Chapter 322: Cat Catches Mouse! Crash of Yakumo Purple!!

The game begins.

Yakumo Purple after agreeing.

It also disappeared directly in place.

She didn’t plan to let Kitahara Bai Qiu shout anything to start. Or let Kitahara Baiqiu prepare for something.

After all, Kitahara Baiqiu did not say that he wanted to shout to start.

Of course, she couldn’t have been specifically reminded.

Soldiers are not tired of deception.

In the face of the existence of the Northern Plains White Autumn, it is unreasonable to make trouble.

Let’s be honest.

Faced with the unknown existence of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Frontal combat Yakumo Purple is not confident.

If you really fight, it is extremely difficult to get out of it.

But when it comes to running away.

Yakumo Purple, as a realm demon, has the ability to gap.

She’s still a little confident.

In Gensokyo, she called her second, and no one dared to call her first.

Take advantage of clearance capabilities.

Yakumo Purple made several space jumps.

Only then did he finally breathe a sigh of relief and slowly stopped.

“I really didn’t expect that there was such a powerful existence in this world, and I didn’t know whether he and the Dragon God of our world were strong or weak.”

Yakumo Purple walked out of the gap, and in his heart was a secret thought.

The creation of Gensokyo offended the Dragon God, and the Dragon God came out to stop it.

Together with many demons and gods, she could not resist.

The power of the dragon god.

Yakumo Purple is still fresh in my mind.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Dragon God had finally let them go, I’m afraid that there would have been no Gensokyo or youkai sages at this moment.

Put Kitahara White Autumn and Dragon God on the same level.

It was enough to see how much Yakumo Purple attached great importance to Kitahara Hakuaki.

But alas.

Kitahara Hakuaki was too arrogant.

If she wanted to run, no one could stop her.

“Speaking of ability, Yakumo Zi, your ability is still a bit interesting, but unfortunately, you are still too weak to use your ability to the extreme.”

And at the moment when Yakumo Purple stepped out of the gap.

Kitahara Bai Qiu’s voice was interested, but it suddenly sounded in her ear Yakumo Purple pupils shrunk, and her face was full of disbelief.

How is this possible?!!

Without the slightest hesitation, there was no reply.

Yakumo Purple disappeared again and began to flee somewhere else.

She didn’t believe it.

I couldn’t believe that Kitahara Bai Qiu had found her so quickly.

This time, Yakumo Purple directly crossed a state and came to the other side of the ocean.

“It’s useless, to be honest, your sudden disappearance really stunned me, but the gap between us is really too big.” 」 ”

But in the instant of stepping out of the gap, Yakumo Purple heard the voice of Kitahara Shiraaki again, “The realm of fast and slow!” ”

“The realm of stillness and movement!”

Yakumo Zi did not hesitate in the slightest, and directly hit the power of the two realms on the body of the Northern Plains Bai Qiu.

“Oh, the power of the realm?”

Kitahara Baiqiu showed an interested expression on his face, this ability is somewhat interesting.

It’s just too weak.

Yakumo Purple simply could not exert the power of the realm to the extreme, and it could not have any impact on the Northern Plains White Autumn at all.

Watch Yakumo Purple disappear into place again.

Kitahara Baiqiu also laughed softly, not caring at all.


He originally wanted Yakumo Purple Heart to take it orally.

When Yakumo Purple walked out of the gap again, he undoubtedly saw Kitahara Baiqiu again.

“Give it up, the gap between us is too big for you to run.”

Kitahara Baiqiu was kind and persuasive, and his face was full of smiles.

Yakumo Zi was silent, without the slightest hesitation, and Tang Ci disappeared in the same place.

Then reappear in another distant place.

“Speaking of realms, I know that one is stronger than you…”

The voice of Kitahara White Autumn sounded as promised.

But what made Kitahara Baiqiu stunned was that this time, before he could finish speaking, Yakumo Purple disappeared directly in the same place.

Yakumo Zi’s heart was also full of unpeace and shock at this moment.

How is this possible?

She felt that she couldn’t escape no matter how she could escape.

Is the gap too big?

But this in the end… What a gap.

At this moment, Yakumo Purple simply did not go out of the gap, but hid in the gap and thought.

She felt like the monkey in the Buddha’s hand now.

There was no way to escape the palm of Kitahara Bai Qiu’s hand.

Yakumo Zi’s face was full of solemnity, and she felt that she was afraid that she was really fierce this time.

And just when Yakumo Zi was hiding in the gap.

“Listen to people finish talking, you’re too rude.”

The voice of Kitahara Hakuaki.

It actually rang out of the gap.

After appearing, he even knocked directly. Yakumo Purple has a head melon seed.

“It hurts…”

Yakumo Zi held his knocked head and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu in disbelief.

She didn’t expect that.

Kitahara Baiqiu even came in through the gap?!! Cat and mouse.

Real cat and steak mouse.

This person, no wonder he was so confident in betting with her on this kind of thing.

The gap between him and her.

It’s really too big.

The supreme being of this world is so terrifying.

It’s just that it is impossible for her to give up so easily.

Yakumo Purple did not hesitate in the slightest and disappeared into the same place again.

Every time it appeared, Kitahara Baiqiu also knocked on Yakumo’s purple head.




“You’re not allowed to knock us on the head…!”

“Ah, that’s too much…!”

“I concede! I conceded defeat! You win! ”

Have to say.

The sage of the youkai is indeed an extraordinary perseverance.

After being caught up by Kitahara Baiqiu and knocking for an unknown number of times, he finally conceded defeat.

Yakumo held his head tearfully in the corner of his eyes, crouching down on the ground with a tearful look to see Kitahara Baiqiu.

This kind of picture, anyone who sees.

I am afraid that I will think that this beautiful blonde girl is bullied by Kitahara Baiqiu.

And the truth is indeed bullied.

However, Kitahara Baiqiu did not feel guilty about this.

He knew Yakumo Purple.

This is why he is strong enough to take the initiative.

If Yakumo Purple was stronger than him.

Then with the bad nature of Yakumo Purple, I am afraid that I will not be polite.

Don’t look at Yakumo Zi now with a pitiful and tearful look, but there is a good chance that she just pretended to be it.

It is better to deal with some people, and sometimes it is better to be tough.

“Just concede defeat, then now you can only obediently go back with me, you are too strong Yakumo Zi, I hope you can understand.”

Yakumo Purple: “…”

Is she strong? She’s a strong fart!

Yakumo Zi, who had seen part of the strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn, really didn’t know it.

How did Kitahara Baiqiu have the face to say such an excuse.

Facing the strength of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Yakumo Purple is a bit broken….

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