Chapter 333 The Heliocentric Says Spirit! Shocked double goddess!!

【Box Garden.】 】

Even among the many worlds, it is an extremely powerful world.] 】

[Let’s just talk about the mythological system.] 】

[It has Chinese mythology, Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Celtic mythology, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism…… And so on, and so on. 】

[And these gods of the divine lineage are much more powerful than other worlds that also have these gods, and even have no comparison at all.] 】

[In such a world.] 】

[The reason why the White Night Fork was the strongest outside of the Wind of Decadence in the first place was precisely because she was one of the final trials of mankind, the ‘Heavenly Movement Theory.’] 】

The laws of the celestial bodies, which existed before the conception of heaven and earth, came to the center of all cosmologies. 】

As the final test of mankind, the “Theory of Heavenly Motion” actually represents that human beings must clearly define what the center of the universe is. 】

[The “theory of heavenly movement” does not exactly refer to the geocentric theory, although the theory of geocentrism has basically been denied today, but it is only the speculation of human beings based on the current theory. 】

To complete the trial of the White Night Fork is to look at the entire universe, but this is something that cannot be completed until the demise of mankind, so this is the final test represented by the White Night Fork. 】

[With the development of human history, after the geocentric theory was denied, it was the heliocentric theory.] 】

Although heliocentric theory has certain convincing power, it is only relatively correct, and as the center of the universe it does not have perfect persuasiveness. 】

[After the White Night Fork geocentric theory was denied, it also had a great impact on her, because it represented a huge change in human understanding of the universe and a change in thinking.] 】

[It means that humanity has begun to decipher the corner of the White Night Fork’s final trial of the ‘Heavenly Movement Theory.’] 】

This is also the real reason why she fell from one of the strongest double digits to the tenth of the two digits. 】

[It’s just that the White Night Fork is except for the identity of the human final trial ‘Heavenly Movement Theory.’] 】

[She is also the star spirit who controls the sun and the white night.] 】

[The denial of the geocentric theory made her weaker, but the heliocentric theory undoubtedly raised the status of the sun.] 】

[So once the White Night Fork has the spirit of the heliocentric theory, it is not a problem to let it become stronger, at least not to let her continue to weaken. 】

[Your idea is very simple, that is, to let the White Night Fork have the spirit of heliocentric theory.] 】

[As the identity of the ultimate human trial ‘Heavenly Movement Theory’.] 】

[He also held the strongest Sun Star Spirit White Night Demon King in his hand of more than half of the twenty-four solar sovereigns.] 】

[It is naturally easiest to attain the spirit of heliocentrism.] 】

[You must know that the current White Night Fork has not yet voluntarily given up most of its solar sovereignty in exchange for the dominance of making rules, as later generations have done.] 】

Even the Star Spirit, the Halloween Woman, who is also known as the Sun and Gold, is now completely inferior to the White Night Fork in this regard. 】

[White Night Fork.] 】

[No, now a man named White Night Lord.] 】

[It is worthy of being the strongest sun star spirit and the strongest sun god.] 】

[With the identity of the Sun and the White Night Star Spirit alone, she can exude its divine power, even to match the threat of the final trial of mankind.] 】

[Reaching the realm of distorting existing laws, disturbing the balance of day and night, and even shattering the realm of heaven and earth.] 】

The spirit of the heliocentric theory is well deserved. 】

[You told the White Night Fork what you thought, and the goddess of beginning and end]

[The White Night Fork was fine, but he was stunned for a moment, and his face was full of surprise.] 】

[The two goddesses of the beginning and the end are looking at you like a madman, wondering if you are a head pump, how can this kind of thing be done.] 】

[This kind of thing does not mean that there is such a thing, you are most suitable for the moon to have this spirit of the month, then this spirit is yours?] 】

[Sorry, there has never been such a truth.] 】

[Moreover, the appearance of heliocentrism does not necessarily mean that it will necessarily give birth to spirituality.] 】

[The Beginning and End Goddesses think you’re crazy and look at you like a fool.] 】

[You don’t care about this, you smile slightly.] 】

[As a person with a name that does not follow, you are not bound by fate by nature, and you can also rewrite the fate of others.] 】

[There is a gift called the poet in the box court, which can also rewrite and compile fate, and you can be much taller than the poet.] 】

[The White Night Fork is born with many conditions for the heliocentric Spirit, and all you have to do is to urge this Spiritism to be born on the White Night Fork, which is not an impossible thing.] 】

[You haven’t explained too much to the beginning and end goddesses.] 】

[Instead, on the grounds that they had just voluntarily conceded defeat in battle, they asked them to help you completely induce the White Night Fork Lingge.] 】

[The beginning and end of the double goddess is very speechless, but still can only reluctantly accompany you to fool around. 】

[Hall of two figures with a madman fooling around, the double goddess is definitely no one………]

But soon, their faces were shocked. 】

[Because they saw that with your help, the spirit of the heliocentric theory was actually born in the body of the White Night Fork.] 】

Everything seems so natural and natural. 】

[There are two goddesses, the appearance of Lingge, naturally there can be no accidents, the two goddesses reacted, in which they also rushed to make their own efforts.] 】

But their faces were undoubtedly full of shock, and their eyes were full of disbelief. 】

[How is this possible…]

[The spirit of the heliocentric is not a cat or a dog, but it also acts on the body of the White Night Demon King, and it is so easy…? 】

[It’s just unbelievable.] 】

[There is no doubt that the two goddesses also witnessed the birth of this miracle, born under their power…]

[In the end, the spirit of the heliocentric theory was undoubtedly completely and successfully born in the body of the White Night Fork.] 】

It’s just that the newly born heliocentric spirit is also lurking in the body of the White Night Fork at this moment. 】

[When the White Night Fork is defeated once again and the geocentric theory is completely denied, it will completely explode.] 】

[For heliocentric talk about the birth of the spirit. 】

[The White Night Fork is naturally full of surprises, and she feels in her heart that you are really a completely impenetrable man.] 】

You can’t imagine how much power you have, and what you can’t do. 】

[The two goddesses of beginning and end are full of sluggishness at this moment.] 】

There is no doubt that they have not yet returned to their senses in shock. 】

[Wait for you and the White Night Fork to say goodbye to the two goddesses.] 】

[They are still sluggish and difficult to accept.] 】

[After a long time…]

“Sister, I think you better not go to the guy with the same name as the White Night King.”

The Dark Lolita End Goddess looked at the place where the two of them had left and murmured to herself.

“Huh? Why? ”

The goddess of the royal sister was still dazed on her face, and subconsciously asked.

“Because that’s a pervert, a real pervert.”

The goddess of the end said without hesitation.


The Beginning Goddess came back to God at this moment, and reacted with a look of disbelief.

“So what! He’s stepping on my throne! I don’t care! I don’t care! I just want to find an opportunity to throw him back and let him know that I am not a good bully, and how can he be strong! I’m not afraid of him!” ”

The starting goddess made an unreasonable fuss.

Goddess of End: “…”

The goddess of the end looked at her sister who was like a child, and also sighed silently.

Never mind.

The man was still only three digits.

Anyway, in the short term, perhaps, there may not be any trouble.

Don’t worry too much about it yourself.

……… The other side.

After Kitahara White Autumn and White Night Fork left.


Kitahara Bai Qiu also laughed and teased, “What, White Night Fork, I helped you so much, you have to thank me so much?” ”

The White Night Fork heard the words and glanced at the White Autumn of the Northern Plains.

Then he was very generous, and under the stunned eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu, he directly kissed Kitahara Baiqiu.

After the kiss.

Bai Yecha’s face was also slightly red, and he said to Kitahara Bai Qiu, “I know that you are plotting against me, is this thank you enough?” ”

“Say yes in advance, this is my first time, very precious.”

The first kiss of the two-digit White Night Demon King, although it did not last long, but it was naturally precious.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was stunned.

Looking at the beautiful royal sister of the White Night Fork with a slight redness on her face, he couldn’t argue that his heartbeat had accelerated twice.

“It’s not impossible.”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and replied to fill.

Although this is just a simple kiss, what it represents is not simple.

“Well, just get it, it’s cheaper for you.”

The white night fork’s face was slightly red, but other than that, it didn’t look different, and he also casually said it.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally did not stimulate the White Night Fork, but changed the topic and asked: “White Night Fork, you still have a defeat, what are you going to do?” ”

“I think, who to lose to is not to lose, so it is better to lose to you, let’s play a game, I deliberately lost to you, how?” 」

White Night Fork asked.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned and immediately nodded, “Yes.” ”

With the consent of both Kitahara White Autumn and White Night Fork.

The game of gifts soon began.

Then, Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t even have time to ask the rules of the game and know the rules of the game.

The game is over.

“Okay, I’ve lost.”

Bai Ye Fork came to the front of Kitahara Bai Qiu and said casually.

Kitahara Hakuaki would be speechless: “You… Although it is deliberately defeated, but is it not a little too casual? ”

“So what? I knew that I would lose in the end, and I would have to delay for a long time. ”

Bai Ye Fork looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu in surprise.

Kitahara covered his face: “Well, what you said makes a lot of sense, then at least you have to let me know what the rules of the game are, right?” As a contestant, I didn’t even know what the game was to win, was it too much to experience? ”

“Want to know what’s going on?”

Bai Ye Fork looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu with a smile.

Kitahara nodded.

The smile on Bai Yecha’s face became even bigger, and then the god mysteriously said, “Of course, it is… This game, I want to keep it a secret, anyway, you just need to know that you won and I lost. ”

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Yikes! Isn’t that more curious?

What kind of game is it, and it has to be kept secret?

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