Chapter 310: Kei Kato’s Sister! Hiromi Kato!!

“I’m back.”

Kato’s family.

Kato Kei took Kitahara Hakuaki and naturally walked directly into it.

Then he habitually shouted inside.

“Welcome back, Xiao Hui.”

Soon there was a response from inside.

Then a figure also ran down from the upper floor to greet Kato.

“…… Hongmei sister? ”

When Kato saw this figure, the expression on his face was first stunned, and then he asked doubtfully, “Why are you at home today?” ”

“Uh… Xiao Hui, what is the matter with your disgusted tone, isn’t it bad for your sister to come back to see you? ”

Hiromi Kato pretended to be sad.

“There is no disgust… It’s just that you came back today by chance. ”

Kato glanced at Kitahara Hakuaki, then at his sister, and sighed.

That’s right.

The figure in front of me was her sister, who was six years older than Kato.

Hiromi Kato.

As Kei’s older sister.

Hiromi Kato’s appearance is naturally extremely beautiful and lovely.

Not so much so.

It’s exactly an enlarged version of Kei Kato.


Kitahara Baiqiu came to his house today.

As a result, her sister Hiromi Kato happened to be at home.

For Kato, this is indeed a coincidence.

Because Hiromi Kato is actually not at home most of the time.

She just graduated from college.

I have been urged by the family to find a boyfriend, forced to marry and so on.

Hiromi Kato really can’t stand it.

Then I moved out on my own.

Didn’t expect to come back rarely.

I came across the situation where I happened to bring Kitahara Bai Qiu to his house.

“It is indeed a coincidence, I really did not expect that Xiao Hui would one day bring a man back, is it a boyfriend?”

Hiromi Kato looked at Kitahara Hakuaki in amazement, and said in a tone full of ridicule.

Kitahara Hakuaki stood next to Kei Kato.

Hiromi Kato naturally could not have noticed.

Hiromi Kato looked at the teenager in front of him, and there was only one word to the first impression of the teenager in front of him.

Handsome! Let’s be honest.

She had never seen such a handsome teenager! Even if it’s a star on TV, an idol.

Hiromi Kato felt a difference of 18,000 miles from the Kitahara White Autumn in front of him.

People, for good-looking people and things, there will always be good feelings.

So Hiromi Kato’s impression of Kitahara Hakuaki is really good.

It’s no exaggeration.

Just looking at Kitahara Baiqiu, there is a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

If Kitahara Hakuaki is an idol.

Hiromi Kato thinks.

Even if Kitahara Baiqiu does nothing, he will become a brain residue fan of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Yeah, it’s my boyfriend.”

When Kei Kato heard Hiromi Kato’s words, she also nodded her head.

This is a fact, Kitahara Baiqiu is even ready to take her away today.

Naturally, she had nothing to admit or not to admit.

Hiromi Kato was stunned when he heard this.

The first was that she did not expect Kato to be so generous in her admission.

The second was that she didn’t expect that this was really Kato’s boyfriend.

All of a sudden.

Hiromi Kato looked at Kato with a grudge.

No, Xiao Hui, your sister is still single now.

As a result, you found such a boyfriend who is excellent in appearance alone and has nothing to say?

Have you considered my sister’s feelings?

Kitahara looked at Kato Kei and said with a chuckle, “Hello, my name is Kitahara Hakuaki, and I am Koe’s boyfriend.” ”

Hiromi Kato froze, seeing that Kitahara Hakuaki admitted it, naturally there was no longer any doubt: “You, hello, my name is Kato Hiromi, is Hui’s sister.” ”

Hiromi Kato flustered herself to introduce herself.

Then she started running upstairs without looking back.

As he ran, he shouted, “Dad! Mother! Xiao Hui has a boyfriend! And she brought her boyfriend home! ”

“What? Xiao Hui has a boyfriend? ”

“Who? Who is it? Rob my lovely little Hui, even dare to come to my house, I want to break his leg. ”

“No, absolutely not! Xiao Hui is now making a boyfriend too early, I do not agree! ”

“That’s right, Hongmei should have found a boyfriend sooner rather than later, what is Xiao Hui’s hurry?”

Above the stairs.

At this moment, of course, there was a commotion.

A flurry of panicked footsteps, at this moment also began to rush to stay.

Kato’s face was full of calm.

However, Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles.

Kato watched her sister run upstairs, and the cute crooked head.

Taking advantage of this gap, he also asked the Kitahara Baiqiu beside him: “Speaking of Bai Qiujun, you will not take a shot at my sister, right?” ”

“Cough cough… Cough cough cough…”

Kitahara was stunned, and then he coughed violently, crying and laughing and asking Kato, “Why did you say that?” ”

“That’s because Bai Qiu and Xue Nai and her sister have signed a contract, and I listen to Shi Yu’s sister… Oh, now I’m not a schoolgirl. ”

“I heard Shi Yu say that Bai Qiu still has two sisters and flower maids in your family, isn’t Bai Qiu very interested in sisters or something?”

“If Bai Qiu thinks I am very cute, then according to Bai Qiu’s aesthetic, my sister should also be very beautiful and cute, right?” So it’s not surprising that Bai Qiu will shoot at her!? ”

Kato Kei carefully analyzed, a bland look is very reasonable…

Say Kitahara White Autumn Shame Face.

If you want to say this, it seems that it is still true.

It’s just that it really doesn’t matter that he likes his sisters, it’s just that the girl he likes happens to be sisters.

Well, I’m sure.

“Rest assured, I won’t take a shot at your sister, I have Xiaohui and you’ll be enough.”

Kitahara Baiqiu cried and laughed, but still opened his mouth to reassure.

This is also true.

His impression of Kato Kei’s sister was actually not very profound.

Pretty to pretty.

But if only pretty.

Nowadays, it is actually difficult to conquer the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Kitahara Hakuaki likes people like Kei Kato, Yukino under the snow, Shiba Kasumigaoka, and so on, never just because they are beautiful.

“Is it?”

Kato thought about it and didn’t say anything.

It wasn’t that she didn’t believe Kitahara Hakuaki.

Merely…… Even if Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t have that idea.

Kato was also not sure what her sister would do after meeting Kitahara Hakuaki.

After all, Kitahara Hakuaki was really foul.

This time the sister happened to meet Kitahara Hakuaki, and Kato did not know whether it was good or bad.

She sighed deeply.

And at this very moment.

Upstairs, Kato’s parents also rushed down at this moment.

Kato’s father was full of momentum, and before he could go downstairs, he said directly and sternly, “I don’t care who you are, I tell you, I want to rob our family Xiaohui… Well, a handsome and handsome boy. ”

Kato’s father was still talking confidently, but when he saw Kitahara Baiqiu, his face was subconsciously stunned, and his tone changed, and he couldn’t help but say.

“Boy his father, what are you talking about, this is a lifelong event related to Xiao Hui, and what does it have to do with whether Ying is handsome or not?”

Mrs. Kato’s disgruntled voice followed, and then when she went downstairs and saw Kitahara Hakuaki, her whole face was also stunned: “Really, it is really a handsome young man, I have never seen such a handsome young man before.” ”


Hiromi Kato watched from the sidelines and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

No way, it’s so funny.

Kei Kato: “…”

Kato’s face was slightly red, and she turned her head and couldn’t bear to look at it directly.

Even if it’s her.

She also felt very embarrassed to have such parents…

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