Chapter 308: Angry Kato! Aggrieved Pear Pear!!

After the Kitahara White Autumn simulation of the Perfect Moon World.

Naturally, the time also soon came to lunch break.

Nowadays, although the Northern Plains White Autumn and Snow Under the Snow, the Four Houses of the Night, the Four Palaces Miko, and even the Kasumigamika Shiyu and all the other girls are already in the same class.

However, during the lunch break.

All the maidens went to the ministry for lunch.

After all.

Originally, their downgrading and upgrading of dog food show love was already very exciting

Isn’t it too much to eat a bento in front of everyone in the second year A class?

Even if it is Kitahara White Autumn.

I also think this is too much.

They are all classmates, why not.

For the people of the second year A class, both men and women are actually happy and painful.

Happy yes.

The most handsome teenagers and the most beautiful girls are all in their class.

It’s no exaggeration.

The current two-year A class is completely the highest quality class in all aspects of history.

The beauty of Snow Under the Snow, Kasumigaoka Shiba, Shinomiya Keiya and others.

That’s a school flower in any school.

Even many schools can’t find a single flower at this level.

Not to mention Kitahara Baiqiu, who had never even seen anyone more handsome than Kitahara Baiqiu.

Can you not be happy with such a high-quality man and woman in a class? But they are also painful.

Because these high-quality men and women are all related, and they have nothing to do with them…

This is simply unlovable, even a little desperate.

And at this time, the ministry of service.

“Well… Bai Qiu went on a date with everyone on the weekend, but there was no me and Ying Li Pear? ”

“Obviously, I said that I wouldn’t like the new and tired of the old, but I was abandoned just after I confirmed the contract Bai Qiu?”

“Don’t look at me like this, but Bai Qiu, if you ignore me like this, I will be angry.”

Kei Kato learns that Kitahara has a date with all the girls on the weekend.

But when there was no her, he also complained to Kitahara Baiqiu.

It’s just that even if she complains, her tone is only slightly higher, and there is not much emotion.

The look of pouting made this treasure girl look very cute next to Kato.

The Fourth Palace Huiye’s face was full of blush and shame.

Because the reason why Kato knows this is from her.

She was still very excited about dating Kitahara Hakuaki, even if it had been a day.

Shinomiya Huiye originally thought.

Everyone has a date with Kitahara Hakuaki.

After all, even she had not forgotten Kitahara Baiqiu.

So during the lunch break to eat bento, she was naturally excited to discuss and share with everyone.

The result was nothing to be expected.

He actually stepped on the thunder, and there were really people who had not dated Kitahara Baiqiu.

This made Shinomiya even a little flustered, afraid that Kitahara Baiqiu would blame her.

At this moment, Yingli Pear’s eyes were full of darkness, tears were swirling in his eyes, and he lowered his head as if he would cry out at any moment.

After all…… Everybody has.

Only she and Kato didn’t have the words.

It is really easy to wonder whether Kitahara Baiqiu does not like her.

Ying Li Pear was very aggrieved at this moment.

She didn’t even know what she had done that Kitahara Hakuaki would dislike her.

She is not like Kei Kato.

She couldn’t even say a word.

“It’s my fault, but I’m not ignoring you, but I should say that I attach great importance to you.”

Kitahara Baiqiu touched the head of the Four Palaces Huiye and smiled at her slightly, first comforting the initiator of the Four Palaces Huiye.

The Fourth Palace Huiye was stunned by the intimate face of Kitahara Baiqiu, his face was suddenly red, and he did not dare to move nervously.

At this moment, the fawn in her heart bumped into her, and naturally forgot to panic.

Ying Li Pear was stunned when she heard Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, with tears in her eyes, and she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a look of pity that I saw.

“Valued? Do you think I’ll forgive you for saying that? If you don’t say the answer that satisfies me, I’ll ignore you for a week. ”

Kato turned her head, still with that little angry look, and said cutely.

She can do what she says.

Say a week and ignore it.

Unless Kitahara Hakuaki coaxed her.

“Yes yes yes.”

Kitahara Baiqiu cried and laughed, raised his hand to surrender, and then began to explain: “The reason why I did not look for you is because I am going to find time to meet your parents for two of you these two days, and I want my father-in-law and mother-in-law to hand you over to me with confidence.” ”

“During this period, what you want to do, what you need me to do with you, I will naturally satisfy you, considering that the two days are too tight, so I did not look for you.”

See, see parents?!!

Kato Kei and Eiri Pear looked stunned, and their faces suddenly showed a red glow.

“Are you satisfied with this reason?”

Bihara asked.

“Count, count you through.”

Kato asked with a cute blush, “But see your parents or something… Wouldn’t it be too early, Bai Qiu? ”

After all, they are still just high school students, where there are high school students to find their parents, I hope that parents will give their children to him at ease…

“Early? I don’t think it’s early. ”

Kitahara said with a slight smile.

This was indeed his intention.

The other maidens were either from another world or knew of the existence of Kitahara Baiqiu.

For Kitahara Baiqiu to be with his daughter, he will only feel extremely honored and proud of his daughter, so he does not need Kitahara Baiqiu to go to the trip deliberately.

Even if it was the Snow Under the Snow, because the Snow Under Yang Nai had attended the banquet, he must have known the existence of Kitahara White Autumn, and did not dare to rebel against Kitahara White Autumn at all.

It is estimated that only the unclear truth of the snow under the snow is thinking that his family may prevent himself from being with the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Shinomiya Miko’s family Kitahara Hakuaki had already been there.

Even if it was the Kasumigaoka Shiyu family, Kitahara Baiqiu originally wanted to find time to go, but Kasumigaoka Shiyu himself had already taken Kitahara Shiyu to go.

The Shinomiya family and the Fujiwara family did not need to go for the time being.

Counting down, isn’t it only the home of Kato Kei and Eiri who don’t know the mysterious side of the world that doesn’t exist and doesn’t know that the mysterious side is going to go?

“Ying Li Li, you have no problem, right?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the tearful Ying Pear in the corner of his eyes, and also a gust of wind gently brought it to his side.

Ying Pear exclaimed.

Then she saw Kitahara Bai Qiu gently wipe away the tears for her.

Then he kissed his forehead.

Ying Lili’s face immediately burst red, and he twisted and pinched in the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“No, no problem, Teacher White Night.”

Her mother is also a fan of Kitahara Hakuaki, and has long wanted to see Hihara Hakuaki.

Since knowing that Ying Li Pear had found Kitahara Baiqiu, every day he urged Ying Pear to invite Kitahara Baiqiu to his home.

It’s just that Ying Li Pear feels that it is a little bad to invite Kitahara Baiqiu and has not taken action.

Nowadays, Kitahara Baiqiu took the initiative.

And it was to get his mother to give herself to him.

She, she could have any problems.

Ying Lili’s face was full of redness, and she felt that she really shouldn’t think about it.

Think about it, they have signed a contract, and they may not like it.

Kato Keiko saw that Eiri Pear surrendered his weapons so quickly and was defeated, and his heart was also a little speechless.

She sighed and said, “Since Ying Li Li agreed to it, then I will naturally have no problem, I have to say, Bai Qiu, you are really anxious.” ”

“There’s nothing wrong with being anxious, it’s not because I like you.”

Kitahara smiled softly and said to Kato.

Kato Kei blushed and whispered, “Like what you like, it is a real foul coming out of Bai Qiu’s mouth, it is completely impossible to refuse.” ”

“Is it?”

Kitahara laughed softly.

“Yes, so Bai Qiu, you must say less to the girls you don’t know in the future, and you can’t joke about it, they can’t resist.”

Kato Kei looked serious and suggested.

“That’s probably impossible, this is a crumb, although he will only say that he likes the object of his choice, but there are many objects he likes.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu rolled her eyes and spoke directly.

“Just like today’s incident, although there is a reason for the junjun, in the end, the root cause is not because there are too many girls I like?”

“You are the girls who can’t resist the charm of Xiao Hui’s mouth, of course, I am myself.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said this.

Under the snow, the faces of Miko Shinomiya and the others suddenly turned red.

There is anything they can do, like it is like it.

Kitahara smiled softly.

He glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

It is not difficult to see that her face is also slightly red.

Notice Kitahara Hakuaki’s line of sight.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Although she likes Kitahara Baiqiu physically and mentally, she will never be polite.

Kitahara Bai Qiu cried and laughed.

Well, decided.

The new volume of the next novel can’t be easily obtained by her…

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