Chapter 326: The Beginning of the Box Court! Shocked White Night Fork!!

[Ding, the simulation cooldown has ended, whether to open the new simulation.] 】

Ten long days passed.

The sound of the simulator is naturally loud at this moment.

Kitahara had a smile on his face.

The mood is also a little excited.

This is the second time he has simulated the world of the box court.

I don’t know what surprises will be brought to him this time.

Now he is invincible in three digits, truly comparable to the strength of two figures.

Even in the box court.

But it’s not a soft persimmon either. Definitely the strongest of the strong.

He’d like to see it.

This time, what will he do?

“System, start simulating!”

Kitahara opened the system panel and said without the slightest hesitation.

【Ding, through the simulation open…】

【Talent refreshing…】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully brushing out the green talent · head killing, blue talent • I am also a person with an identity, golden talent • precision control, purple talent beast taming master………]

[Touch the head (green): You are very talented in touching the head, and no one can resist you touching her head. 】

[I am also a person with an identity (blue): When you cross into a certain world, you will not cross directly, but will obtain a random identity in the current world. 】

[Perfect Control (Golden): No matter how your strength increases, no matter how fast you improve, you will be able to perfectly control all the power in your body. 】

Sleeper! Golden Legend!!!

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the talent brushed out by the system, and the expression on his face was full of excitement.

Looking at the effect of brushing out the golden talent this time, Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart was also full of excitement.

Perfect control?

Although Kitahara Baiqiu now has a hand in controlling his own power.

But when it comes to perfection, that’s not enough.

Being able to perfectly control his own strength will undoubtedly increase Kitahara Baiqiu’s strength by a few points again.

In the case of the same realm.

A person who can perfectly control his own power is naturally much stronger than another person.

What is perfection?

Perfection means that even if you are strong enough to destroy the universe at will, and the fragile tofu thrown over will not break, pinching an ant can make him unscathed.

Even if this talent is given to ordinary people, allowing an ordinary person to perfectly control his own power, it is effective.

Not to mention the Northern Plains White Autumn. Worthy of the golden talent.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Kitahara Hakuaki also directly locked this talent.

Then he looked at the other talents.

The master of beast taming needless to say.

This is the talent that Kitahara chose to inherit at the end of the last Hakonoi World simulation.

Two other talents.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at me as a person with an identity and his eyes lit up.

And double duplication is this talent.

This talent is only blue, though.

But it’s a surprise talent.

And every world is brushed out, and I have to say that Kitahara Baiqiu luck is really very good.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not hesitate to choose this.

As for the other one who touched his head to kill……… What a strange talent has come out.

Oh, though that sounds good.

However, it is not a secret, Kitahara Baiqiu is still a little confident about touching his head.

So this talent, don’t stop it!

“System, I choose the perfect control, I am also a person with an identity, and a master of taming.”

Nothing to hesitate about.

Kitahara Hakuaki chose the talent for this simulation.

【Talent selection completed………】

[The current simulation talents are ‘in the group of gods’, ‘the protection of the sword saint’, ‘time and space traveler’, ‘perfect control’, ‘the heart of the strong’, ‘impossible to detect’, ‘I am also a person with an identity’, ‘you think of your master’…]

A series of talents were also brushed out at this moment. Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles, no surprise.

For their own strength.

He’s used to it.

“This simulation does not say anything else, the primary purpose is to find a way to promote double figures first.”

Kitahara Baiqiu muttered to himself, and a confident expression appeared on his face.

Two-figure numbers are certainly not good for promotion.

Don’t look at Kitahara Baiqiu is now three-digit invincible, comparable to two-digit.

But it’s still a bit difficult to really get to double figures.

It’s just that people, there must be a goal.

He doesn’t necessarily have to be in double digits this time, does he? Maybe it’s done?

When it really reached double digits, the box court could really pose a threat to him, and I am afraid that there was only one person.

Kitahara Hakuaki thought so, and also smiled at the simulator.

Talk less nonsense and start simulating!

【Talent selection, start simulation…】

On the first day, when you open your eyes, you find yourself in a cave, and you look around and see that the cave is empty except for you. 】

[This cave is undoubtedly a blessed cave, but you are a little stunned by this, because you have not received any memories of your identity, and you have no idea what identity you have followed.] 】

[You can’t laugh at this, after getting up, naturally you also walked out of the cave]

[After walking out of the cave, you also began to wander around the box court for the first time, trying to figure out what the current situation was.] 】

[After walking around casually, you are surprised to find that you have come to the beginning of the establishment of the box court, the three major problems of the children’s Halloween queen, Alger, and the White Night Fork are acting recklessly.] 】

[It’s just that now the White Night Fork has experienced two defeats, which is undoubtedly much more honest than when it first entered the box…]

“It was the beginning of the founding of the box court?!!”

Kitahara Hakuaki did not attract everyone’s attention.

The Yifu no Tax and the Blood of the Returning Nation Cheng Nan were all over the place.

His face was also full of shock, a look of disbelief.

Even he did not expect that he would be born in this period, let alone the community ‘noname’ in this period.

Even if it is the predecessor of ‘Noname’.

None of the “Arcadia” communities were born. It’s just that if I am also an identity.

Then combine the words of the time traveler, who can travel through time.

This is the case.

It doesn’t seem entirely impossible.

I am also a person with an identity who is gifted with strength.

It was never just his own randomness, but also the nature of his ability to combine with many talents and then mess around.

When I first took this talent.

He and the Soft Rice King combined with the identity of the follow.

Even now, Kitahara Baiqiu is still fresh in his memory………

“It’s just that if I do, what kind of identity did I have this time?”

This was the first time he didn’t even know who he was.

At the beginning of the establishment of the box court.

His strength comes with the identity.

How could it be simple.

Alas, it’s just that the White Night Fork has already experienced two defeats, but it is not too early……………

Your luck is very good. 】

Just as you were thinking about the White Night Fork, you were surprised to find that the White Night Fork was actually preparing to pass by your head. 】

[It’s just that the current White Night Fork is not the Lolita look you used to remember, but the complete opposite, it is a white-haired royal sister with a perfect body.] 】

[You are very familiar with the White Night Fork, so even if it is completely different, you still recognize her at a glance.] 】

[You didn’t hesitate in the slightest, and directly stepped forward to stop the White Night Fork.] 】

[The White Night Fork is also a condensation of your sudden appearance, feeling the powerful breath on your body, and she also directly asks you who you are.] 】

[You looked at the current appearance of the White Night Fork with great interest, and after thinking about it, you finally threw a talent that you remembered to your grandfather and threw it to her…]




“Really fake?!!”

“Can this kind of thing be done?!!”

White Night Fork in recovering memories……… No, it should be said that after receiving the memory of the future self.

The expression on his face was full of vibration, looking at Bihara Baiqiu in disbelief.

A beautiful sister with white hair also exploded in front of Kitahara Baiqiu at this moment.

No way.

This kind of thing……… How does this kind of thing work?!!

Although the last time he was not unaware of Kitahara Hakuaki’s ability to reset this ability.

But you reset reset to this point in time.

That’s something that White Night Fork didn’t expect at all.

At first, she thought that Kitahara Bai Qiu would at most reset to the time when he came to the box court.

Looking at the North Plains White Autumn in front of him.

A storm is also rotting in the brain of the White Night Fork.


If not the facts happen right in front of your eyes.

Kitahara Baiqiu was in front of her, and she herself recalled everything with the help of Kitahara Baiqiu, who believed in this kind of thing?!!

If it is not a personal experience, even if someone tells the White Night Fork, the White Night Fork does not believe it.

The White Night Fork looked at the Northern Plains White Autumn and also held back for a long time.

When his face turned red, the White Night Fork finally couldn’t help but spit out this time: “You guy! It’s a pervert! ”

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