Chapter 305 For the Last Time! Everybody has to be bullied!!

After signing a contract with Ilya as well.

All the girls at the scene signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu.

Ilia blushed, very excited and happy.

Since he can sign a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Then she didn’t really care that much about whether she had grown up or not.

Determined to be with her father forever, this is what Ilia has always dreamed of.

And after Ilya.

The only person on the scene who did not sign a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki was Aoi Tosaka.

Aoi Tosaka after some struggle.

It is also the same as the ghost annihilation world stove door Aoi branch.

Decided to stay with his two daughters forever.

Then Red Face and Kitahara Hakuaki also signed a contract.

When Tosaka Rin and Kitahara Sakura saw their mother sign a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki, their faces were all red, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.

After signing a contract with all the girls.

Kitahara White Autumn naturally also summoned Gui Ni Weier, Morgan Lefey, and Mordred as well.

“White Autumn!”

“White Autumn!”


After the three daughters came out, seeing Kitahara Baiqiu was also surprised to directly hug him for thousands of years.

They finally saw each other again.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled, and naturally hugged the three of them and responded to them.

All the girls in the Moon World who are intimate with Kitahara Baiqiu also surround Kitahara Baiqiu in the middle.

A line of people.

They also returned to their home in Einz Belen.

It’s not that the Tosaka family’s bungalows are bad.

It’s just that the Einz Belen family villa is larger and more suitable for the many young girls present.

All the girls are convinced.

This time, they would never be separated from Kitahara Hakuaki again.


“What, another month?!!”

Morgan Lefey looked at Kitahara Baiqiu in disbelief and said excitedly.

“Cough cough, yes, yeah, didn’t I say that I’m not from this world?”

“So… The complete integration of the two worlds will take another month. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled awkwardly and said to the girls a little embarrassed.

He is not afraid of any powerful enemy, invincible opponent.

But…… The girls were in tears, and I saw that Judas looked at him with pity, and I really couldn’t stand it.

The girls looked pitiful one by one.

Even Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but feel guilty and looked away.

“This time, definitely the last time!” Absolutely! ”

Morgan Lefey casually hugged his chest and forced his beautiful face to Kitahara Baiqiu to ask.

Morgan Lefey had tears in the corners of his eyes, and he also looked a little angry and stubborn, wanting to get a positive answer from Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Well, I promise it’s the last time.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Morgan Lefey, his heart was also shocked, kissed away her tears, and said softly: “After this time, no one can separate us forever.” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu hugged the beautiful silver-haired girl and said.

Under the appeasement of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Morgan Lefey’s heart also slowly calmed down, and she said: “Well, we will believe in Bai Qiu once again, thousands of years have waited for you, not worse than this month.” ”

“If you break your promise this time… I’m going to bully Artoria! ”

Altoria: “Huh? Sister! What does Bai Qiu’s reneging on his promise have to do with me! ”

Artoria was stunned.

Can’t help but blush and retort.

“Who doesn’t know that Bai Qiu’s favorite is you!” Bai Qiu reneged on his word, and I can’t take Bai Qiu again! Of course bully his favorite you! ”

Morgan Lefey heard that and looked at Artoria in disgust and said.

From a long time ago, she knew that Kitahara Baiqiu cared a lot about Artoria.

It is more meaningful to bully Artoria than if Kitahara Hakuaki reneges on his word!

Most, favorite me?

Artoria heard Morgan Lefey’s words.

His face was also flushed, and he was overwhelmed.

Secretly glancing at Kitahara Baiqiu, seeing that he did not refute it, the redness on Artoria’s face became even greater.

“Sister, if my sister bullies me, then I will bully Ellie!” Bai Qiu also likes Ai Li very much! ”


Alice Fell exclaimed.

She felt innocent lying with a gun.

Bai Qiu is very fond of her, right.

But, but, what does this have to do with Morgan Lefey bullying Artoria.

King Arthur Artoria turned out to be such a person???

Alice Fell was very angry and said, “If Leah dares to bully me!” I’ll bully Ilya! I can’t be bullied by white anyway! ”

“Oh, Mom, how are you! Then I can’t suffer a loss, I want to bully Sakura to bully back! ”

“Uh… Why bully me, if you bully me, I, I will bully my sister and Rider. ”

“Sakura, you’ve changed, and you want to bully your sister… Caster, you wait. ”

“What does it have to do with me that you were bullied by your own sister… It is better to say that I think I can bully Gui Ni Wei’er, Gui Ni Wei Er in order to marry Bai Qiu, but she has made a big fuss in the British court and is very loved by Bai Qiu. ”

“You, you, if you dare to bully me, Morgan Lefey!” Aoi Tosaka! I promise none of you can run! ”

“Oh, do you dare?”

“Uh… That, Miss Wei’er, this matter has nothing to do with me, let me go…”

“Xiao Mo is Bai Qiu’s daughter, I think to bully or bully her… The girls were suddenly playing and fighting, and they were threatening each other anyway. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but cry and laugh when he looked at it.


If he breaks his word.

Nothing will happen to him personally.

But are all the girls present going to suffer innocence? But Kitahara Hakuaki also knew.

It was the girls expressing their hearts to him.

Looking at this group of young girls, Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart was at peace, and his face was full of smiles.

“Rest assured, this is indeed the last time, and I will not break my word.”

Kitahara Hakuaki softly reassured.

Hearing Kitahara’s words, the girls also quieted down, showed their most beautiful smiles on their faces, and nodded.

“Hmm! x(n+1)”

They knew that since Kitahara Baiqiu said this, it was really only one month left.

“Brother Bai Qiu, how long can you stay in this world now?”

Sakura looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and asked softly.

“Seven days, ten days at most.”

Kitahara thought about it for a moment, then replied with a chuckle.

“That’s just right! You stay with us alone for a day! ”

Tosaka Rin also spoke at this moment.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and everyone was looking forward to the North Plains White Autumn.

Kitahara was stunned.

Looking at the look of the girls’ expectations, he naturally would not refuse.


In order, he also took turns to lose all the girls a day.

Waited for thousands of years, waited for ten years.

Even in other worlds, no girl who had waited for such a long time in the Northern Plains White Autumn now had to wait for a month.

Kitahara Hakuaki was ashamed and distressed.

In the past few days, I have also gone out of my way to cook every day to compensate the girls.

In the type moon world.

Most people and heroes are big foodies.

All, the girls are naturally very satisfied with the compensation of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Every time I eat, my eyes are shining, and I am very happy.

For them, the food of these days is almost like being in heaven.

After the kiss, Kitahara Hakuaki also gave his culinary skills to Sakura Maki, who is the perfect wife.

Of course, in these few days, every night was also an unquiet night, and the girls also gave everything to Kitahara Baiqiu one by one.

Under such a life.

The time soon passed…

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