Chapter 309 Heading to Kato’s house! Bold little favor!!

Lunch break.

It was just a fun time.

For these beautiful and lovely girls.

Kitahara White Autumn is really too rare ~ them.

Being able to get along with them like this every day, Kitahara Baiqiu felt that he would really never get bored.

Let’s go back to the classroom.

Looking at the girls sitting in the classroom.

Kitahara Baiqiu admired the girls, but also did not feel the tedium and boredom of the class at all.

There was a smile on his face from beginning to end.

Previously, only Miyako Shinomiya had to face the sight of Kitahara Hakuaki.

But nowadays, all teenage girls have to face it.

They undoubtedly did not feel the redness on their faces, and their bodies were full of discomfort.

But they were completely helpless with Kitahara Baiqiu.

I don’t know what I really want to look at.

But Kitahara Baiqiu is not tired of watching the girls for a long time.

An afternoon passed quickly.

At the end of school.

Kitahara Shiraaki was also surprised to find that Shizuka Hiratsuka was a little different from usual.

Today’s Hiratsuka Shizuka was obviously not in a good mood, sighing and sighing, and her face was full of distress.

She did not notice Kitahara Baiqiu’s gaze, but after walking out of the school gate, she drove away.

Kitahara watched as Hiratsuka quietly left, but did not do anything.

Kitahara White Autumn knows very well.

With his protection, it was impossible for Hirazuka to be injured.

As for Shizuka Hiratsuka’s distress.

Since Jing Ai did not come to him, then naturally he would not take the initiative to intervene in a hurry.

He was going to wait for Hirazuka to come and beg him.

“Bai Qiu, are you really going to our house today?”

After school.

Kei Kato and Hakuaki Kitahara walked side by side.

Tilted his head, he also asked curiously.

Kitahara Hakuaki is going to Kato’s house today and take Kato Kei down completely.

The other girls were used to understanding and naturally did not bother, so they also took the initiative to leave on their own.

Of course.

Before the girls left.

Kissing is certainly indispensable.

Snow under the snow, Kasumigaoka Shiba, and Shinomiya Miko felt good about this, after all, two of them had already done something bolder, and the other one

I’m used to it.

In this regard, it was just a slight redness on his face, and he looked cute with his head bowed.

But Shinomiya Keiyuki, Hayasaka Ai, Fujiwara Chika, Eiri Pear a few people.

But he rarely kissed Kitahara Baiqiu.

They only felt that their whole body was dizzy, and the hot brains on their faces seemed to be about to crash, and a blank space could not find the east, west, south, and north.

“Bai Qiu, he likes this very much, he will come here basically once a day, and you will get used to it in the future.”

Miko Shinomiya was very experienced and shyly told several people.

Everyday, every day?

Hearing the words of Miko Shinomiya.

Several people in the Fourth Palace Hui Night were all heartbeating, and their hearts were too shy to do it.

They did not expect that there would be such a thing every day when they transferred to the General Wu Gao.

They don’t resist.

On the contrary, I was a little happy inside.

It’s just that they are all shy girls, and this kind of thing is naturally easy to make people shy.

Is this really habitable…? I think back to the cute reaction of the girls just now.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart was also full of smiles.

He has always been the kind of person who likes to go straight to A.

Instead of wanting to rush to death your type.

So, most of the time, he is active and the girls are passive.

Hearing Kato’s words, Kitahara Shiraaki also said with a chuckle, “Of course, after all, if you don’t meet Xiaohui’s parents, how can you let them know that their cute Xiaohui now belongs to me, so that they can rest assured that they will hand you over to me?” ”

“Oh, although what Bai Qiu said is the truth, it sounds really strange that Kato Kei showed a distressed expression on his face and sighed and said.”

“Strange? What’s weird? Does it mean that Xiao Hui is very cute? But it is a fact that Xiao Hui is very cute, and I don’t allow anyone to insult Xiao Hui, even if Xiao Hui is not able to do it yourself. ”

Kitahara said sarcastically.

“It’s not so cute, it’s just generally cute at best.”

Kato Kei blushed slightly and subconsciously whispered a rebuttal.

However, she quickly reacted, looked at Beiyuan Baiqiu with a bulging face, and said complainingly: “Really, I always feel that Bai Qiu is good or bad, and you said it on purpose, you know that I am not talking about this.” ”

“Oh, forget it, Bai Qiu, did you come to my house this time just to meet my parents?”

After complaining, Kato Kei’s face returned to calm, and continued to look at Kitahara Hakuaki and asked.

It felt like it was too much trouble to talk like that.

Kato also hugged Kitahara Hakuaki’s arm, generous.

The two seem extremely close.

After Kato Kei’s face blushed slightly, he looked very calm.

Kitahara looked at Kato Kei in surprise and said with a chuckle, “Of course not, if you can, I hope your parents would do well to let you move to my place, after all, my family is quite big.” ”

“Do you do that to me after you move over?”

Kato blinked, and although her face was still calm, the redness was very obvious.

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Good guys, worthy of Xiao Hui.

Did you just say it so directly?

Kitahara Bai Qiu cried and laughed, and asked, “Why do you say that?” ”

“Singing… If it was someone else, I think it might not be like this, but Bai Qiu you are different…”

Kato blushed and truthfully told Hihara Hakuaki what he thought.

Through these days of getting along, she has long known Kitahara Baiqiu.

After seeing her, he directly confessed and said that he would not let her escape, and even said that he would not hesitate to go back to the past and try to deceive the people she had to achieve when she was a child.

How could it be the indecisive male protagonist of that kind of light novel.

So after hearing that Kitahara Hakuaki wanted her to move over, Kato understood what Kitahara Hakuaki wanted to do.

“Although it is inevitable that I will think like that, after all, Xiaohui is so cute, but if Xiaohui is not mentally prepared, I will not force Xiaohui.”

Kitahara smiled and touched Katoe’s head and spoke.


Kato blushed and nodded slightly.

She also believed what Kitahara Shiraaki had said.

After all, this is Bai Qiujun, except for some Ken Dao in not letting go of the girl he loves.

Have a record, recognize the right to standardize.

It will make the girls willingly like him and willingly give everything for him.

As if there is a huge magic power on the body, people can’t help but be trapped in it.

As Kei Kato has always said.

The existence of Kitahara Hakuaki… It’s a foul.

People can’t refuse at all.

Compared to them.

Some girls who are unfortunate enough to like Kitahara White Autumn, Kitahara White Autumn but do not like it.

It will really delay a lifetime…

Not every love is necessarily a two-way street.

Kato looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and already knew this.

Of course, even Kato.

In this matter, she would not sympathize with these unfortunate young girls.

After all, on the road of love, it is inherently cruel.

The two of you talked plainly one sentence at a time.

I also came to Kato’s home.

Looking at the door in front of him, Kitahara Baiqiu returned to his senses this time.

Have to say.

Chatting with Kei Kato is a treat.

A soft-spoken girl.

Always gives you a very comfortable feeling all the time.

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