Chapter 302 Shocked Crowd! Rider Medusa!!

“Good, so powerful…”

Medusa looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

His face was full of shock, and he couldn’t help but murmur quietly.

It’s really powerful.

Rather, it’s simply too much.

Can such a person really have something to do with himself?

Medusa looked at the towering figure and her heart was full of wavering.

She had doubts about how she felt.

After all.

Myself…… How could I possibly have something to do with such a powerful person? The gap between the two is really too far.

This made Medusa really can’t believe that she would have a relationship with this kind of existence, and at the same time, Medea’s eyes lit up.

It is worthy of the existence that can make her fall in love at first sight, it is so extraordinary.

It’s no exaggeration.

Kitahara Hakuaki was the strongest person Medea had ever seen.

Even if she imagined, for a moment she could not imagine a stronger existence than Kitahara Baiqiu.

Drawing the sword can make the inhibition panic.

What a level of this.

When Kitahara Bai Qiu drew his sword.

Artoria and Rin Tosaka also rushed out of the room.

Some want to be more sea, and the road can match.

“Even if it was me, this was the first time I had seen my husband shoot.”

Altoria muttered to herself.

She knew that her husband was very strong, that her husband was a supreme being.

But…… Even if it’s her.

It is indeed the first time to see Kitahara Baiqiu really shoot.

In the past, Kitahara Baiqiu had always been smiling, making people feel that there was nothing in the world that could embarrass him.

But he never shot it.

“Bai Qiu, so strong.”

Tosaka looked at this scene sheepishly, also muttering to himself.

She remembered that Kitahara had told her that he was the Almighty God.

Is it all-powerful?

Tosaka was a little dizzy.

She felt that she had really picked up a big bargain.

Don’t meet Kitahara Bai Qiu who wasted his life’s luck.

Even in the next life, the next life, forever and ever, there is absolutely no loss in blood!

“Bai Qiu, Bai Qiu, you are so powerful!”

Alice Fell saw Kitahara Hakuaki walking towards them after solving Gilgamesh and hugged Kitahara Hakuaki excitedly.

Since confirming the contract with Kitahara Hakuaki he has become so powerful and powerful.

Alice Fell knew that Kitahara Baiqiu was also very powerful and powerful.

But really see Kitahara Baiqiu shot.

Whoever it was, it was the first time.

“Obviously so powerful, why hasn’t I shot before?” said Bai Qiu, Alice Phil, who hugged Kitahara Bai Qiu and asked curiously.”

“Of course, that’s to take care of the emotions of the two little ones.”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly, watching everyone move closer to him, and also opened his mouth.

Everyone is a little dizzy at this moment.

From the scene just now, they also knew who the two little guys in Kitahara Bai Qiu were referring to.

Naturally, it is also Gaia and Alayah.

These two major inhibitory forces of the moon world.

In order not to let the two major inhibitions be afraid, they never shoot.

This sounds unbelievable at first glance.

But now it is an indisputable fact.

“By the way, if you can not shoot in the future, try not to shoot, or at least do not go all out, otherwise, I am afraid that the two little guys will complain to me in the future.”

Kitahara thought of something, and suddenly said to Alice Phil, Tosaka, Artoria and others, with a chuckle.

They signed a contract with the surface three-digit invincible, but the actual two-digit Kitahara Hakuaki.

Once you integrate your own power.

At least it can play a four-figure strength.

Four-digit numbers may not be strong for Kitahara Baiqiu, but it is not a cat and a dog…

For the type moon world, it is estimated that each one is a kind of sky ash.

Kitahara Baiqiu was also afraid that several people would not know, so he also gave a special command.

Altoria, Tosaka, Alice Phil was stunned, and then nodded obediently.

They all know the strength of this force in their bodies.

There is this power.

What magic, what true ancestors, what planet UO and so on.

And what is it…

Of course they don’t mess around.

After explaining the girls, Kitahara Hakuaki also looked at the remaining four heroic spirits, Assassin Sasaki Kojiro.

Caster Medea.

Berserker Hercules.

Rider Medusa.

“The Holy Grail War is over, do you have any plans?”

Kitahara asked.

After all, they are all heroic spirits on their side, and Kitahara Baiqiu is naturally very kind.

“Is it over?” I feel like I really haven’t done anything…”

Sasaki Kojiro heard the words and said with a bitter smile on his face.

He glanced at Kitahara Baiqiu, and the expression on his face was full of respect.

Kitahara’s strength is a point.

Another point is that Sasaki Kojiro, who is also a swordsman, is very admiring of Kitahara Hakuaki, who has become so amazing in kendo.

“However, to see this sword of your excellency is also worth the trip.”

“When the Holy Grail War is over, I am naturally going to return to the Hall of Heroes, Your Excellency, and I will see you again in the future.”

Sasaki Kojiro took a deep breath.

Then it slowly disappeared into the same place as a point of light.

Kitahara White Autumn naturally will not stop it.

Berserker Hercules glanced at Ilya with a happy face.

It was also a roar towards the North Plains White Autumn, as if expressing something, it also disappeared into a point of light and disappeared in place.

Assassin and Berserker, too, have exited.

Only C-Mamedea and Mamedusa are left on the scene.

Medusa looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, her face full of hesitation.

I saw that I was about to leave.

She finally couldn’t help asking, “That, my lord, have we met before?” Why do I feel, you give me a very familiar feeling, as if, as…”

Medusa of the Moon World, there are purple hair and pupils that look at it.

The figure is excellent and extremely beautiful.

However, when she faced the gaze of Kitahara Baiqiu, her body trembled a little, and she felt that the Kitahara Baiqiu in front of her had an unparalleled sense of closeness.

“It’s really familiar… Who are you? ”

With a puzzled face, she came directly to the front of Kitahara Bai Qiude, raised her beautiful face, and was full of confused expressions at the moment.

Unconsciously, she reached out and touched Kitahara’s face, and at the moment she didn’t seem to have a sense of care or distance.

In the world of the God Killer.

Medusa, one of the incarnations of the Trinity Athena.

It’s no exaggeration to say, the same as Athena.

Medusa also has the noble status of the Queen of Heaven.


The same is the Medusa person.

The Medusa of the Moon World will only be closer to Kitahara Hakuaki than the average person of the same personality.

However, this scene stunned everyone.

Tosaka Sakura’s face was also full of surprise, not knowing why Medusa was like this.

Because after being called out by her.

Medusa has always given people a feeling of being cold and unapproachable.

The result was that what a goddess showed such a reaction when she first met Kitahara Baiqiu.

Medea’s eyebrows on the side are also slightly picked.

She looked at Medusa puzzled and thought to herself.

Could it be that Medusa also fell in love at first sight?

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