Chapter 327 Goal Two-Digit! The way to double digits!!

“Pervert, isn’t that you?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu retorted with a light smile and opened his mouth.

The White Night Fork was a little speechless, and it was also a glance at the White Autumn of the Northern Plains.

She’s perverted, right.

But not as perverted as Kitahara Hakuaki. This is true in every sense. This resetting can be reversed to this point.

It’s so shocking.

For this reason, the White Night Fork still has a lot of memories in his head, and knows many things that will happen in the future.

That alone is terrifying.

Because no matter what you want, you can take the lead, let alone match the strength of the White Night Fork.

Although the White Night Fork, which had already lost twice, did not plan to do much now.

But……… There is no doubt that this is very scary.

“The pervert I said is your ability, what are you guys talking about?”

“If anyone is the enemy of this guy of yours, he really has been bloody mold for eight lifetimes, how can there be such a perverted ability in this world?”

Bai Ye Fork looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and also sighed and said.

She was a little glad that she didn’t have a bad relationship with Kitahara Baiqiu.

After all, this ability is no longer a question of which is strong or weak.

Even if you are temporarily stronger than him, after he has restarted many times, he has become stronger than you.

He came back to you, and you can’t say it first.

If he doesn’t help you remember, you won’t even know why you were beaten.

What a bug capability this is.

Even the White Night Fork is a slight twitch in the corner of the mouth for this terrifying ability.

Kitahara Baiqiu also smiled slightly when he heard the words of the White Night Fork, and did not say anything

Instead, he looked up and down at the white night fork that was completely different at this moment, and said with a light smile: “White night fork, the way you look now, it is completely different from what you thought.” ”

Bai Yecha heard the words, looked at herself, and suddenly understood what Beiyuan Bai Qiu said, and she also said with a smile without any scruples: “What, seeing the beauty of the concubine, are you ready to take a shot at the concubine?” If it’s you, a concubine isn’t a concubine who can’t give you a chance. ”

A seductive voice came from the mouth of the White Night Cross.

She is not a serious person, naturally she will not twist and squeeze like a little girl, but she will open her mouth and laugh.

“That’s a real honor.”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and replied with the same unscrupulous answer.

He’s not the kind of soft-footed shrimp who panics when he is teased

If you can conquer the Hall of White Night Fork, it is naturally a kind of achievement.

The two looked at each other with a smile on their faces, and on the surface they looked quite like they didn’t take it seriously, and everyone was joking.

“Then again, White Night Fork, since you have met, I don’t know if you can explain to me about the two-figure plenipotentiary field, which I owe you a favor.” ”

What Kitahara Bai Qiu thought of, he also asked with a chuckle.

He didn’t need to ask anyone else about the double-digit thing, it was enough to ask the White Night Fork

Although the White Night Fork had experienced two defeats that had led to a decline in strength, she had once been the strongest person besides the Wind of Decadence, and she was naturally able to solve the doubts of the Northern Plains White Autumn.


Bai Ye Fork was stunned for a moment, looking at Kitahara Bai Qiu subconsciously asked, “You have sorted out the strength in your body to reach three digits?” ”

Without waiting for Beiyuan Baiqiu to answer, Bai Yecha replied to himself, “Yes, after all, you directly rushed to the Greek Divine System and made a big fuss, and finally even the Buddha’s World Dignity was introduced.” ”

“Yikes! Your ability, no matter how you look at it, is enviable, so chaotic, there will be nothing yet, if I also have this ability, it would be good. ”

Bai Yecha said, and looked at Biyuan Baiqiu with envy.

Normally, it takes decades for this thing to succeed, but as long as it comes in a chaotic way, it succeeds in an instant.

“Plenipotentiary realm…”

“This thing is a bit complicated, and it also involves some personal and other things, popularly speaking, qualified people will inevitably be able to promote to the full power field, and unqualified people can never be promoted to the full power field.”

“This is the reason why many god kings of the gods are stuck in the triple digits, and your words in the white night are undoubtedly qualified for this.”

“According to normal, even if you do nothing, a thousand years of time.”

In the future, you will also be promoted to the two-figure discretionary field………

For Kitahara Baiqiu’s question, Bai Yecha naturally answered his question seriously.

This guy’s affection is not too much in vain, no matter what.

[Exclusive Domain. 】

[Refers to the field that constricts all power.] 】

[It’s just that this point, even with the help of the box, is basically impossible.] 】

[The world of the box court is so vast, and it is undoubtedly difficult to reach the heavens if you want to contain all your power in the infinite world.] 】

[Therefore, the realm of full authority does not actually refer to full mastery, but to complete mastery. 】

[Compared with mastering all this impossible thing, it is different to fully grasp it, and to have a complete grasp is to have absolute mastery.] 】

This is equivalent to having some conceptual power all come from you, and you have absolute ownership of this power and can fully control this force. 】

[Two-digit numbers are different from three-digit numbers.] 】

Although the three-digit all-powerful field also has great power, this power is not absolute, unique, and completely mastered. 】

[It is not unusual for all major gods to have similar gods of thunder, war, and sun, and there is a fundamental gap with two-digits.] 】

[And the only special person in the three-digit is the Queen of Halloween.] 】

[As the strongest of the three-digit rules, the Halloween Queen is actually completely in control of the realm.] 】

As long as it is a realm, it must be from her gift, it must come from her, and she has absolute ownership of the power of the realm. 】

[It’s not an exaggeration.] 】

[The Queen of Halloween actually represents the realm itself.] 】

[Yakumo Purple as a realm demon born from the realm, if she comes to the box court, it is not too much to call the Queen of Halloween a mother.] 】

The power of other people’s realms may only be gifts, but Yakumo Purple is a miracle that is truly born from the realm.] 】

[As a Halloween queen who has fully mastered the power of the realm, she was actually eligible for a two-digit promotion.] 】

[It’s just that the three major problems of children ravaging the box court, none of them have been sanctioned to varying degrees.] 】

[Alger is the most severely sanctioned, turning into a slave in the future into a five-figure being, not even conscious.] 】

[The Halloween Queen is the lightest supported inside, limited to three digits by a special item of the Celtic system, and cannot really step into two figures.] 】

[As one of the three problem children, the Halloween Queen was not so honest at first, otherwise she would not have been called the three problem children with the White Night Fork and Alger.] 】

It is because of the loss that she is as honest as the White Night Fork, compared to them, Alger is the kind that suffers losses and is not honest, and will end up like that. 】

[Of course, even if it is restricted.] 】

[The Halloween queen who fully grasps the realm is unbeatable in the triple digits, even if it is two digits, she is not invincible.] 】

[This also created her special status today.] 】

Once she really rises to the double digit and has the perverted ability to subvert the root of the realm, she can undoubtedly become the strongest of the two figures in an instant.] 】

After listening to the two-digit explanation that the White Night Fork told you, you have also completely understood the concept of two-digit and already have a clue. 】

【Natural promotion to double digits after a thousand years of time?】 What a joke, this does not fit your plan, naturally it is impossible. 】

After the White Night Fork explained to you about the existence of double figures, and you talked about the old story again, she naturally left. 】

[White Night Fork was stopped by you, and now naturally she has to deal with it, she and you agreed to come back to the past later.] Nothing]

After the White Night Fork left, you also began to stay in the cave where you were practicing blessedly, groping for a breakthrough in double figures. 】

Although you don’t know who you are with this time, there is no doubt that as long as you stay here, you will understand sooner or later.] 】。

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