Chapter 334 Travel to the Box Court! Visit double figures!!

[White Night Fork does not say.] 】

[Naturally, you can’t force the content of the White Night Fork Gift Game.] 】

That’s it. 】

[You win a game of gifts that even you don’t know what it is.] 】

Of course, this doesn’t have an impact on you. 】

[After you win the Gift Game.] 】

[The three defeats of the White Night Fork were undoubtedly achieved.] 】

[However, although it was defeated three times, mankind’s final trial of ‘Heavenly Movement Theory’ became slightly shaken.] 】

[But because of the correction of the Ri ~ Heart says Lingge.] 】

[The strength of the White Night Fork did not fall directly to the tenth point as in the original book, but continued to maintain the top three.] 】

With your help, the harvest of the White Night Fork is undoubtedly enormous. 】

And you are not completely without gains. 】

In the battle with the Goddess of Initiation, you made it clear that there is nothing wrong with your own way. 】

It’s just that at the moment you can’t directly break through the double digits along this road, as if there is a bottleneck on the road that is blocking you. 】

[You can’t break through now, you always feel like it’s almost something, but you haven’t figured out what is wrong.] 】

[Maybe if you really have a life-and-death battle with the Goddess of Initiation, you may succeed in the battle suddenly double figures.] 】

[But this possibility is undoubtedly full of uncertainty, and you are not yet planning to gamble with your life, so naturally there is no hurry.] 】

[Nowadays, you are also ready to walk around the box court to see if you can gain something from this.] 】

“That said, White Night Fork, I’m going to look around in the box court next, have you been following me all along, aren’t you afraid that others will misunderstand?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the White Night Fork beside him and said with a chuckle.

“Huh? Do you think I, no, should say we’re afraid of misunderstandings? ”

Bai Yecha looked stunned, pointed at himself and said with a smile, “You came forward to help me when I was about to be in danger, and our names are still called White Night.” ”

“These two points alone are enough to make people misunderstand the red packet, so it is strange that they will not be misunderstood, right?”

The mysterious strongman who has never appeared before appears to help the White Night Fork.

And both of them are called White Nights.

Why should we misunderstand this?

Many gods directly began to guess the relationship between the two.

After all, the Northern Plains White Autumn and the White Night Fork, even if they were alone, were incomparably powerful beings.

Not to mention the two of them united.

The combined strength of the two was enough to shake the entire chamber.

Basically, it is difficult to say that it is difficult for anyone to beat them.

“Maybe those guys will still think that we are husband and wife, whether we are lovers or not, how is it, is it very happy, very excited.” 」

Bai Yecha looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu with a smile on his face and asked in a tone full of temptation.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Bai Yecha with the same smile on his face and said, “If you make such a joke with me, I will take it seriously.” ”

“Then do you really want to try?”

White Night Fork provokes.

“Just try it.”

Kitahara White Autumn Road.

[You and the White Night Fork undoubtedly traveled in the box court.] 】

[The object you are visiting, of course, is only the same as the two-digit existence]

[This makes your heart feel very much.] 】

[As a double-digit number of only seventeen people, they are undoubtedly the top and breakthrough existence for the box court.] 】

But nowadays, the start of being entitled to talk to you is double digits. 】

[Your strength is undoubtedly strong to this point.] 】

In line with the principle of proximity, your first stop is also Christianity. 】

Because of the paradox of omnipotence, God could not have created a stone that He could not lift. 】

[As a result, God is clearly the only God in Christianity, but God is sad and does not rise to the double digits.] 】

Instead, the Son of God, Jesus, reached double digits. 】

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing for Christianity. 】

[For you and the arrival of the White Night Fork.] 】

[The whole of Christianity is also full of constipated strong smiles to welcome you here.] 】

After all, it is you and the White Night Fork, who of them dares not to meet Ou Ying. 】

[But because it is you and the White Night Fork, who are they really welcome.] 】

To the relief of all Christians, after a conversation with Jesus, the Son of God, you left without doing anything. 】

[On leaving, the Son of God, Jesus, saw with his own eyes.] 】

After leaving Christianity, you and the White Night Fork also came to the presence of the Terran Virgin Mary. 】

[It may be because you have a human Saint Emperor personality, or it may be because of Sun Wukong.] 】

[You and Nuwa are also very happy to talk about each other.] 】

[Before leaving, Nuwa, who felt very close to you, even stopped you, and she wanted to recognize you as a brother.] 】

[In this regard, you naturally rejected Nuwa, after all, you have no intention of being a younger brother, if you change to another role, it is almost the same.] 】

After separating from Nuwa, you also came to the Heavenly Court Hao Heavenly God. 】

[Haotian God also came out to meet you and the White Night Fork, talk to you, and solve your doubts.] 】

He knew you were trying to get up to double digits before you started walking in the box. 】

But he doesn’t mind selling you a favor.] 】

[Leaving from Heaven Hao Tian God, you are also going to the land of Taoist ancestors.] 】

Daozu already knew that you and the White Night Fork were coming. 】

After seeing you, I also began to discuss the Tao directly with you. 】

[He can see that your origin is related to their Huaxia, and naturally he doesn’t mind selling you a favor.] 】

[Among the many gods.] 】

The Huaxia Divine System is undoubtedly extremely powerful. 】

[Nuwa, Haotian God, and Daozu are all two-digit and are still the strongest of the two-digits.] 】

[Wait until you leave from Daozu.] 】

Naturally, you have also come to the Buddha’s Buddha, Shakyamuni. 】

[Shakyamuni was also not surprised to see you, and he sighed and began to recite the Buddha with you.] 】

[You know very well that with your power now.] 】

[If there is a conflict with the Greek gods of the box world, Buddha Shakyamuni will definitely not be nosy.] 】

[When you leave the Buddha’s Gate.] 】

Shakyamuni also said that since you appeared, the White Night Fork has become different. 】

[He actually saw that the White Night Fork had already experienced three defeats, so it was better to say that everyone could actually see it.] 】

[But the strength of the White Night Fork has not dropped much, it is simply shocking!] 】

Shakyamuni didn’t know how you did it, but his heart was full of surprise. 】

[The White Night Fork is no longer as wanton as before, harming the interests of many gods, and although Shakyamuni was shocked, he did not care about it.] 】

After all, if it is not necessary, such a powerful existence as the White Night Fork, who is willing to provoke offense? 】

[After leaving the Buddha’s Gate, you and the White Night Fork also went to visit the other two figures of the world, such as Dragon Julimo, Typhon, and so on.] 】

[It can be said that all the double figures exist, and you have visited them all.] 】

[Face you and the White Night Fork two.] 】

[Most people, even if they are constipated on their faces, have to smile and welcome.] 】

[This trip down.] 】

[Your harvest is also incomparably huge, adding a lot of your own heritage.] 】

[At the same time, this also means that you have completely stepped into the small circle on the top floor of the box court.] 】

[Two-digit small circle.] 】

[Recognized by all double digits.] 】

[After visiting all two-digit beings.] 】

[You hesitated. 】

[Finally, I decided to go to the Queen of Halloween.] 】

[Halloween Queen as the most special three-digit number.] 】

[Naturally, there is also a need to visit… D].

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