Chapter 323 Realm! Yakumo Purple and Halloween Queen!!

“Although we don’t feel that we are very weak, it is really delicate that these words come out of your mouth…”

Yakumo touched his own head that had been knocked on the head.

Seeing that selling Meng seems to be useless to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Sighing and returning to normal was also said to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Be treated like a child.

Yakumo Purple couldn’t remember how many years he hadn’t done.

If you are knocked on the head like this, you will not become stupid, right?

Yakumo Purple also had a headache at the thought.

She herself did not have any resentment towards Kitahara Baiqiu.

After all, it was she who broke into someone else’s territory.

If it were her, she wouldn’t have a good impression of the people who broke into Gensokyo.

As a youkai, it is not an exaggeration to say that Yakumo Zi even killed that person.

She is not a good person.

In contrast, in addition to teasing her, Kitahara Baiqiu never had any hostility or killing intent towards her from beginning to end.

Yakumo Purple is not yet indiscriminate.

Of course, although there is no ill feeling.

To Kitahara White Autumn.

Yakumo Purple also didn’t have any good feelings.

After all, how can you feel good about being played like this?

“With your strength, the so-called we are too strong is a complete excuse, you are much stronger than us, with you here, we can’t do anything in this world.”

“Say, what is your purpose, you have already won, we have already conceded defeat, there is no need to hide, right?”

“After all, no matter what, in the face of your existence, we also need a reason to reassure us, don’t we?”

Yakumo Purple didn’t care.

She could feel that Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t have any ill feelings toward her.

Since she had already lost, she naturally had the consciousness of a loser, but there were some things she still wanted to figure out.

Why did Kitahara Baiqiu know her, know Gensokyo, and what was the purpose of finding her?

“The purpose is… No, what would you do if I said, I’m just very interested in you? ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly, looked at the blonde woman in front of her who was wearing gorgeous clothes, with a very good figure and a delicate face, and answered.

Yokai Sage Yakumo Purple.

This is the purple old lady who was a daimyo in the past life.

Whoever encounters this will be very interested.

Especially if you are far stronger than her, and she has no resistance in your hands.

Kitahara Hakuaki was very interested.

And he was very honest and told Yakumo Zi without any care.

Yakumo Purple heard the words and was also stunned.

Very interested in her…?

Yakumo Zi smiled, a ridiculous expression appeared on his face, and his voice said seductively: “Ah, it turns out to be so, then we understand, since this is the case, Lord Kitahara, you said no, we don’t necessarily agree with it, don’t we?” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Yakumo Zi strangely and said, “Zi, it seems that you haven’t figured out your situation yet, and it will cost you to say such things casually in front of me.” ”

Yakumo Zi’s face suddenly froze.

Yes, the current situation is that Kitahara Bai Qiu is strong, and he is weak.

If it’s really ridiculous.

She was, but she had no ability to resist.

Realizing this, Yakumo Zi did not dare to mess around, and was suddenly honest.

Don’t look at her like this, in human words, she is a yellow flower girl.

She didn’t dare to bet her innocence on the premise that Kitahara Baiqiu was honest or not, and Yakumo Zi was a little annoyed.

In the past, most of the time she had the initiative, naturally she could do whatever she wanted, but now the initiative is not in her hands at all, but she is tied up and does not dare to mess around.

“As the supreme being of the world, can you still force people?”

Yakumo’s purple heart beat faster, and he asked with a slight redness on his face.

After all, she also realized that if Kitahara Baiqiu really forced it, it seemed that she would not be able to resist it.

“Not really.”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was strange, he didn’t know what Yakumo Zi was thinking, and said casually, “But if you deliberately flirt with it, I won’t care if you are sincere or fake, and you will accept it all as ordered.” ”


Yakumo nodded, surprisingly honest.

People can’t even help but wonder if this is Yakumo Purple in the end.

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at her in surprise, and he couldn’t help it.

He quickly figured it out.

Now Yakumo Zi didn’t understand him, and his strength was much stronger than Yakumo Zi, so Yakumo Zi didn’t dare to mess around at all.

After becoming familiar with it, Yakumo Purple may slowly return to its nature.

I didn’t expect that youkai sage to have this day.

The more I understand the nature of Yakumo Purple and look at Yakumo Purple in front of you, the more interesting Kitahara Hakuaki feels.

“Your ability is actually quite good, Yakumo Purple, but you haven’t fully developed it.”

Kitahara Shiroki did not continue to tease Yakumo Zi, but opened his mouth.

Yakumo Purple’s ability is to manipulate the realm, the realm demon born within the realm.

The ability to manipulate the realm is the terrifying ability to subvert everything from the root.

This ability, even if placed in the box court, is an extremely powerful gift.

“Not fully developed?”

Yakumo Zi was stunned.

“Yes, I know a person with a realm ability who is much stronger than you, if I face her, although I can defeat her, if she wants to run, I estimate that I will not be able to keep her.”

Kitahara laughed softly and said casually.

He is also talking about the Halloween Queen of the Box Court World, who is known as a three-digit Breaker.

This one is legendary.

In addition to Kitahara Hakuaki, the real three-digit strongest in the Hakonoi world.

The ability used is the realm, and it is enough to match the double digits.

The ability to manipulate the realm is the ability to create and destroy logic.

Essentially creating new existence, essentially denying existing existence.

The reason why Yakumo Purple was able to create Gensokyo can be said to be the realm of dependence.

It is one of the most dangerous and terrifying abilities in the world.

The Queen of Halloween has undoubtedly taken this ability to the extreme.

Yakumo Zi was also shocked to hear Kitahara Baiqiu’s words.

She didn’t expect such a strong person.

At least Kitahara Baiqiu was bottomless in her eyes, and in Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, it seemed that this person was still at the same level as him.

The ability of the realm is very powerful.

Yakumo Purple naturally knows this.

Because the power of the realm can already subvert the root of a world.

Yakumo Purple was naturally not strong enough to do so.

But with this power, she can also match the gods.

It is precisely because of the strength of the realm.

Yakumo Purple is the only realm demon born from the realm.

Her birth.

It can even be said to be a miracle. Even if there are other worlds.

Yakumo Purple didn’t think about it either.

There was really someone who, like her, had the ability to manipulate the realm…

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