Chapter 321 Play a small game with Yakumo Purple!!

Oriental Gensokyo.

Yokai sage Yakumo purple.

Kitahara Baiqiu recognized the identity of the woman in front of him at a glance. After the power that belonged to him in Inoue Takina’s body was activated.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally noticed this place as well.

At a glance, he recognized the identity of the party.

It’s just that Kitahara Hakuaki is not very interested in one side of the pass.

After all, how can men be interested in men?

You’d say it’s not even more than enough to change Misaka Mikoto.

Therefore, after solving the crisis of Takina above the well, Kitahara Hakuaki did not take care of it anymore.

Kitahara did not think of it.

After solving the passage of one party.

Since the gap of Yakumo Purple was discovered by accident.

This made him instantly interested.

And when he found his master through the gap, sure enough, Kitahara Baiqiu also saw Yakumo Purple.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not expect that Yakumo Purple had actually come to the world.

After all, he didn’t always pay attention to visitors from other worlds.

Nowadays, most things he doesn’t care about, and only when something really big happens, it is possible to ask him to come forward.

“Do you know us?”

Hearing the surprised voice of Yakumo Purple opposite.

Kitahara Shiraaki smiled lightly and said, “Nature is to know, the youkai sage Yakumo Zi, or is it a daimyō, I just don’t know, nowadays, Gensokyo can be established?” ”

“Do you still know Gensokyo?!!”

Yakumo Zi’s face was full of vibration and he couldn’t help but take a step back.

Can’t see through!

She couldn’t see through the man in front of her at all! To say that it is a daimyō.

She Yakumo Purple naturally has a daimyō.

However, Yakumo Purple did not feel that his daimyō could spread to the other world.

These days she found out long ago.

The world doesn’t know Gensokyo, doesn’t know everything about its own world.

It’s another world that’s completely complete.

But nowadays…… Someone knows.

It’s definitely the man’s problem!

This man……… Not only knowing her, but also knowing Gensokyo, who is it?

“Nature knows, so, did your Gensokyo establish?” Yakumo purple. ”

Kitahara nodded again and asked.

He didn’t mean anything else, he just wanted to confirm the timeline of Gensokyo.

Before and after the establishment of Gensokyo.

Can be used as a watershed, Kitahara Baiqiu does not need to know too much detail, just need to know this.

“Done, established.”

Yakumo Zi suppressed the shock in his heart, and for the time being, he answered truthfully.

At the same time, she was also thinking about why Kitahara Bai Qiu knew Gensokyo and why he would ask this question.

Could it be that… Before Gensokyo was founded.

Did Kitahara Baiqiu have long anticipated that Gensokyo will still be established in the future? This made Yakumo Purple even more shocked.

Yakumo Zi suppressed the shock in his heart and did not ask much for the time being.

“Has it already been set up…… I see. ”

Kitahara nodded his head clearly, also thinking about something.

O Gensokyo of the gods.

In his past life, he was very famous.

When there was time, Kitahara Baiqiu felt that he could go and have a look.

“I don’t know what this great man is doing to us.”

Yakumo Zi asked with a grudging smile on her face. Although I don’t know how Kitahara Hakuaki found himself.

But there is no doubt about it.

In the face of such a powerful existence, Yakumo Purple is also extremely cautious.

“My name is Kitahara Hakuaki, you can just look at it, as for what I am looking for you, well, let me think about it…”

Kitahara Shiraaki first introduced himself to Yakumo Zi.

Then he thought about it for a while, smiled and said, “I think you are too strong, afraid that you will mess around in this world, so I am ready to take you home and take care of you. ”

Yakumo Purple: “…”

Yakumo Purple is full of black lines.

They all said it was an excuse, and asked her how she was?

However, the purpose of Kitahara Hakuaki’s purpose Yakumo Zi knew was to bring her back, but he didn’t know what this was for.

Yakumo Zi pondered in his heart, and his mouth also replied, “Lord Kitahara, if you are worried about how we will be in this world, then we can assure you in the name that we will absolutely abide by the rules you have set and will not mess around.” ”

“Empty words, do you think I will believe it?”

Kitahara laughed lightly and said, “If a strange strong man runs to your Gensokyo and says that he will absolutely keep to himself and do nothing, do you believe it?” ”

Yakumo Purple: “… Then of course she didn’t believe it. ”

But now the situation is different, she has run into someone else’s world.

“So, there’s no need to talk about it?”

The smile on Yakumo Zi’s face disappeared, and he asked in a deep voice.

Even if the Northern Plains White Autumn is stronger.

Nor was she going to tie her hands.

After all, she didn’t know who Kitahara Baiqiu was and what she would face when she was brought back.

If she obediently follows, that is someone else’s home, and if something happens then she will only be more passive.

“Not really.”

Kitahara shook his head and smiled.

He didn’t plan to fight Yakumo Zi.

Kitahara said, “Why don’t we make a bet?” I’ll give you time to escape, and if you run away, as long as you don’t mess around in this world, I won’t look for you. ”

“But if you don’t run away, how about just come back with me?” Of course, you can come a few more times at a time until you are convinced. ”

Yakumo Purple was stunned at first.

Immediately, she was also angry and laughed.

Let her run away and then come to muscle her? How much does this have to look down on her?

No matter what, she is a great youkai sage Yakumo Purple! She also has her own dignity and integrity.


Yakumo Zi nodded without hesitation.

The knot dropped a little in an instant.

Cough, no way, dignity and integrity are important.

But Kitahara White Autumn is really too strong.

The power in Inoue’s body alone gave Yakumo Purple a feeling of a dragon god.

Not to mention the Kitahara White Autumn body.

Yakumo Zi felt that there was a good chance that he could not be the opponent of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Rather than going head-to-head with them.

It is better to agree to the conditions of Kitahara Baiqiu.

After all, Yakumo Purple was still a little confident in his escape skills.

If you can’t even escape at the hands of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Fight or something, not to mention.

The gap between the two is simply too great.

No matter what the purpose of Kitahara Baiqiu was, this condition alone was beneficial to her.

Without the slightest hesitation.

After answering.

Yakumo Purple also disappeared directly in place………

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