Chapter 332 Shaken Heavenly Movement Says! Heliocentric said!!

You have proclaimed your name as a god in a high profile. 】

[It caused an uproar in the whole box court world.] 】

[Countless people began to be shocked, and your prestige began to spread throughout the world and merge into one corner.] 】

[Like the Queen of Halloween.] 】

Although you are three digits, at this moment all the gods and gods put you on the two-digit level. 】

Although to them, you are born out of nowhere, extremely suddenly, but you have undoubtedly proved your position with strength. 】

[Truly equal to two digits in three digits, you’re the second one besides the Queen of Halloween.] 】

In the hearts of countless people, you are even stronger than the Queen of Halloween. 】

[And your prestige has passed away.] 】

[As a result of the battle, you and the White Night Fork are not defeated.] 】

[But the twin goddesses of the end and the beginning are also not defeated.] 】

Naturally, you still need to face these two goddesses. 】

“No fight! No fight! ”

“Damn! He stepped on us! We have written down this vendetta! ”

The starting goddess Alpha looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a bulging face, and her face was full of disbelief.

It’s not that they can’t fight.

But if you continue to fight, there will be no end.

After Kitahara Baiqiu joined the battlefield, the two sides could not help each other.

In the fight, it is estimated that it is endless.

So naturally both sides also stopped.

However, the Alpha Goddess was also very upset when she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu at this moment.

She really couldn’t figure it out.

Where the hell did this guy come from.

And stepping on their twin goddesses, or more precisely, her starting goddess Alpha?

What a shame.

Proper shame.

Two-digit and three-digit numbers are typed like this.

The Alpha Goddess was already dying of anger, staring at Kitahara Bai Qiude as if she were going to stare at him to death.

“White Night King, this time you won.”

Omega, the goddess of the end, looked at the White Night Fork and spoke slowly.

Compared to the starting goddess Alpha.

Omega, the goddess of the end, who had been suppressed by the White Night Fork, was much calmer, but her eyes were also looking at Kitahara Baiqiu at this moment.

If it were not for the appearance of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Today’s ending.

It should have been predestined.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly, naturally not caring at all.

White Night Fork is in the same camp as him, close to him, who does he not help her to help?

Speaking of the beginning and the end of the two goddesses.

In the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu, these two goddesses are really quite interesting.

The starting goddess is a beautiful royal sister, but it is clear that she is a child’s heart.

The goddess of the end is a cute Lori, but she is full of calm and wisdom, like a little adult.

Both have a strong contrast between them, which makes people feel very interesting.

For these two goddesses.

Kitahara Baiqiu had only heard of it before, and it was the first time he had seen it.

“Ah, then this victory, we will not politely accept.”

White Night Fork smiled lightly, looking at the double goddess also opened her mouth.

She will still be in the same community as the two goddesses in the future, and the relationship between them is honestly somewhat responsible.

“Ahem! White Night! White Night! It’s all guys called White Night, what is your relationship? If only the same name and the same surname didn’t matter, I wouldn’t believe it. ”

The starting goddess snorted coldly at the side, looking at the North Plains White Autumn and White Night Fork in front of her, she also asked suspiciously.

Kitahara White Autumn and White Night Fork looked at each other and smiled lightly, naturally there was no intention of explaining to the Initiation Goddess.

When the starting goddess saw that Kitahara Baiqiu and Baiye Fork did not answer, she suddenly puffed up her face again, pointed at Kitahara Baiqiu and exhaled, and said, “Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, but the man over there, you actually stepped on me today.” ”

“I tell you! I remember you! Wait and see! Sooner or later you will pay it back! I won’t let you go! ”

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally nodded without any pressure on this, “Okay, I remembered.” ”

This made the starting goddess look stunned, and then she gritted her teeth even more, and the look in Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes was full of vicious expressions.

Compared with.

Omega, the goddess of the end by her side, was calm from beginning to end.

The Goddess of Termination looked at the White Night Fork and said, “White Night Fork, although you have won us this time, the Heavenly Movement Theory carried by you will inevitably cause you to lose again.” ”

“Because of your previous wanton behavior in the box court, the gods have long begun to work together to deny your heavenly movement theory of the center of the earth in order to weaken your spiritual character.”

“Once you lose once, your Tiandong Theory will be untenable and trampled, and even if you are not defeated for the time being, the Tiandong Theory will be slowly denied over time, weakening your strength until you lose.”

In order to sanction the White Night Fork, one of the three major problems of the children of the box court.

The gods were naturally ready long ago, and the two goddesses were nothing more than executors

Kitahara was not surprised to hear the words of the goddess of the end, but said to the White Night Fork in a mocking way, “Say that you are acting arbitrarily, White Night Fork.” ”

“Cough cough… Those were all mistakes made when I was younger. ”

White Night Fork coughed twice, and said with some embarrassment. The White Night Fork, which is the strongest of the box court except for the wind of decadence.

At the time of the advent of the box court.

At the beginning, it was a little bit of arrogance, it was a little bit of arrogance.

After all, I am the strongest, and I don’t want people to be arrogant?

Then, due to the chaos, the White Night Fork was resisted by almost all the gods.

Began to experience defeat.

After the two defeats, the White Night Fork was actually not particularly concerned.

How to do it or how to do it.

After all, those two defeats, in the end, did not have much impact on the White Night Fork.

She was a little unconvinced about the defeat and even inside.

Until she met Kitahara Hakuaki and remembered everything……… The White Night Fork naturally could not continue to mess around.

After all, she was not Kitahara Baiqiu, and there was no chance of a comeback after failing in chaos, but it was undoubtedly a little late to wake up at that time.

The gods had already spoken out against the White Night Fork’s Lingge Heavenly Movement.

“White Night King, what are you going to do?”

The goddess of the end looked at the White Night Fork expressionlessly.

She felt that the White Night Fork in front of her was indeed something different.

But she was still worried about the news coming out of nowhere.

After all, the White Night Fork is now a well-known problem child in the box.

Problem children cannot be measured in the way of normal people’s thinking.

So the goddess of the end also asked.

“What to do…”

White Night Fork had some bitter smile on his face.

To be honest, she didn’t have any good ideas.

In the end, she could only look at Kitahara Baiqiu and asked, “White Night, do you have any good methods?” ”

“Me? There is a way. ”

Kitahara laughed lightly and said, “I remember that after the Tiandong theory was denied, it was the heliocentric that said it, right?” ”

“White Night Fork, as the star spirit of the sun, the spirit of the heliocentric theory is very beneficial to you as well, isn’t it?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu said this.

Both the White Night Fork and the Double Goddess were stunned.

All three of them looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a look of surprise.

I don’t understand what Kitahara Bai Qiu wants to do privately.

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