaka Shichen’s entire body.

Began to keep drilling into Tosaka’s body.


Tosaka Tokito’s wailing of pain suddenly rang out directly.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was expressionless in this regard, and said slowly, “Your answer makes me very dissatisfied.” ”

“So, let you experience Sakura’s pain, isn’t that too much?” Talk room. ”

Bugs around Tosaka Tokiyoshi.

More and more…

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