Chapter 336 Halloween Queen Two-Digit Chance! Head to Huaguoshan!!

[After a few days of commotion.] 】

[You and the Queen of Halloween have finally begun to communicate.] 】

[The Queen of Halloween is not the three-digit breaker, the most special existence.] 】

[Your communication with her has also benefited a lot.] 】

[You estimate that if it were not for the restriction and sanctions, the current Halloween Queen would already be a true double-digit. 】

[The status of the Halloween Queen in the world of the box court is very special, and the realm gate of the box court, or so the things related to the realm, are related to the queen of Halloween.] 】

[Although it is three digits, the Halloween Queen undoubtedly has a double-digit strength and a double-digit status.] 】

[And for you who can get the White Night Fork love, the Halloween Queen is naturally very curious.] 】

The Queen of Halloween knows you’re good, but she wants to know how good you are that you can make the White Night Fork fall in love with you. 】

After communicating with the Queen of Halloween, you naturally haven’t forgotten about Yakumo Purple.] 】

[When the Queen of Halloween heard about the existence of Yakumo Purple, the whole person was stunned.] 】

[She never imagined that there was even a existence born out of the realm in this world.] 】

[This makes the Queen of Halloween naturally very happy, and even directly can’t wait to ask you where Yakumo Purple is.] 】

[In the eyes of the Queen of Halloween.] 】

If you didn’t lie to her, then Yakumo Purple’s existence is simply a miracle, a miracle that should not have happened. 】

[You and the Queen of Halloween agreed to arrange for her to meet with Yakumo Purple in the future]

[The Queen of Halloween naturally said yes.] 】

[She didn’t ask why you should wait later, but warned you that you must abide by the agreement, otherwise your dislike in her mind will become one level with the white night.] 】

[You also have nothing to say about this support.] 】

After the purpose of coming to find the Queen of Halloween has been achieved, you and the White Night Fork are naturally ready to leave. 】

[In response, the Queen of Halloween called Skaha directly and told her to follow you.] 】

[No way, for the Queen of Halloween, Yakumo Purple is really too important.] 】

[With Yakumo Zi’s words, she may even be able to achieve the harsh words she put with the White Night Fork.] 】

[Naturally, for you related to Yakumo Purple, the Halloween Queen is very attentive.] 】

[Originally hated the house and Wu, the Halloween Queen did not have any good feelings for you related to the White Night Fork, and now it has changed a little.] 】

[Skaha was also caught off guard by being sent by the Queen of Halloween to follow you, and the whole person was in tears and showed great resistance.] 】

[She’s not saying anything about you.] 】

[Skaha is completely afraid that after she is gone, the Queen of Halloween will come chaotically]

[Who is the Queen of Halloween, she is one of the three major problem children!] 】

[Although now it is much more honest.] 】

[But Skaja doesn’t think that after she is gone, the Halloween Queen will not do many outrageous things.] 】

[The community and the Celtic myth will become difficult for her to imagine.] 】

After all, these are actually her in charge, and without her, Skaha doesn’t think that her unreliable leader is no problem. 】

[Skaha naturally strongly rejected this, indicating that he could not obey the orders of the Queen of Halloween. 】

[The Queen of Halloween is very unconvinced, Skaha actually looks down on her, and you are now the most important thing for the Queen of Halloween, which is naturally unreasonable.] 】

[You also understand the thoughts of the Halloween Queen as you watch, and while you are crying and laughing in your heart, you are also telling her that although she will be arranged to meet with Yakumo Zi in the future, it will definitely not be possible to do it in the short term, so tell her not to worry.] 】

[The Queen of Halloween heard the rumors, or insisted on sending Skaha to you, this is no longer your side of the problem, but Skaja actually looked down on her? 】

[In the end, both sides also take a step back.] 】

Skaha doesn’t need to follow you completely, but every once in a while, she’ll have to come to your place. 】

[For this result.] 】

[The Queen of Halloween also reluctantly agreed.] 】

“Sorry to let the two of you see the joke.”

Skaha sent Kitahara White Autumn and White Night Fork away, with a slight redness on his face, and he was also embarrassed.

There is such a leader, even she feels very ashamed.

“It’s all right, isn’t this guy like this all the time?” I’m used to it. ”

White Night Fork waved his hand and said without concern.

Skah: “…”

Skaha was speechless.

What if she feels even more humiliated?

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and said pointedly, “Sometimes, the reason why the chief becomes like this may also be that the subordinates are too capable, and it is possible to raise the leader to be ruined.” ”

After all, it is a box court, the leader is strong in strength, can not do the real thing important?

Of course, it is better to be capable, but it is completely fine not to be a mascot or something, and in this world, the most important thing is capable people.

But it is also true that this Queen of the Shadow Country, Skaha, is very capable, which will cause the Queen of Halloween to become like that.

Skaha was stunned.

The reaction was also to understand that Kitahara Baiqiu was praising her.

Suddenly his face was slightly red and embarrassed, he said: “Thank you for the praise of Lord White Night, please rest assured, no matter where Lord White Night is, I will regularly go to find Lord White Night for you, as long as Lord White Night does not deliberately conceal it, the queen can find Lord White Night you.” ”


Kitahara nodded.

Naturally, there was nothing to say about the decision of the master and servant of the master.

However, this is only a small matter for Kitahara Baiqiu, and naturally it does not matter after talking to Skaha.

Kitahara White Autumn and White Night Fork naturally also left the community where the Halloween Queen was located.

After waiting for four times no one.

Bai Ye Fork looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and smiled lightly, “I really didn’t expect it, White Night, you even know the existence of the same origin as the Halloween Queen and born from the realm.” ”

The nature of the White Night Fork is Yakumo Purple.

If it wasn’t for Kitahara White Autumn and Halloween Queen chatting.

The White Night Fork didn’t know about this before.

“Well, I just didn’t expect that the Halloween Queen is also very concerned about Purple Fall.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly and also nodded.

“Of course that guy cares.”

Bai Ye forked Bai Qiu and said, “If there really is such a existence, it is the key to that guy’s promotion to double figures.” ”

“Since she was restricted and sanctioned by the gods, although she seems to have a high status and her strength can match the double digits, the triple digit is a triple digit after all.”

“That guy was very unwilling at first, unwilling to hold his breath all the time, but after all, he was self-aware after all, after all, not everyone was Alger.”

The corners of Kitahara Baiqiu’s mouth twitched, and his expression was somewhat subtle.

Argel is really a daily humiliation, although she does have a little bit of that kind of thing……… It is a more special kind.

“Originally, I thought that guy didn’t have a chance to get to the double digits, but I didn’t expect you to know that kind of existence, which actually gave the guy a chance to promote the double digits again.”

Bai Ye Fork looked at Kitahara Baiqiu curiously, and he really couldn’t understand why Kitahara Baiqiu could always bring people things that were obviously impossible to happen or do.

Even in the box court, the birth of Yakumo Purple is indeed a miracle.

Realm this kind of thing.

Not everyone can grasp it.

Yakumo Zi’s ability has always been very strong and perverted, but she herself is too weak………

“Then back to the white night, if that guy is promoted to double figures, he will definitely retaliate against me, so the opponent who funded me is a bit unreasonable, you say what to do when the time comes?”

Bai Yecha smiled lightly, and asked with a smile in his eyes.

“Cough cough cough.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu coughed a few times when he heard this, and said awkwardly, “So, you are the White Night Demon King, the top three beings in the box court, what are you afraid of?” ”

The Queen of Halloween and Yakumo Purple are the same realm.

Since they met, they were naturally happy to see them meet.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not expect it.

Yakumo Purple was even able to give the Halloween Queen a chance to hit the double figures again.

So……… Pure coincidence! Well!

“That’s not necessarily true, that guy’s strongest ability is the realm, and this ability is very tricky even in my opinion.”

“She can match the double digits when she is in the three digits, who knows how strong she will be when she is two figures, maybe even I am not an opponent?” 」

The White Night Fork glanced at Kitahara Bai Qiu, and said without anger.

In her opinion, Kitahara Baiqiu’s approach is that it is an enemy! Enemy!

“Okay, okay, if she gets in trouble with you, I’ll help you stop it, right?”

Kitahara Baiqiu surrendered, and he also said helplessly with tears and laughter. If he had a chance to match the White Night Fork, he might have believed it.

But if it exceeds the White Night Fork, this ghost believes.

“Are you sure?” That guy is very beautiful, when you help her so much, she will definitely have a great liking for you, with your nature, don’t you cherish it? ”

White Night Fork asked with a smile on his face.

“Sure, OK?”

Than the original white autumn guarantee.

“Well, that’s what you said, you have to remember it, I’ll find you when the time comes.”

White Night Fork chuckled twice.

Halloween Queen if promoted to double figures. It is absolutely going to find trouble with the White Night Fork.

But with today’s promise.

The White Night Fork will definitely pull this culprit into the water when the time comes.

“Where are you going to go next?” Will you continue to practice on the mountain? ”

Bai Ye Fork looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and continued to ask.

This way down the North Plains white autumn harvest a lot.

Naturally, it is necessary to find a place to practice digestion and digestion.

“No, where to practice is not to practice, who am I going to find Goku?”

Kitahara shook his head and said with a chuckle.

The potential of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Now it has also reached a peak. Sun Wukong’s fate is destined to be bumpy all the way.

As the master of Sun Wukong.

Kitahara White Autumn wants to stand for Sun Wukong.

He wanted to see if he could help Sun Wukong stand on this stage.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked in the direction of Huaguo Mountain.

It was now a quagmire, even if it was a divine land, and did not dare to rush in.

But he’s not just going to break in.

And stir up this quagmire completely!

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