Chapter 296: The King’s Feast! Xiao Lu one hand!!

“Since even King Arthur said this, it seems that there is really no way to be good today.”

King Iskandar took a deep breath and smiled.


At the side, Webb Velvet was stunned and also anxiously looked at the conquering king.

“Well, master, needless to say.”

It was not yet time for Webb Velvet to say something.

Iskandar, the king of conquest, directly waved his hand to interrupt his words, and looked at Arthur King Altoria confidently and said, “Since King Arthur dares to say such a thing, naturally there is a certain degree of certainty, as a legendary king, she is not a cat or a dog.” ”

“And, the same king! I have no reason to escape! The hero king Gilgamesh can’t do it, and the Arthur king Altoria naturally can’t do it! ”

The king of conquest, Iskandar, laughed, and the heroic momentum at this moment also made a happy worker

Webb Velvet froze straight to the spot.

“Ah, miscellaneous repair, the final victory will only be me!”

The hero king Gilgamesh also snorted coldly and said at this moment.

Fight against Artoria.

Naturally, he had no intention of escaping!

What about King Arthur? What about the King of Legends?

He is also the oldest and strongest king! Not weaker than anyone!

“Hahaha, that’s waiting to see the real chapter at the bottom of the hand.”

The conquering king Iskandar was not weak, and he also unceremoniously replied to Gilgamesh.

Then, his tone changed, and he opened his mouth again: “It’s just rare for me to see the heroes of various eras and countries, and also to see two legendary kings.” ”

“It’s a shame to end it like this, isn’t it?” How, is there any interest in having a drink before the fight starts. ”

The King of Conquest ignored Lancer and Berserker.

His main focus was on Artoria and Gilgamesh.

Artoria smiled, naturally not refusing.


Gilgamesh snorted coldly and did not refuse.

“Hahaha, maybe this should be called a feast for kings, maybe conquer King Iskandar laughed and said imposingly.”

Immediately, he also looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and asked, “Saber’s master, I came in a hurry, I don’t know if I can trouble you to prepare a banquet for us?” ”

“Nature is no problem.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly and opened his mouth.

Then under the stunned gaze of the conquering king Iskandar.

Kitahara Baiqiu waved it casually.

Just for a moment!

The vision of everyone present has also changed dramatically.

Their eyes began to seem meaningless.

All sorts of scenarios began to run through my mind.

Then when they opened their eyes again, they appeared in front of them.

It is a grassland with golden rice ears, and you can see the hills of the white horizon and the lakeside in the forest.

The sight here is undoubtedly incredibly beautiful.

There are butterflies, there are meadows, there are flowers, it is like a paradise.

In that paradise.

There is no doubt that there is also a stone table with historical charm for Artoria and others.

On that stone table, there are undoubtedly several altars of fine wine.

“This, this is…”

Because the scene in front of them was too shocking, Weberville Witt and the others grew their mouths and directly inhaled a cool breath.

Even the heroic king Gilgamesh and the conquest of Iskandar had faces full of disbelief.

He looked at Saber’s master, who hadn’t paid much attention to him all along.

“I really didn’t expect that I would actually look in the eyes…”

The king of conquest, Iskandar, looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and said with a bitter smile on his face.

“You guys! Who the hell is that?!! ”

The heroic king Gilgamesh also had a solemn face on his face, looking at Kitahara Baiqiu, and asked at this moment.

This kind of miracle that can be called a mighty force is not something that anyone can do.


Through your own intuition.

Gilgamesh felt that everything in front of him was real.

This is undoubtedly even more terrifying!

At this moment, everyone’s face was stunned, and they looked at the Northern Plains White Autumn with consternation.

Behind Webb Villett.

At this moment, cold sweat was about to come out.

Hokage-bara looked at Hakuaki in horror.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, isn’t it your feast that matters now?”

“Rest assured, as a master, I am still very self-conscious as a master and will not participate in the battle between your servant.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu Xiao Lu had a hand, and also smiled lightly.

Artoria is no longer the Artoria it used to be.

Her royal way will not be weaker than anyone, and her strength will not be weaker than anyone.

This fourth Holy Grail War.

Kitahara Hakuaki naturally intended to let Artoria end it herself.

But Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

It can make the always proud Golden Pika angry.

He felt that he was being looked down upon.

But before he could erupt, he was interrupted by the conquest of Iskandar: “Hahaha, after that, the most urgent thing now is indeed a wine banquet.” ”

Then, the king of conquest, Iskandar, also came to the stone table without any scruples.

Pick up the wine prepared above and pour it into one of the bowls.

Then I picked up the bowl and drank it all.

After the conquest king Iskandar had finished drinking, his eyes lit up and his eyes widened with amazement.

“Good wine! What a wine! ”

“It was amazing! So delicious! ”

“Saber’s master, anyway, thank you so much for preparing such a perfect feast for us.”

“Fantastic views! Wine! ”

“Hahaha, this is not a feast for the king!!!”

The king of conquest, Iskandar, laughed and said to Kitahara Hakuaki. Of course he knew the horror of Kitahara Hakuaki, but he didn’t care now.

Artoria smiled when she saw this.

He walked directly to the conquering king, sat down at the stone table, and then gave himself a drink and drank it all.

Artoria knew.

What kind of wine can be taken out by Kitahara Baiqiu?

The heroic king Gilgamesh saw this and said nothing more.

He also came to the stone table and sat down.

After taking a sip of wine on the stone table under a disdainful face, the expression on his face was stunned.

This wine……

Even compared to his immortal wine, it is not too much.

This made Gilgamesh feel shocked again.

The three kings began to drink wine.

Lancer stood aside but smiled bitterly.

Although he is also a well-known great hero in history.

But he was not eligible to participate in such a banquet.

I’m afraid it’s only Berserker who suffers from the same disease.

Think so.

Lancer was stunned to find out.

At this moment, Berserker, however, had no scruples and began to walk in the direction of the stone table.

Sit in a chair.

He picked up the wine and poured himself a glass and drank it in the same sip.

Such behavior.

Iskandar, the king of conquest, also frowned directly at this.

“Miscellaneous! Who allowed you to sit down here! ”

The hero King Gilgamesh was even more furious, full of momentum, and looked at Berserker with murderous intent.

Berserker’s momentum also rose slowly, and she did not back down in the face of the hero king.

Kitahara looked at Berserker and said with a chuckle, “Well, Gilgamesh, she is also a king, and naturally she is qualified to sit down.” ”

Hearing Kitahara White Autumn opening.

Berserker paused, and the momentum slowly relaxed.

And Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

It also made Gilgamesh, Iskandar, and Altoria stunned at the same time.

They didn’t think about it.

Berserker turned out to be a king.

The only one who has not revealed his true identity today is Berserker.

Because her face has been blocked by the helmet for a long time, she has not been seen to face the face, even if she is drinking alcohol now, she is not exposed.

“Sure enough, I can’t hide it from you.”

Berserker looked at Kitahara and spoke.

As Berserker she also had a clear sense of sanity, enough to prove that she was special.

“Of course, it can’t be hidden.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled softly and replied.

Berserker nodded and said nothing more.

The hero king Gilgamesh figured out Berserker’s identity, and at this moment his eyebrows were also stretched out, but on the surface he still said dismissively: “Ah, even if it is a king, it is just a person who hides his head and tail!” ”

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect that this Holy Grail War was not just three kings, but four kings!”

Iskandar, the king of conquest, laughed at this moment, completely unaware that Berserker had rushed into the feast.

“No wonder even the heroic king Gilgamesh couldn’t take you down before, I think you are also a very famous king in history.”

Iskandar, the king of conquest, looked at Berserker and said so.

Indeed, Gilgamesh and Berserker had fought many times before

Gilgamesh was angry that even the obedience was taken out, and failed to solve Berserker.

This is enough to prove the horror of Berserker.

Berserker didn’t speak, just continued to drink on his own.

Iskandar, the king of conquests, didn’t care either.

“Miscellaneous repair, you really dare to say ah…”

The hero king Gilgamesh looked at the conquering king and said with a straight face.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled, not surprised by this.

He did not disturb Artoria’s struggle for their kingship.

As the guardian of the Terran Holy Emperor Mankind.

He had always been the one who chose the king, and he had never been king himself.

One glanced at the messy, stunned, alone Lancer.

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed softly and casually threw a pot of wine past.

Lancer’s hands were fast, and naturally he immediately caught it.

He looked at Kitahara Baiqiu gratefully.

Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t care either.

Although Lancer was not eligible to attend the King’s Banquet, it would be fine to give him a glass of wine to taste.

Kitahara Hakuaki was in front of Tosaka, Sakura Tosaka, Ilya, and Alice Phil.

A few little guys watched Artoria drink bitterly, and a curious expression appeared on their faces.

“Hey, Great Demon King, what kind of wine is that, is it delicious?”

Tosaka looked at the wine in the hands of Artoria and asked curiously.

“Delicious, what, you want to try?”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly, crouched down, and said with a mischievous smile on his face.

Tosaka’s eyes lit up.

She couldn’t help but think of the delicious dishes made by Kitahara Hakuaki, and immediately said without hesitation: “Yes! I want to try! ”

Kitahara Baiqiu was also unambiguous, and directly transformed into a small glass of wine and handed it to Tosaka Rin: “Give, then you try.” ”

Tosaka Rin looked at the small cup in front of him and couldn’t help but frown, “It’s only a little bit, so who can drink it?” It’s stingy. ”

As she spoke, she also took the small cup.

Watching Artoria several people were all gulping down a drink.

Tosaka hesitated for a moment, and drank it directly.

And then………

Her face froze, and then she began to turn red: “Good, so hot!” It’s so spicy!!! ”

“Woohoo! It’s so spicy! The Great Demon King! Great Demon King, you lied to me! ”

Tosaka jumped and jumped, constantly gasping, and tears flowed down.

She never expected that she would be so fierce.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to taste it yourself?”

Kitahara Baiqiu had no feelings of guilt, looking at Lori Rin who was jumping and jumping, and only felt funny.

The wine he took out for Tosaka Rin to drink naturally would not have any impact on Tosaka Rin, but it was definitely enough for her to suffer a little.

Tosaka was tearful and kept using his hand to keep his little tongue.

When she looked at the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu, she was simply looking at a big liar, like a big bad guy.

“Well, do you want to try it too?”

Kitahara looked at Sakura Tosaka, Ilya said.

See the tragic appearance of Tosaka.

The curiosity in their eyes had long since disappeared.

A frightened expression appeared on his face, and he shook his head wildly.

Aoi Tosaka saw this scene and couldn’t stop smiling.


It’s really hard to associate the Kitahara White Autumn in front of you with the seemingly omnipotent him… Mountain.


“It’s a delicious wine, it’s not made by humans at all, it’s a bar made by the gods.”

Iskandar, the king of conquest, sat at the feast of kings and said with emotion again.

“Conquest King, you really have vision.”

Artoria looked at Iskandar and smiled, “Since it was the wine that my master had brought out, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a divine wine.” ”

“Hahaha, King Arthur really believes in his master, and to be able to make King Arthur trust him so much, he is really more and more curious about the identity of the mysterious master.”

Iskandar laughed and continued.

Being able to do this kind of greatness at any time can even make the legend so recommended by King Kosser.

How could that mysterious master not arouse people’s curiosity.


Gilgamesh snorted coldly.

Rarely, there is no singing of the opposite tune.

Gilgamesh knew that Kitahara Hakuaki alone could come up with this level of wine, and he was definitely not a simple person.

Berserker was naturally silent.

Artoria smiled, but did not care about the reactions of several people, looked at Iskandar and asked, “King of Conquest, as the initiator of the feast, it is up to you to start, what is the purpose of your pursuit of the Holy Grail?” ”

“Hey hey… That would be fine. ”

Iskandar wrapped his head around his head and said cheerfully, “As for my purpose, it is the body.” ”


Artoria was stunned.

Gilgamesh also paused.

Webb Villevert, who had been standing behind Iskandar, exclaimed even more in disbelief, asking, “Rider, isn’t your wish to conquer the world?” ”


Iskandar slapped Weberville on the body and said disapprovingly, “Of course my wish is to conquer the world, but how can that be done by the Holy Grail!” ”

“Of course, the conquest of the world must be done by one’s own hands, and it will be more meaningful!”

“The King of Conquest……”

Gilgamesh frowned, “What do you mean by body?” ”

“That’s right!”

Iskandar took a sip of wine: “What I am pursuing is nothing more than the flesh that can be left in this world, and only by being able to do what I want to do is by being a real being.” ”

“After all, the heroic spirit is only a heroic spirit, and this body constructed of magic can only be manifested within a few days of the Holy Grail War, which is really too short!”

“Face the heavens and the earth by the body you have, and from here the cycle will begin to progress, this is my way of conquering the king!”

Artoria: “…”

As a special hero who has had his own body from beginning to end.

Artoria did not understand Iskandar’s worries very well.

“Miscellaneous cultivators, why did you challenge me for such a boring thing, and still dare to say such a nonsense in front of the king?”

Gilgamesh looked at Iskandar with a sharp look in his eyes, and his killing intent was undisguised: “Decided, after solving Saber again, the king will kill you, Rider.” ”

“Hahaha, this kind of thing, let’s talk about it when the time comes, who wins and who loses is not necessarily now.”

Iskandar laughed and didn’t think anything of it, and then he asked, “Gilgamesh, what about you, what is your wish?” ”

“My wish? Oh, don’t get the premise wrong, miscellaneous. ”

Gilgamesh put down his glass and said, “The Holy Grail you are fighting for is nothing more than the property of this king.” ”

“The origin of all the treasures in this world can be traced back to the treasure house of this king, who is merely reclaiming his own holy grail.”

“On the contrary, you who do not measure up to your own strength and want to touch the treasure of this king, and you know what a felony this is?!!”


Iskandar touched his beard, thought for a moment, and said, “According to the legend, you have this to say.” ”

“But… Don’t say whether the Holy Grail is yours or not, even if it’s yours! ”

“As the king of conquest, I naturally want to snatch everything I want, and you should also be enlightened, Hero King, maybe your treasure house will be accidentally looted by me.”

Iskandar laughed and didn’t care, and then he also looked at Artoria and asked, “It’s up to you, Knight King, do you want to?” ”

Iskandar was also very curious about the perfect king in history.

“Me? I don’t have any wishes that need the Holy Grail to fulfill. ”

Artoria smiled and took a sip of wine.

Soldier Dog—. Iskandar was stunned.

Gilgamesh was also stunned.

“No wishes?”

Iskandar touched the back of his head in distress and asked incomprehensibly, “Will the heroic spirit who did not ask for it be summoned by the Holy Grail?” ”

“Maybe it’s because I had a desire in the first place, right?” But now there is none, because it has been realized, and my wishes, whether the Holy Grail can be fulfilled or not, are not certain. ”

Artoria smiled slightly, and then glanced in the direction of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Her wish was his.

How could the Holy Grail be achieved.

Iskandar was naturally even more distressed: “Can’t even achieve the Holy Grail…?” ”

See Artoria did not elaborate, Iskanda you did not ask.

Instead, he set his sights on Berserker.

“Berserker, what about you?” What is your wish? ”

“My wish for the Holy Grail will not come true.”

Berserker glanced at Iskandar and said the same.

Artoria looked at Berserker with some confusion in her eyes, and she always felt that Berserker had a familiar feeling.

“One or two, the wish grail can’t be fulfilled, when did the Holy Grail become so cheap?”

Iskandar shook his head with a bitter smile, and then took a sip of wine: “But if it is King Arthur, it is normal, as a legendary and perfect king who has never had a hundred in his life, your existence itself is a legend.” ”

“Even that golden sparkle over there, in my opinion, is just the name of the Oldest King, and he is not as good as you…”

“Miscellaneous cultivators, you really dare to say it!”

Gilgamesh said dismissively, “Britain, which claims that the sun never sets, will not die in the end in history.” ”

Gilgamesh said this.

Berserker’s body was visibly frozen, and he looked at Artoria with a careful bullet.

When he saw that there was no change in Artoria’s face, it seemed to be a sigh of relief.

“You can’t say that.”

Iskandar shook his head and said, “Although Britain died twice, it cannot be denied the great deeds of King Arthur. ”

“And after some of King Arthur’s disappearances, the second Queen Mordred has actually done a good job, worthy of King Arthur’s reputation.”

“But after ten years in office, she left Britain in the care of others in order to find her parents, and then disappeared.”

“The disappearance of Queen Mordred, which made Britain start to be a little unworthy of its name, eventually led to its demise, I have to say that the second queen is really a wayward king.”

Iskandar was extremely emotional.

So glorious Britain, say no and don’t.

Just to find the missing King Arthur them.

If it were his daughter, Iskandar estimated that he would have died of anger.

Berserker heard Iskandar’s words and trembled even more

Trembling, looking at Iskandar, his heart was full of killing intent at the moment.

The king is inherently willful, and the king is inherently willing.

Besides, she just wanted to find her father and queen mother, and there was something wrong with her

When the father and queen mother left her alone, they were not wrong!

Artoria held her forehead at this moment, her face full of helplessness.

She knew it when she came.

Altoria did not blame Mordred, but helplessness is helplessness.

They were all too spoiled by Mordred.

As a result, although she has become an excellent king, her thoughts and dependence on them are not small.

Altoria knew, though.

The Kingdom of Britain should have been destroyed long ago, but it only lasted so long when the Northern Plains White Autumn was saddled with its fate.

As they leave, under the correction of history.

Sooner or later, the Kingdom of Britain will also perish, and this speed will be very fast.

It may be nice to end in such a peaceful way.

Under Mordred’s efforts.

Britain, which was supposed to perish, lasted another ten years, but in fact, it was not short.

“Oh, although King Arthur has always been known as the King of Legends, the King of Legends, when it comes to the stain of King Arthur, that is not completely absent.”

Gilgamesh said casually, “She married one person at the same time as her sister Morgan Lefey and that Guineville, which is probably the biggest stain on King Arthur.” ”

When Artoria heard this, her eyes widened in a straight eye, and a breath of terror instantly enveloped Gilgamesh: “Shut up! ”

Berserker also moved at this moment, the breath of terror surrounded him, and the voice said in a terrifying voice: “Do you want to die?” Archer。 ”


“Hahaha, Gilgamesh, you have gone too far.”

“The holy teachers of the British era are also extremely noble beings, even if they are praised as gods.”

“The legendary king Arthur married him was never a stain, but the only fly in the ointment was probably that the one who married King Arthur was not just King Arthur.”

After Iskandarhaha laughed, his face was also surprisingly serious.

After saying that.

On his body, a powerful momentum also emerged, and he said heroically: “Thanks to your blessing!” Gilgamesh, it seems that the King’s Feast has not been held and must be ended early! ”

“It ended so quickly, I have to say, it is a pity! Iskandar sighed. ”

Looking at Artoria and Berserker, who could not understand that these two people had been completely angered by Gilgamesh.


Webb Velvet looked at Iskandar, his face full of shock, and staggered to his side.

“Hahaha, little master, today is the last battle, look at me, how did you return victoriously?”

Iskandar laughed.

Even in the face of the legendary hero King Gilgamesh and Arthur King Artoria.

He wasn’t afraid!

“I conquered King Iskandar! The Way of the King of the Path!!! ”

Subjugate! Subjugate! Subjugate!

The life of the conquering king was spent in the government.

His whole life was extremely nonsense.

But at the same time, he is also a very charismatic king! He is the King of Conquest! It’s Alexander the Great!

Not weaker than any other king!

“In the name of the curse!” Rider! In the middle of the battle! Break the shackles of your career! Use your best strength! ”

Webb Velvet looked at the arrogant Iskandar, and after a moment’s hesitation, his face was also full of determination.

A spell also disappeared from Webb Ververt’s hands.

Immediately afterward, he also said the second command.

“In the name of the Charm, Rider, become the strongest!”

The second spell also disappeared.

“In the name of the curse!” Rider! Please win the final victory! ”

The third spell undoubtedly disappeared at this moment.

With the blessing of the three spells, the king of conquest, Iskandar, was undoubtedly completely freed from the shackles of his profession and faced all enemies with his strongest assets.

The conquest king Iskandar and Weber Velvet were undoubtedly not smiling at each other at this moment.

The heroic kings Gilgamesh and Lancer are all stunned at this moment, but Artoria and Berserker don’t care!

One by one!!!

At this moment, the two of them also moved directly.

And their target is undoubtedly Gilgamesh! Speaking of them, they don’t care about anything.

But to say Kitahara Baiqiu, that is looking for death!

“I am Arthur King Artoria!”

“My King’s Way is the King’s Way of Protection!”

“As a king, I shoulder the social responsibility of the country.”

“In its place! Find your job! Take responsibility! Do your best! ”

“Protect the country! Protect the people! ”

“Not for the king, but for the sake of one man!”

“Archer, I won’t bully you either, I’ll only use the power he’s learned to defeat you completely!”

With that, Artoria also rushed straight up.

She also did not use the contract, using the power of Kitahara Hakuaki, but wanted to use the peak she had reached to completely defeat Gilgamesh.

When you are king.

She is the King of Perfection, the King of Legends, the King of Legends… Has many titles but is not king.

She is the guardian knight of Kitahara Hakuaki!

Berserker didn’t say a word and just slashed at Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh pupils shrank suddenly.

Although he couldn’t understand what Artoria meant, he could tell that Artoria was looking down on her.

But what made it hard for him to accept.

Artoria clearly hides her strength.

But he could still feel a great threat from her, as if he could not even beat Artoria, who was hiding his strength.

This made the always proud hero King Gilgamesh extremely ashamed.

But alas……

This is the truth!

Don’t say he can’t beat Artoria.

Now there was even a Berserker who was not at all inferior to him and besieged him.

Just one hit.

Gilgamesh vomited blood and flew straight out.


Just as Artoria and Berserker wanted to keep up, Lancer and Iskandar, the king of conquests, also moved.

They knew what form it was now, and naturally they would join forces with Gilgamesh against Artoria and Berserker.

During this battle. The true face of Berserker.

Undoubtedly it was also revealed.

“Sure enough, it’s you! The Second King of Britain! Mordred! ”

Look at the face that resembles Artoria’s.

The conquest king Iskandar’s pupils shrank and he suddenly said sharply.

Nature came to the Einz Belen house.

The King of Conquest had already sensed something was wrong with Berserker.

Especially at the King’s Wine Feast.

Berserker was confronted with Artoria’s perverse moves.

It’s the King!

And it’s about the legendary king of Artoria! Who would it be if it wasn’t Mordred!

The conquest king Iskandar’s face was also full of solemnity at this moment.

As a descendant of Artoria and Kitahara Hakuaki.

From an early age, Mordred has demonstrated martial arts that are not inferior to those of Artoria of the same period.

This is no simple opponent.

This also explains.

Why did the hero king Gilgamesh once release the treasure and failed to destroy Mordred!

“Xiao Mo.”

Altoria also looked at Mordred with surprise at this moment.

She had felt familiar to Berserker before, but she had no idea that it would be Mordred.


Mordred snorted coldly and threw a look at Altoria after a look.

It was also directly towards Iskandar and Lancer again.

She’s alone! Battle the two heroic spirits!

Altoria watched as Mordred did not leave herself, and there was a bitter smile on her face.

Then her eyes froze.

It was also the hero King Gilgamesh who rushed towards him again.


It was one-sided from start to finish.

Whether it’s Mordred one or two.

Or is Artoria hiding her strength to fight the hero King Gilgamesh.

They are all completely in the upper hand, pressing each other to fight.

“Okay, great.”

Under the protection of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Have the privilege of watching this Holy Grail War.

Rin, Ilya.

At this moment, there is also a cry of surprise.

One of them looked at Altoria full of adoration, and the other looked at Mordred full of adoration.



The two looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

All of them were muttering to themselves with glowing eyes.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly at this, but did not say anything about it.

Sakura Tosaka’s words.

As if he was a little nervous and afraid, he tightly grasped the corner of Kitahara Baiqiu’s clothes.

“Bai Qiu, Saber will be all right, right?”

Alice Fell was a little worried about Artoria at this moment.

This made Kitahara Baiqiu cry and laugh.

Scraping Alice Phil’s nose, he smiled and said, “Have you forgotten Leah’s strength?” How could she possibly be in trouble. ”

Alice Phil heard the words and reacted immediately, and an embarrassed expression appeared on her face.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Kitahara Bai Qiu kissed this noble and beautiful princess directly on the battlefield.

Sign a contract with it.

Let her see how strong Artoria really is.

Because Alice Phil has been with Kitahara Baiqiu from beginning to end. For signing the contract, Kitahara Hakuaki was also relaxed and in no hurry before this.

Alice Phil’s eyes widened at this moment.

After the completion of the contract with Kitahara Baiqiu, her face was still full of confused and confused cute expressions.

Because she didn’t think of it at all………

Her strength would reach such a level as it is now.

For the kissing of Kitahara Hakuaki and Alice Phil.

Aoi Tosaka and the three little Lolitas were all red in the face, because they didn’t expect it.

Below is clearly in, in the fight.

And they turned out to be doing it.

Alice Fell froze for a moment, then looked at her daughter and spoke.

“Ilya, Mom seems to be very powerful and powerful now.”

“Huh? How awesome is that? ”

Ilya was stunned and asked incomprehensibly.

“Uh-huh… Probably as high as several floors? ”

Alice Phil wasn’t sure.

When Kitahara saw this scene, they all laughed again.

Do you want your wife to be so cute?

Then I looked at the battlefield and had no intention of making a move.

No doubt.


They will pass the Holy Grail War overnight…

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