Chapter 295 My Family Artoria is invincible!!

In the type moon world.

– Ying Ling.

i.e. refers to.

He has great achievements and remains as a passing after death.

It has become an object of faith and is called a being incarnated by a hero.

Existence like this.

Generally speaking, it is also a matter of pride.

Facing the invitation of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Even if you know the danger, even if you know that you are invincible.

Their pride will also motivate them to come here.

Kitahara Baiqiu knows this very well, so he will use this method directly.

Gather all the heroic spirits.

The Holy Grail War he and Artoria Thanh shot.

That means it’s over.

But after all, every heroic spirit is a veritable hero of his own time

Out of respect for them, it would have made the Holy Grail War less hasty.

“Hahaha! It’s really a breath of horror! Even if it’s me! I was almost shocked by the breath and didn’t dare to come! I don’t know which big hero is inside, the great hero in my life, and I have become such a powerful being. ”

“My name is Iskandar, King of Conquest, and I came to life as a Rider in this Holy Grail War!”

“Unknown saber! Report your name! With such great strength, you are definitely not a rat who hides his head and tail! ”

The voice of the conquering king Iskandar, accompanied by a heroic laughter, also sounded at this moment.

No doubt.

As a Rider, he was the first to reach the Einz Belen family.

At his side.

Weberville Witt is full of lovelessness.

But he was used to it.

That’s how his Servant is!

I had never heard him as a Master! And at this very moment.

The heroic king Gilgamesh also arrived, and at this moment he directly mocked: “Miscellaneous cultivators, I didn’t expect you to come, where is Saber, he dared to act arbitrarily on the king’s territory, so that he didn’t look at the king in his eyes!” The king wants to see who you really are! ”

“Hero King Gilgamesh? Conquest of King Iskandar? Ah ~ really a bunch of headache guys, I didn’t expect to come, but it is normal to come. ”

Lancer Di Lumudo saw the scene in front of him.

First he pressed his temple with a headache, and then he said with emotion.

This kind of invitation to be empty of all things.

With the pride of these two kings, it is strange not to come.

However, Saber’s behavior is really bold.


It was accompanied by a loud boom.

Berserker also rushed in directly at this moment.

She silently glanced at everyone present, and also looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and Arria.

When Kitahara saw Berserker, his face was stunned.

Then smiling and nodding at her, Berserker took a step back.

This subtle movement, but no one present noticed.

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at all the heroic spirits present and smiled lightly, “It seems that everyone is coming.” ”

Kitahara Hakuaki made a sound.

The realization of everyone present looked to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Leave aside the dead Assassin and Caster.

The remaining heroic spirits of the Holy Grail War were undoubtedly completely gathered at this moment.

“Are you the lord of Saber?”

The hero king Gilgamesh looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and asked in a deep voice.

The momentum of the Northern Plains White Autumn has now all converged, and how can Gilgamesh see it.

“Hahaha, worthy of Saber’s master, stronger than my master.”

The king of conquest, Iskandar, laughed and looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and said approvingly

As a master, in this case, he dared to take the initiative to start, and even exposed himself to all the heroic spirits.

If it is common sense, it is indeed a bold act.

Weberville heard the words, full of resentment, to see the conquest of the Five Iskanda, which had praised other people’s lords and degraded their own lords.

The Rider is simply too much.

If it weren’t for the fact that the situation didn’t allow it now, Weberville Werther would have wanted to protest to Rider.

“I just don’t know, Saber’s master, why did you come to us on purpose?”

The conquering king Iskandar also completely ignored the look in his master’s eyes and asked.

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at the conquering king Iskandar and said with a chuckle, “That’s naturally because I think the Holy Grail War should end today, preferably tonight.” ”

Kitahara’s white autumn voice has just fallen.


“Miscellaneous! Do you know what you’re talking about?!! ”

Dilumudo and Gilgamesh naturally roared outright.

Looking at Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes was murderous.

Naturally, they also heard the unspoken meaning of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Instead, Berserker, known as a berserker, kept silent from beginning to end.

King Iskandar, the king of conquest, also smiled and said, “Who gave you the confidence, Isaber?” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu also smiled and said without hesitation, “Of course! My saber is invincible! ”

Artoria herself heard this.

Instead, I was stunned.

Then a crying smile appeared on his face.

Of course, she knew that Kitahara Bai Qiu had said this on purpose.

For Kitahara Baiqiu, these people are nothing.

Of course.

For her, it is also nothing.

“Miscellaneous! Report your name! I’d like to see who you really are who can give this guy such a big confidence. ”

Gilgamesh looked at Artoria, his eyes full of mockery.

To this.

Artoria naturally could not have taken care of it.

She held the sword in the stone.

Facing Gilgamesh without any weakness, he said heroically, “King Ben, King Arthur, Artoria Pan Dragon!” ”

What the?!!

Dilumudo’s pupils shrank at this moment.

King arthur!

The legendary king of knights.

It turned out to be the perfect king who pulled out the sword in the stone and led the famous Knights of the Round Table?!!

Iskandar, king of conquests, and Gilgamesh, king of heroes, heard Artoria’s name.

At this moment, they were all a little stunned and shaken.

It turned out to be her, then it was no wonder.

As the king of Britain, King Arthur’s life can be called a legend.

Even if it is placed in the entire Hall of Heroic Souls.

That is also a legend within a legend, and the legend degree is not weaker than any crown hero, and even some are exceeded.

Its rumored strength is extremely strong even if it is placed in the Divine Dynasty.

No defeat in a lifetime.

Lead Britain to an unprecedented Dai peak.

It can be said that this is simply the pressure of complete medicine without any stains.

“I didn’t expect it to be King Arthur in person.”

Iskandar, the king of conquest, said with great emotion, and then smiled lightly.


The hero king Gilgamesh snorted coldly and did not say anything.

O King Arthur.

Weberville Witt looked at Artoria, his eyes a little sluggish.

It’s no exaggeration.

Today’s King Arthur, Britain, where King Arthur is located.

That is the legend, the synonym for miracles.

How many people in this world are there in this world without a defeated king?

“King Arthur, is it true that you are ready to end the Holy Grail War tonight?”

King Iskandar, the king of conquest, looked at Artoria with a serious look on his face, Bankou asked.

Now that he learned of Artoria’s identity.

Naturally, no one dared to despise Artoria.

Artoria looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, and the expression on his face was somewhat subtle, as if he was crying and laughing.

“Since my master has said so, then naturally, it is true, and the Holy Grail War will be ended by me tonight.”

The words came out.

The scene was suddenly silent, and everyone was solemn.

Arthur King Altoria’s words.

But I didn’t dare to treat it as just empty words!

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