Chapter 304 Brother Bai Qiu, I have grown up…!!

After signing a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Medusa and Medea naturally got rid of Rider and Caster’s identities and stayed.

Sakura Tosaka looked at Medusa with a look of complexity in her eyes and looked at Medusa with an angry face.

After all, it is his own master.

Coupled with the fact that Medusa knows that she is also at fault, it is natural to come forward to comfort Tosaka Sakura Alice Fell looking at the Medea who has made a pact with Kitahara Hakuaki is also a novelty.

She didn’t expect that a heroic spirit she had picked up casually was actually related to the Northern Plains White Autumn.

But she didn’t take it too seriously.

After the Holy Grail War ~ complete dust has ended.

Kitahara Hakuaki took a few daughters with him, and naturally returned to the life of Tosaka Rin’s bungalow.

Alice Phil and others also told Kitahara about their experience in the past ten years.

In the past ten years, they have basically stayed in Dongmu City to wait for the return of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Only during this period.

Aoi Tosaka felt embarrassed to stay at Einz Belen’s house and left with Tosaka.

After all, Sakura Tosaka is a child adopted by Kitahara Hakuaki and Alice Phil.

So it doesn’t matter if you stay at the Einz Belen house all the time.

But in what capacity, and for what reason did they stay at the Einz Belen house?

Aoi Tosaka, who has a thin face, naturally leaves the Einz Belen family with Tosaka.

During this time, they also learned from Yanfeng Qili that Tosaka Toshitomi had been tragically killed in the Holy Grail War.

Naturally, Aoi Tosaka, who has nowhere to go, also brought Tosaka Rin back to the Tosaka family and has been raising Tosaka Rin for all these years.

Learn about the return of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Aoi Tosaka also deliberately rushed from the mansion of the Tosaka family.

Like Alice Phil, Aoi Tosaka has not changed much from ten years ago, and is still so beautiful.

After seeing Kitahara Hakuaki, Aoi Tosaka seemed to be relieved and stood in the distance and smiled at him slightly.

Kitahara Baiqiu also responded with a slight smile.

It is worth mentioning.

Tosaka Sakura is now called Tosaka Sakura, but also called Kirito Sakura.

After all, when Sakura Tosaka disappeared.

The Tosaka family forcibly passed Tosaka Sakura over to the Kirito family.

From a legal point of view, Tosaka Sakura is actually called Kiritsukura.

The insects of the Jian Tong family had long been completely destroyed by the Northern Plains White Autumn, plus the Jian Tong Dirty Yan was also dead.

As the sole heir of the Kirito family of the Mizo family.

I can only say don’t be white.

For many reasons, Sakura also did not change her name to Sakura von Einz Belen.

After all, that’s the way it is.

It is also equivalent to the Royal Three Houses of the Holy Grail War.

The Tosaka family, the Kirito family, the Einz Belen family.

All of them are controlled by people close to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Sakura has been the one who has decided since she was a child to give everything for Kitahara Hakuaki, even if it may help Kitahara Hakuaki a little, she can’t give up.

After all, it’s just a name.

However, after learning that Tosaka Rin had signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kiritsuke still couldn’t help but have tears in the corners of her eyes, and it seemed that I saw it and said pityingly, “Sister is too good.” ”

“Huh? That one…… Sakura, have I done anything excessive? ”

Tosaka Rin looked at Sakura like this, she also only felt her scalp tingle, and asked awkwardly.

“Excessiveness is excessive, Ming Ming sister said when she was young that she would not like Brother Bai Qiu, but now she has signed a contract with Brother Bai Qiu in front of me.”

Kirito Sakura was full of grievances in her heart and grabbed the corner of her coat and said.

Of course she was wronged.

She has been preparing for this day for ten years and working hard for ten years.

Rider Medusa is also counted, after all, she also has a reason.

But Tsunasaka, who had sworn all kinds of vows since childhood, was ahead of her.

This makes me realize that I like Bai Qiu’s brother more than my sister, how not to be wronged.

“Oh, this, Sakura, it’s not what you think, there’s actually a sequence here.”

Tosaka was sweating profusely and couldn’t help but say.

“Sequencing? Didn’t I like Brother Bai Qiu first? Whether it is meeting Brother Bai Qiu or liking Brother Bai Qiu, it is all my first. ”

Sakura said unconvincedly.

The corners of Tosaka’s mouth twitched slightly.

She didn’t expect that she had just used it to ridicule Kitahara Bai Qiu’s words, and she had actually been used by her sister to kill her.

But, but…

It was really she who met Kitahara Baiqiu first.

Although in his sister’s impression, it is true that his sister met Kitahara Baiqiu first

Tosaka Rin didn’t know how to explain it for a moment, and could only look at Kitahara Hakuaki with a begging look.

Kitahara Shiraaki also smiled, came to the front of Kirito Sakura, touched her head, and said, “Okay, Sakura, it’s all my fault, don’t blame your sister.” ”

“I really didn’t expect that after ten years of not seeing, Sakura has grown into a big girl.”

Kirito Sakura’s face froze for a moment, and then looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, and her face was also a little red.

In the face of the Northern Plains Baiqiu that she was thinking about, she was a little confused, and she could not be angry.

“So, did I look like that?” Brother Bai Qiu? ”

Kirito’s voice was very small, but anyone could hear it full of anticipation.

The little girl had grown up.

Naturally, Kiritsukura also wanted to fulfill her childhood wish, that is, to marry Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Of course.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, looking at the young girl standing in front of him.

With her outstanding appearance, she is actually a famous beauty in Hotaru Gakuen.

It’s just that as a first-year student who has just entered the school, she has not yet had time to compete with her sister Tosaka Rin in terms of fame.

It is completely different from the character of Rin Tosaka.

Sakura’s gentle personality, kindness, calmness, bright long hair and healing smile add a lot of charm to her.

It can be said that Sakura is the dream lover in the hearts of countless people.

“Then can I marry Brother Bai Qiu now?”

When Kitahara Sakura heard Kitahara Hakuaki’s answer, her eyes lit up and she looked at Kitahara Hakuaki expectantly and asked.

When she was a child, Sakura Makiragi said that when she grew up, she wanted to marry Kitahara Hakuaki, who saved everything for her.

Kitahara Hakuaki agreed.

Now that she has grown up and has become what Kitahara Hakuaki likes, Kirito Sakura naturally can’t wait to get an answer from Kitahara Hakuaki.

At the same time, when asking this question, her heart was also extremely worried.

It’s just that this hesitation didn’t last long…

She saw Kitahara Baiqiu nodding with a smile.

I haven’t had time to be happy yet.

Sakura’s eyes widened.

Because at this moment, Kitahara Baiqiu had already kissed her.

Slowly closing her eyes, Sakura also responded to Kitahara Hakuaki.


Sakura Kirito already knew about this thing.

It’s just that I was still young before, so naturally I can’t do it.

Now that she has grown up and waited for many years, the contract is finally her turn

Sakura was very happy in her heart.

Brother Bai Qiu… Everything about Sakura belongs to you.

Sakura felt the deep connection between herself and Kitahara Hakuaki, and she couldn’t help but think about it in her heart.

Unlike her older sister, Sakura is in excellent shape, almost comparable to Medea and Medusa.

After signing a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kirito Sakura also fell softly into Kitahara’s arms.

She is the kind of quiet and gentle Yamato Fumiko type.

Watch as Kitahara Shiraaki signs a contract with Kirito.

Everyone present also had different expressions.

Medusa was naturally relieved, after all, her own master was final

If she failed, she felt that she was really guilty

Artoria glanced at Kitahara Baiqiu, she knew this would be the case ten years ago, after all, she and her sister were the same.

Aoi Tosaka was full of red, and she didn’t expect that her two daughters would really sign a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu when they grew up, so her current identity was not Kitahara Baiqiu’s mother-in-law?

“Daddy, Daddy, me, me, me, I’m going to sign a contract with you.”

At this moment, Ilia was even more tearful and ran directly to Kitahara Baiqiu and said.

“Ten years, ten years, I don’t know why I haven’t grown up yet, obviously I want to be like Sakura, let my father see me growing up, and surprise my father.”

Ilya said sadly.

In ten years, Tosaka Rin Tosaka Sakura has grown up.

Only Ilya, ten years later, is still the same as before.

This made Ilya very aggrieved.

She had no idea why this was the case.

Now even Sakura called her sister, but she couldn’t scream with a look of embarrassment.

Kitahara glanced at Ilya, then at Alice Phil.

Alice Fell blinked at Kitahara Hakuaki, only to feel very amused.

Kitahara Bai Qiu had to comfort him, “Ilya is very cute now, isn’t it good?” I really like this kind of Ilia. ”

“Uh… However, there are many things that can only be done when you grow up, such as signing a contract with your father. ”

Ilya heard that Kitahara Baiqiu liked her current self, and she also whimpered and said tangledly.

“Does Ilia want to make a contract with me too?”

“Hmm! I wasn’t Daddy’s own but wanted to be with Dad forever. ”

“Well, then sign the contract, Ilya.”


Who says signing a contract must wait until you grow up? Kitahara clarified that this was purely a misunderstanding.

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