Chapter 303: Wife Medusa? Sorry master!!

Seeing Medusa’s appearance, Sakura Tosaka was also very surprised, and subconsciously asked, “Rider, what’s wrong with you?” Have you and Brother Bai Qiu met before? ”

After all, even Arthur King Artoria can be related to Kitahara Hakuaki.

The legendary Medusa may be related to Kitahara Hakuaki is not necessarily.

However, Sakura Tosaka is also a little depressed when she looks at the intimate two.

After all, one of the two was the Servant she had summoned, and the other was Bai Qiu’s brother who she had been thinking about for ten years.

Looking at the two like this.

Sakura Tosaka always felt weird.

“Ah! No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. ”

Hearing Sakura Tosaka’s words.

Medusa also came back from that strange feeling.

The expression on his face was reddish.

Touching Kitahara Bai Qiu’s face was collected inside.

Sneaked a glance at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Even Medusa felt that she was too bold.

That was the supreme lord, and he dared to do such an act to him.

“I just think that I have a very kind and cordial feeling directly with this adult, and I can’t help it…”

Medusa whispered an explanation for herself.

She looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and knew that she was not under the influence of any force, but was really naturally close to Kitahara Baiqiu.

This feeling… Even closer than his own sister.

Therefore, Medusa could not help but touch the face of Kitahara Baiqiu.

But…… Why?

Medusa’s face was slightly red, and she couldn’t understand it at all.

Obviously, this is the talent that her master likes.

When Sakura Tosaka summoned her.

I told her many times about Kitahara Baiqiu.

He also said that his wish was to see Kitahara Hakuaki again.


Kitahara laughed softly and touched Medusa’s head.

Medusa was stunned, but she only felt more at ease.

Don’t know why.

At this moment, she suddenly had a feeling that she could not give up Kitahara Baiqiu to her master.

It was as if she were the wife of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Realizing her thoughts, Medusa’s face was even redder.

What a wife!!!

See a wife you haven’t seen before?

How could I think of such a thing?

Medusa’s heart was full of shame, and she felt groundless.

“I’m not actually from this world, and all the closeness between us comes from another world, and in another world, my relationship with Medusa is excellent, or Caster Medea, you too.” 」

Kitahara laughed softly.

There is no concealment, directly open the mouth to explain.

Medusa’s feeling undoubtedly comes from Athena of the Trinity of the God Killer World.

The contract signed with Kitahara Hakuaki, or the Athena of Kitahara Hakuaki in the true sense of heaven, deeply influenced Medusa.

The same goes for Medea.

Medea as one of the goddesses of the elegant deity in the world of the Killer.

Although her status is not as lofty as that of Athena, she is also one of the goddesses who signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Medusa and Medea were stunned at the same time.

Medea did not expect that she would still count herself.

So, did she fall in love at first sight because of the Medea of the other world?

Alice Phil, Rin Tosaka, Sakura Tosaka, Ilya, Altoria and others were also stunned.

Although according to Kitahara Bai Qiu strong is simply not the strength of words.

They had already vaguely guessed something.

But when they heard Kitahara Baiqiu say that he was not from this world, but from another world, they still couldn’t help but be stunned.

Another world…?

“That, that… My lord, what is the relationship between me and you? ”

Medusa looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and asked hesitantly.

“Nature is what you think, and also, just call me Bai Qiu, Medusa Kitahara Bai Qiu laughed softly and said softly.”

Seeing Medusa in front of him, he couldn’t help but think of the innocence and happiness of the god-killer world who had guarded himself and grown up.

In the end, she looked like a girl who was incredibly beautiful.

Subsequently, Kitahara Hakuaki also revealed his contract with Medusa, Medea, and Medusa’s diva personality.

Seeing this deep contract between the other self and Kitahara Baiqiu, and that kind of person.

Medusa’s face was also red.

Really… That’s what she thought.

I turned out to be the right wife of this adult…

Medusa snorted, completely unaware of how to face her sudden husband.

She did not dare to look directly at Kitahara Baiqiu, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

“In other words, in another world, do I also like Lord Bai Qiu?”

Medea looked at another of her own contracts with Kitahara Hakuaki and also blinked and asked.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at this blue-haired, mature and beautiful girl, also nodded, smiled and said, “Well, it is my honor to be liked by you.” ”

Medea heard this, calmly stepped forward, hugged Kitahara Baiqiu’s arm, looked at Kitahara Baiqiu expectantly and asked, “Then our relationship should also be taken for granted.” ”

For Medea’s boldness, Medusa was stunned.

“Sort of.”

Kitahara laughed softly and watched as Dafang hugged his Medea.

It is really the same as the goddess Medea of the godkiller world, bold and enthusiastic in love.

“Hey, hey, hey, that’s fine, I can like you in the other world, then it means that I will like you too.”

Medea spoke.

Even Medusa could not refute this.

After all, it is the same person of the same personality, as long as ‘myself’ likes it, then there is no reason why I will not like it.

Proper wife…?

Medusa’s face was red again.

She felt that she was really good in the other world.

Kitahara Baiqiu is obviously a god king of the god lineage, but the other world herself can become the queen of this god system and sit firmly in the position of the wife of Kitahara Baiqiu… It’s just amazing.

Medusa stole a glance at Sakura Tosaka.

Although this was the first time she had seen Kitahara Hakuaki in the true sense.

But…… It’s no exaggeration.

She was much ahead of her own master.

As Medusa looks at Sakura Tosaka.

Sakura Tosaka also happens to be watching Medusa.

Facing the look in Sakura’s eyes, Medusa was immediately ashamed.

Sorry, Imaster.

I didn’t mean to… And at this very moment.

Medusa and Medea’s bodies also began to become illusory.

The Holy Grail has disappeared.

By convention, followers naturally need to return to the throne of the Heroic Spirit.

Although Kitahara White Autumn summoned the Holy Grail not with the power of the heroes.

But before that, they all used their treasures to attack the Enchanted Family’s enchantment, consuming too much power.

Now that the conditions left behind are gone, nature is beginning to slowly dissipate.

“It’s a pity, I didn’t expect to meet Lord Bai Qiu and leave.”

Medea looked at her slowly fading body and said with a sigh.

She looked at Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes full of reluctance.

She had wanted to hear the story between herself in the other world and Kitahara Hakuaki.

How did the two meet and know each other?

Medea is very yearning for love, let alone her own love.

Medusa looked at herself equally watered down.

At this moment, she also opened her mouth and hesitated, and finally did not say it, but asked: “We, will we have a chance to meet in the future?” ”

After all, he is his own husband, and he is still the kind of wife he is.

Medusa is naturally also a little reluctant.

From her own person, she was doomed to be deeply dependent on Kitahara Baiqiu.

“No need to later, if you want to stay now, you can naturally stay, and I have many ways to keep you here without having to return to the Hall of Heroes.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the two and smiled slightly, and said.

Medea and Medusa were stunned.

Immediately afterward, there was a flash of surprise on his face.

If they can stay, they naturally want to stay.

“Of course we want to stay? Is it the one who signed the contract? In the other world, we can sign a contract with Lord Bai Qiu, then we can definitely do it in this world, right? ”

Medea’s face was full of surprise, and she asked Bihara Baiqiu expectantly.

Medusa’s face was slightly red, but she was also looking at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned.

There are many ways to keep them… Not to the point of signing a contract.

But looking at the expression of the two expectant, Kitahara Baiqiu also smiled.

Naturally, he would not reject the two girls.

“Of course you can, then sign the contract.”

With that, Kitahara first kissed Medusa on the lips, and then on Medea’s lips.

The two maidens who had originally turned into a little starlight seemed to be about to disappear.

Under the power of the contract.

The body is also solidified again.

Two young girls who signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

The face is also flushed.

I just feel my heart beating faster.

Born with a close relationship with Kitahara Baiqiu, they felt the contract with Kitahara Baiqiu, and only felt that their hearts were full of joy.

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