Chapter 337 Flower and Fruit Mountain Water Curtain Cave! Seven days of great sage!!

【Flower and fruit mountain.】 】

[Water curtain hole.] 】

[You and the White Night Fork undoubtedly came here after leaving the territory of the Queen of Halloween.] 】

[There are mountains and rivers here, the scenery is extremely beautiful, but it can also be called a spectacle. 】

[At the foot of the flower and fruit mountain, the monkeys are also picking fruits under the cliff.] 】

[After you and the White Night Fork descended, the monkeys also looked at you with curiosity]

“Go, call your king, and say that her master has arrived.”]

[You stopped a little monkey and said with a chuckle.] 】

When the little monkey heard your words, his heart was suddenly shocked, and he crawled inside with a rolling belt. 】

[You look at these little monkeys and smile slightly,]

[These little monkeys are not all completely powerless.] 】

After all, it is a box court, although it is not strong, but there are also many five- or six-figure strengths. 】

Not long after the little monkey went in to report it, a petite and cute girl rushed out of the water curtain hole and hugged you…”.

“Master Master! I miss you so much! ”

Sun Wukong’s face was full of surprise, and he also said as he hugged Kitahara Baiqiu.

After all, she had been with Kitahara Baiqiu for several years, how could she not be close to Kitahara Baiqiu?

Meeting again, it is natural to show a little excitement.

“Hey, I’m still around, Goku.”

Bai Yecha rolled his eyes and spat at Sun Wukong.

She was such a big living person who was still here.

She also lived with Sun Wukong for a long time.

It was too hurtful to just ignore her.

“Hey, White Night King, of course I miss you too.”

Sun Wukong turned his head in the arms of the Northern Plains White Autumn and looked at the White Night Fork, and also said with a smile.

“Perfunctory, it’s all perfunctory, and you can’t even get down from your master and hug me.”

Bai Yecha rolled his eyes, looked at Sun Wukong, and accused him of not being angry.

Sun Wukong didn’t care, and even made a grimace and spat out his tongue mischievously at the White Night Fork.

Kitahara Baiqiu was also dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

The little girl is still very cute.

After all.

It was the White Night Fork that was overlooked, not him.

Something about him.

[Sun Wukong took you and the White Night Fork into the Water Curtain Cave.] 】

[Sun Wukong said that he had heard about what you and White Night Fork were doing in the box court.] 】

[She is very excited and proud to have a master like you.] 】

[Subsequently, she also told her experience after leaving Fangzhi Mountain and returning to Huaguo Mountain.] 】

[She first went to visit her old neighbor, the East Sea Dragon King, who was very hospitable and very warm to her.] 】

Before leaving, he gave her a weapon called Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick, and gave her a gorgeous dress. 】

[In return, Sun Wukong also promised to shelter the East Sea.] 】

[And then.] 】

[Sun Wukong was also mistakenly taken into the mansion once.] 】

Although it was a mistake, Sun Wukong was also very angry about this and made a big fuss in the mansion. 】

[Three-digit Sun Wukong, but the underground government is miserable.] 】

[Due to the lack of reason, the power of the earth government is even silent and allows Sun Wukong to breathe out.] 】

After all, the True Power knows that Sun Wukong is related to you and the White Night Fork.

[After talking about my experience.] 】

[Sun Wukong is also excited to introduce you to his newly recognized brothers.] 】

[Pingtian Great Saint Bull Demon King.] 】

[The Great Saint Jiao Demon King of the Covering Sea.] 】

[Chaos Heaven Great Saint Peng Demon King.] 】

[Moving Mountain Great Saint Lion Camel King. 】

[Ventilation Great Saint Macaque King. 】

[Exorcise the Great Saint Wai Marmoset King.] 】


[Qi Tian Great Saint Monkey King. 】

[This is also the upcoming and famous community of the box garden.] 】

“Seven Great Saints! “】

[You look at these seven people and smile slightly, and you feel in your heart that it is still coming.] 】

[These seven saints, Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King are all three-digit strengths, and the other five also have the strength to look at four-digits.] 】

[In the box court, four-digit numbers are not a big cabbage, and aside from the most powerful god groups, the god kings of many god groups are only four figures.] 】

[And these five people are almost all four-figure breakers, comparable to three-digit existence.] 】

[It’s no exaggeration.] 】

The strength possessed by the Seven Heavenly Great Sages was already stronger than most of the gods, enough to rival a powerful group of gods. 】

After the Seven Saints learned of your identity, they were also very curious about you. 】

Although Sun Wukong is nominally the seventh oldest among them, in fact, he is truly the first existence. 】

[For Sun Wukong’s master, of course, they are very curious.] 】

They don’t doubt how powerful you are, after all, they’ve heard rumors about you. 】

But they feel, when they see you…… It seems like a natural feeling to be very close to you in your heart. 】

After all, no matter what, no matter how strong the Seven Saints are, they are all demons, even if you have no intention of taming them, their closeness to you is natural. 】

“Ah, it’s Little Jialingye, and now Little Jialing is really small!” “】

After seeing the Chaos Heaven Great Saint Peng Demon King, the White Night Fork also hugged it excitedly and said intimately. 】

[The Peng Demon King was still wondering why she felt that you were close, which made her can’t help but feel good.] 】

When she was suddenly picked up by the White Night Fork, her face suddenly froze, and she didn’t even know how to react in the face of this two-figure strongman. 】

Although the White Night Fork is now the appearance of a beautiful royal sister, it can’t change the essence of the perverted idiot who likes to wear strange clothes to black rabbits.] 】

[It is worth mentioning. 】

[The Chaos Heaven Great Saint Peng Demon King of the Box Court World is also a young girl named Jialing.] 】

[She is the fourth oldest among the Seven Great Saints, and the moon is also the mansion of the Dapeng Goldfinch Clan.] 】

Although she has not yet touched the White Night Fork, she does not know the White Night Fork.] 】

[But in the future, the White Night Fork is undoubtedly familiar with her, and in the future, the White Night Fork will always call Jialing ‘Little Jialing.’] 】

[You didn’t care about this scene just a slight smile.] 】

[After introducing you to each other.] 】

[For your arrival, Sun Wukong naturally held a huge feast for you to wash the wind and dust.] 】

[At the banquet, you also learned that Sun Wukong did not worship for a long time, and his own name was just determined.] 】

[In fact, the names of the Seven Great Saints have some offensive and collision meanings in them.] 】

[Expelling the spirit, ventilating the sea, and moving the mountains are irrelevant.] 】

[However, the three related to the heavens, the Great Sage of Mixed Heavens, the Great Sage of Pingtian, and the Great Sage of Qi Tian, are somewhat offensive to the meaning of heaven, especially the Great Sage of Qi Tian.] 】

[The first two are fine, there is an ambiguous meaning in it.] 】

[Jialing as one of the powerful races of the box court Dapeng Golden-winged Bird Clan, the Bull Demon King, as a three-digit strongman, if it is only ambiguous, no one will bother with them.] 】

[However, the Great Sage of Qi Heaven is directly clear that the superficial divine power is vast, and it can be Qi Tian, just like the heavens and the earth, and the status is lofty.] 】

[Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave is in the territory of the Chinese Divine System. 】

[In the Huaxia Divine System, the Haotian God is the representative of the Heaven, the Lord, the Emperor, and so on.] 】

[Qi Tian, Qi Tian.] 】

[Doesn’t that mean sitting on an equal footing with the god of the Great Hall of Heaven and Heaven?] 】

[As the strongest of the two-digits, the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven, how can Qi Tian’s statement not be offensive?] 】

[As you might expect.] 】

[After the name of Sun Wukong Qi Tian Dasheng spread.] 】

[Hao Tian God sent Tai Bai Venus to invite you to the Heavenly Court as a guest.] 】

[There you go.] 】

[Haotian God never talked about Qi Tian, but just took you to have a good time in the Heavenly Garden, as if he really just invited you to come as a guest.] 】

[After you leave the heavenly court.] 】

[Your heart is also extremely emotional.] Both】

[Worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven, this trip down, as if nothing was said, but everything was said, and it was extremely indifferent from beginning to end.] 】

[But you know, the matter of Qi Tian has been solved.] 】

[Hao Tian God looks at you and the face of the White Night Fork, and will not be too calculated.] 】。

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