Chapter 324: Yakumo Purple Who Can’t Resist! Take Yakumo Purple home!!

“What’s that guy’s name?”

Yakumo Zi looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu curiously and asked.

I learned that I even had the same clan, or because I was a representative of the same realm.

Yakumo Purple really had a lot of interest.

“Halloween Queen.”

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at Yakumo Purple and replied with a chuckle.

Compared to the Queen of Halloween, the current Yakumo Purple is indeed like a child.

You know, in the box court.

The strength of the Queen of Halloween is even stronger than the god kings at the center of many gods like Zeus.

In contrast, Yakumo Purple even struggled last month, and it was indeed a lot worse if the Moon War could be defeated.

It’s just about potential.

The Yakumo Purple potential, which also possessed the realm, was also very large.

It’s too cozy in Gensokyo.

Before the establishment of Gensokyo, it was fortunate that Yakumo Zi was at least a true sage living in a world where the weak and the strong were constantly getting stronger.

But after the establishment of Gensokyo.

Yakumo Purple went straight from sage to idle.

Coupled with the fact that there were few beings in the entire Gensokyo world who were stronger than her, she was directly at ease.

As a result, it is clear that it is possible to subvert the realm of the root, and the stunned has only reached this point.

“Halloween Queen…”

Yakumo Purple muttered to herself, and there was something strange on her face.

After all, this name is indeed a bit strange.

Halloween Queen?

Does it have anything to do with Halloween?

“Lord Kitahara, do you know this Halloween Queen?” Where is she now? I wonder if I could please introduce you? ”

Yakumo Purple gracefully performed a salute to Kitahara Hakuaki and asked without asking.

She knew that her current strength could not rush close to the Queen of Halloween.

After all, she didn’t know what the Queen of Halloween was like, and whether it would be dangerous for her to meet in a hurry.

But Yakumo Purple is really eager to meet with the Queen of Halloween.

Guan is a being born in the same realm, which is enough to make Yakumo Purple Heart excited.

In this case.

If there is a North Plains White Autumn who is stronger than the Queen of Halloween, he introduces or guards it.

Then naturally there is no problem.

The Halloween queen, even if she really had ill intentions or wanted to be against her, would have concerns and minimize the risk.

In fact, the best way is to do it.

She really became the woman of Kitahara Baiqiu, so that the Halloween Queen would never dare to take a shot at her, and Kitahara Baiqiu would definitely guarantee her safety.

It’s just that this way… Yakumo Purple blushed slightly.

She didn’t want to use this method until she had to.

She also has Yakumo Blue and Yakumo Orange at home.

I don’t know if sending the two of them to Kitahara Baiqiu can withstand a human affection.

She is a monster sage.

As long as the goal can be achieved, all sacrifices are worth it.

“The Queen of Halloween is not in this world right now, and I just know her, and we don’t have much to do with each other.”

Kitahara said.

Looking at the stunned expression on Yakumo Zi’s face.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly and then said, “It’s just that she and I will definitely have some intersection in the future, and when I see her in the future, I will let her meet with you, how?” ”

“Lord Kitahara’s proposal is really impossible to refuse.”

Yakumo sighed and spoke.

She understood that this was Kitahara Baiqiu’s words that made her feel at ease to stay.

To put it simply, it was to draw a big pie for her.

It’s just that this big cake really makes Yakumo Purple unable to refuse.

“Lord Kitahara wants us to go back with you, what do you want us to do?”

Yakumo Purple asked again.

Since you can’t resist, you naturally have to be mentally prepared for what you have to face next.

Maid? Mediocre? Nanny? Or is it a more excessive bed warmer? Yakumo Purple was already thinking in his heart.

I don’t blame her for thinking so, after all, Kitahara Baiqiu said that the reason why she found her was interested in her personally.

Although Yakumo Purple has some doubts about this.

But since Kitahara Baiqiu said so, nature is also selectively believed.

Alas, it doesn’t matter anyway.

Just let Kitahara Baiqiu help her see the preservation of the Queen of Halloween.

Yakumo Zi thought, but also mentally prepared.

Kitahara replied, “I don’t need you to do anything, you can do whatever you want, just stay with me.” ”

Yakumo Zi was stunned: “That’s it? ”

Kitahara nodded affirmatively, “That’s it. ”

Yakumo Purple: “…”

Yakumo Purple looked incredulous.

So simple you said ah, she as to the head so many times? Yakumo Purple vomited blood.

Isn’t that the equivalent of arranging a place for her? So freedom doesn’t require her to do anything, what reason does she have to refuse?

“We know, thank you Lord Kitahara.”

Yakumo Purple looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu with resentment.

Even if she had a grudge, she didn’t dare to complain about anything to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Weak, pitiful, and helpless.

“Then can Lord Kitahara tell us why you know us, why do you know Gensokyo, and why do we appear in this world?”

Yakumo asked

For the truth, Yakumo Purple is still full of doubts.

“Yes, but you need to cooperate with me, don’t you mind?”

Kitahara asked with interest.

“Cooperation? No problem, how do we cooperate? ”

Yakumo Zi was stunned, and then he also spoke.

Then she knew how to cooperate………

Yakumo Zi’s eyes widened, looking at the face that was close at hand, a look of disbelief.

She could feel that there was a lot of extra information in her head, knew all the truth, and all her doubts were answered.

But she didn’t expect it to be in this way.

This is the first time she has handed it over?

Originally, Yakumo Zi was a little suspicious that Kitahara Shiraaki was interested in her, but now she believed it.

Yakumo Purple is not the kind of little girl who doesn’t know anything.

She didn’t believe it.

Except for this method, Kitahara Hakuaki would have no other way to tell her everything!

Even if it is a verbal trouble.

But there should be more ways!

“Didn’t Lord Kitahara say that it wouldn’t be forced?”

After the kiss, Yakumo Zi’s face was full of redness, but he asked unconvincedly.

“Yeah, so I specifically asked if you would like to cooperate.”

Kitahara laughed softly and answered naturally.

Yakumo’s eyes widened and he had nothing to say.

Word trap, can this also be counted?

She completely understood the shamelessness of Kitahara Baiqiu.

It’s just that Yakumo Purple has indeed solved many of his own questions.

Dumb and speechless about this.

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at Yakumo Zi and naturally guessed her thoughts.

His face was full of smiles.

Not shameless, is it waiting for Yakumo Purple to take the initiative? Yakumo Purple is not someone who will take the initiative in this regard.

Sometimes in fact, people just want to be shameless, not face is easier to capture the girl’s heart, to face but can not find a girlfriend.

And just after Yakumo Zi followed Kitahara Bai Qiu back.

She was also full of shock.

She did not expect that in this place, so many powerful beings had gathered.

Almost every one.

It made her feel a lot of pressure.

Among them, Yakumo Purple has discovered several gods.

All the powerful people in this world are probably already gathered here, right?

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