Chapter 290 The Holy Grail War Begins! Goodbye Altoria!!

After torturing Tosaka fiercely.

After letting him have a good experience of his daughter Sakura Tosaka.

Kitahara Hakuaki is kind.

Naturally, he also let go of Tosaka Toshitomi.

After the matter is over.

Tosaka Shichen gasped for breath, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and his face was also pale.

Although everything is illusory, it is not a real experience.

But the touch, the pain, the fear are all real.

Even now, Tosaka Shichen could feel the fear of countless insects crawling on his body, which was really from the heart.

The Tosaka family at this moment.

Except for Tosaka Shichen lying on the ground alone, staring sluggishly, breathing heavily.

There is no one left.

Aoi Tosaka, Rin Tosaka, Sakura Tosaka.

All three of them followed Kitahara Hakuaki after the matter was over.

Before leaving, Aoi Tosaka even slapped Tosaka Tokito.

To this.

Tosaka Tokitomi was silent and did not speak.

Look at the clear blue sky.

Tosaka Tokito’s tears couldn’t help but slip from the corners of his eyes.

He didn’t really think of it.

The Kirito family would be such a situation.

He almost sent his daughter into the abyss, and he did not deserve to be Sakura’s father.

He had also experienced the kind of thing that all kinds of insects drilled into his heart.

At the thought that his daughter was almost going to become like this, Tosaka Shichen was also afraid for a while.

“Kitahara…… White Autumn? ”

Tosaka muttered to himself and closed his eyes.

There was a long silence.

Tosaka Shichen also took out his mobile phone with difficulty and called his disciple Yan Fengqili.

“Master, what’s the matter?”

Yan Fengqili quickly answered the phone and asked over there.

“Yan Feng, the Holy Grail War is about to begin, it’s time to summon the heroic spirits, get ready.”

After Tosaka Tokitoshi finished speaking.

The hand slowly hung down again, and his eyes were as sluggish as ever.

He was still thinking about Sakura Tosaka.

He shrank into a ball and his face was full of pain.

The other side.

Kitahara Shiraaki, after teaching Tosaka a lesson, naturally left again with Tosaka Sakura.

Not only that.

In addition to Sakura Tosaka, he also had two more windfalls, Rin Tosaka and Aoi Tosaka.

The three daughters were present, and Kitahara Hakuaki naturally couldn’t really kill Tosaka Shichen.

Kitahara Shiroki didn’t really intend to kill Tosaka Shichen, at most just to teach him a lesson.

“Tosaka Tohoshi?” It’s kind of interesting. ”

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled lightly, remembering the performance of Tosaka Shichen just now, and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

He had found out long ago.

After seeing the insect cave of the Kirito family, Tosaka’s whole heart was shaken with disbelief and shaking.

That’s why he was silent for so long at first.

The latter words were all deliberately said by him.

As a Kitahara Hakuaki with wisdom and power.

In an instant, I saw through Tosaka’s thoughts.

For Tosaka Tomoto.

He is an unknown being, and the only thing he knows is that he is strong, and even can be said to be very strong.

After all, the Jian Tong family was eliminated, and the Jian Tong Dirty Yan was eliminated, but there was no slightest movement.

That’s already incredible.

Even if it was a heroic spirit who wanted to destroy the Jian Tong family, it would not be so easy to say, and it would be even more impossible not to make a little noise.

Seeing that Kitahara Hakuaki had brought him to the illusion without any resistance.

Obviously, it is an illusion, and everything is so real.

Even if he clearly perceives that it is an illusion, he feels that everything is so real and there is no resistance.

This made Tosaka Shimoto also more aware of Kitahara’s strength in Hakuaki.

The Holy Grail War is imminent.

Tosaka Tomoto did not have any confidence in his own end.

He could clearly feel Kitahara Shiraaki’s concern for Sakura Tosaka.

When he saw the worm cave, he actually began to feel that it was not impossible for Sakura Tosaka to meet someone who really cared about her compared to the magic way.

Even if he had been an ordinary person all his life, Tosaka Shichen had recognized it. Tosaka Tomoto actually regretted it after learning the truth.

But he didn’t need to confess his mistake to his daughter, nor did he want to.

Therefore, it is better to say that deliberately and push Tosaka Sakura to Kitahara Hakuaki.

More holy grail war of their own doomed to life and death.

It is not impossible to be able to hand over the mother and daughter of Aoi Tosaka, Tosaka Rin and Tosaka Sakura to the heroic spirit, and even the Northern Plains White Autumn, who is stronger than the heroic spirit.

At least this will reassure Tosaka Tokitoshi.

This is actually Tosaka Shimoto’s bet, betting that Kitahara Hakuaki will treat them well.

He had many talents on his body, even the Northern Plains White Autumn of such a tall personality as the Terran Saint Emperor.

At the first sight of him, Tosaka Shichen actually believed him to a certain extent.

Take another ten thousand steps back.

Even if Kitahara Hakuaki had no ill intentions, he was his enemy.

At this moment, he did not have any resistance in front of Kitahara Baiqiu.

If Kitahara Hakuaki was a participant in the Holy Grail War.


Also a participant in the Holy Grail War.

Tosaka Totomoto was even more unable to reveal that he cared about his wife and daughter.

The so-called magician.

It’s actually a bunch of crazy people.

In order to win, they will not care about any innocent people, they will only do whatever it takes.

That’s why.

Under the influence of various considerations and factors, Tosaka Tokimori chose to do so.

And that result.

It also succeeded in fooling everyone.

Even Aoi Tosaka, Rin Tosaka, Sakura Tosaka.

He probably thought that he had also deceived Kitahara Baiqiu.

But alas.

Kitahara didn’t want to know.

If you want to know.

It was basically impossible for Tosaka Toshitomi to deceive him.

“It’s really decisive… Kitahara Bai Qiu sighed. ”

That kind of situation, making this decision in a short period of time, is indeed decisive, and it is also a big gamble.

It can only be said that when the characters really appear in reality, they are not as rigid as imagined, but they have their own characteristics.

Of course, although it is known that Tosaka Tomotomi was deliberate.

But Kitahara Shiraaki had nothing to be ashamed of for teaching Tosaka Shichen.

Whether intentional or unintentional.

In the original work, or there is no world where Kitahara Baiqiu exists.

The reason why Sakura Tosaka went through that.

The main reason is also the relationship between Tosaka Toshitoshi.

As the initiator, just to let Tosaka Shishin experience the treatment of Tosaka Sakura, Kitahara Hakuaki felt that he was cheap.

Sakura she……… Having endured that kind of pain can be said to have endured for more than ten years.

And all this is inseparable from Tosaka Shichen.

This way.

Aoi Tosaka, Aoi Tosaka, and Sakura Tosaka were all somewhat silent.

They couldn’t accept that Tosaka Toho was such a person, and at the same time, they felt a little afraid of what Tosaka Sakura almost suffered.

Kitahara Shiroaki naturally could not help Tosaka Shichen explain, nor did he bother to explain it to Tosaka Shichen.

Distant Saka Shichen you go in peace, Ru’s wife and daughter I raised. Sakura Tosaka, who has experienced everything and learned everything.

After fear at the same time.

Naturally, he also looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with gratitude.

She was very grateful to Kitahara for being able to rescue her and not face everything that was horrible.

In Sakura Tosaka’s heart.

The only pity is probably that.

Brother Bai Qiu already has Sister Ellie.

Otherwise, wait until she grows up…

Sakura Tosaka looked at Kitahara Hakuaki, and there was also a little dimness in her eyes.

This way.

Several people were somewhat silent.

Soon, of course, they also returned to the Einz Belen home.

As soon as I got home.

The first thing they naturally saw was Alice Phil and Ilya who had been waiting.

Watching Kitahara Shiraaki and Tosaka Sakura both return.

Alice Phil’s eyes also lit up, and she hurriedly greeted her: “White Autumn, White Autumn, you are back.” ”

“Daddy, Sakura.”

Ilia also trotted and went straight up.

“Well, I’m back.”

Kitahara picked up and ran over to the lovely Ilya, and smiled at Alice Phil.

“How about how, is there a lesson to the bad guys who abandoned Sakura?”

Alice Phil asked.

“Nature is a lesson.”

Kitahara replied with a chuckle.

A family of three is also a happy and harmonious family.

Aoi Tosaka listened to the conversation between the two, and her face was also a little embarrassed.

However, she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and Alice Phil, and her face was full of gloom and envy.

The castle in Einz Belen is huge.

It is learned that Aoi Tosaka and Rin Tosaka are Sakura Tosaka’s mother and sister.

After thinking about it, Alice Phil naturally agreed to let them stay.

Aoi Tosaka and Rin Tosaka also temporarily lived in the Einz Belen family.

Ilia was naturally curious about the two of them.


Kitahara Baiqiu naturally began to summon his own heroic spirit.


“Oh, forget it, the spell is in trouble.”

“Come out! Altoria! It’s up to you! ”

Along with the voice of Kitahara Hakuaki falls.

In front of several people, there was also a strong light.

A figure also slowly came out of the bright light.

Who is that not Artoria?

This made everyone else look shocked.

So casual, it can summon heroic spirits… Also, can you designate heroes?

Designated, even the legendary Arthur King Artoria???

“White Autumn!!!”

After Artoria was summoned.

The first time, she undoubtedly threw herself into the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu.


Sakura looked dazed, not understanding what was going on.

She subconsciously looked at Alice Phil, who had a calm smile on her face, and asked incomprehensibly, “Sister Ellie, don’t you stop it!?” ”

“Huh? What to block? ”

Alice Fell asked with a puzzled face.

“That, that heroic spirit, is very close to Brother Bai Qiu.”

Sakura Tosaka’s face turned red and she couldn’t help but say.

“Oh, that? That is Bai Qiu’s wife, so it’s normal to be intimate. ”

Alice Phil sniffled and said indifferently.

After such a long time together, she already knew the true identity of Kitahara Baiqiu, after all, Kitahara Baiqiu did not want to hide from her.

But this made Tosaka Sakura shocked, and asked in disbelief, “Brother Bai Qiu’s wife, isn’t it Sister Ailie?” ”

“It’s me, but I’m not the only one.”

Alice Fell blinked and explained to Sakura Tosaka again.

Sakura Tosaka: “!!! ”

More than one?!!

Sakura Tosaka stayed where she was.

The idea that was originally abandoned because of Alice Phil’s existence could not help but rise again at this moment.

Since this is the case, then it is okay to wait for her to grow up… Thinking of this, Sakura Tosaka’s face suddenly turned red…

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