Chapter 352 The simulation is over! Two-figure invincible!!

You’re dead. 】

【The end of this crossing simulation, settlement……】

Accompanied by the sound of the system.

The white night consciousness returned, and he slowly opened his eyes.

He came back to God.

At this moment, his eyes were also shining, and his mood was extremely excited.

Sleeper! Cool!

Double figures! Finally a breakthrough! Right now.

The white night can’t help but be proud and difficult to self.

After all, this is a double digit!

Even if you know that you can definitely break through.

But when he really broke through, he still couldn’t suppress the emotion in his heart.

This simulation undoubtedly finally reached the two-digit level.

And, under the concept of invincibility.

He even quickly adapted to double-digit strength.

Keep getting stronger, getting stronger, getting stronger!

Finally even stronger.

Buddha Shakyamuni plus two other two-digit figures.

Three two-digit figures joined forces and couldn’t take him down!

What is called playing? This Nyima is called Play!

What can’t kill me will only make me stronger! White Night felt more than once.

The concept of God of War invincibility is really too skinny!

He who can get the concept of invincibility is even more the Laipi of Laipi! It’s no exaggeration.

Breaking through the double digits also improved his strength so much.


It is except for the wind of decadence.

The whole box court, the real strongest too! As for why it is said that except for the wind of decadence.

That’s because the wind of decadence is in a sense.

In fact, it is already a single digit.

Although the strength is extremely unstable, it cannot be said to be a complete single digit, but to say that it is a half-step single digit, it can exert a single digit strength.

This is definitely not an exaggeration.

The gap between single and double digits.

Absolutely enormous.

Even the White Night, now he thinks that he is not yet the opponent of the Wind of Decadence.

“But then again… Now I only need to surpass the last wind of decadence, and I am truly invincible in the box court. ”

Bai Ye’s face was full of smiles, but he didn’t care, thinking in his heart.

In the past, the box court that was extremely terrifying in his eyes was now stronger than him, and there was not only one left?

This made White Night’s heart how could it not be excited.

There were many people who were stronger than him in the past!

But eventually one by one he will be surpassed! Decadent Wind Natural Moon will not be an exception! To be honest, if not simulation.

Even if the wind of decadence strikes, he is not so easy to end this time.

Because the immortality in his own body is really too strong.

If it was true, he would die so easily.

Shakyamuni sacrificed himself for choosing to seal him.

Instead of trying to kill him.

That’s why.

Shakyamuni knew that it was too difficult to actually kill the White Night.

He couldn’t have gambled with that little bit of hope.

Of course.

Shakyamuni realized that something was wrong.

Decisively sacrificing himself to decide to seal him, White Night actually did not expect it.

From the perspective of Shakyamuni.

This is undoubtedly the best choice.

Is it worthy of Buddha Shakyamuni, the strongest of the two-digit figures? After making up your mind, you will not procrastinate and do not have any luck.

Unfortunately, even so.

If it were not for the Wind of Decadence, Shakyamuni would have almost failed to seal the White Night.

As for the wind of decadence will strike.

This was also expected by the White Night.

After all, it is no exaggeration that his existence will be exposed and will attract the strongest demon king decadence.

White Night this spirit.

I want to gain a firm foothold in the box.

There was only one way in front of him. That is to be the strongest, really the strongest.

Above all.

It’s like the world of the God Killer.

He was stronger than all the gods.

Even if he is the natural enemy of the gods, the gods in the myth can only recognize him.

It’s not a feud.

It is the natural opposition between the white night and the gods, the difference in position. After all, no one wants to have a natural enemy.

White Night didn’t care about this either.

Because the strongest, this is his goal.

With or without Lingge, he will become the strongest and eventually surpass everyone…

[Ding, the settlement is successful, and your simulated evaluation is a reward.]

You can choose two of four:

1, Golden Talent • Perfect Control.

2, Purple Talent Beast Tamer Master.

3, Blue Talent · I am also a person with an identity.

4, the strongest strength achieved by this simulation. 】

White Night looked at the settlement of the reward, and did not hesitate in the slightest.

“System, I choose 1 and 4!”

Perfect control represents the golden talent!

The strongest strength achieved by this simulation represents the strongest two-digit strength, which is undoubtedly the biggest gain of this simulation of White Night.

Nature is the most profitable for white nights! The master beast tamer is not bad.

But White Night honestly didn’t really have the idea of having a pet.

Pets that don’t morph aren’t interested.

How can those who can transform into form really treat them as pets?

White Night is not that kind of person, he will only love them.

Therefore, although this talent is purple, it is already just a simple good moving talent for the white night, and it does not have much effect.

[Selections are complete.] 】

【Rewards are being issued…】

– Boom! Accompanied by the sound of the system.

A huge force is also straight into the sky.

White Night suddenly felt a huge improvement in himself.

Only by really breaking through the double digits can we know how big the gap between the two digits and the three digits is.

Triple digit strength rivals double digits.

They can no longer be called geniuses, but perverts within perversions.

And for White Night.

What the emulator brought to him.

It’s also skyrocketing! A real surge!

If in the past he was a three-digit person, he was the invincible of the three-digit numbers.

So now, he is a two-digit number, then he is the invincible of the two-digit number, which is simply a world of difference.

If it weren’t for the seal brought by the Buddha’s death, it really gave the white night a huge impact, even if it was a decadent wind, it would not even be able to eliminate the gray and white night with one blow.

No, it cannot be said to be annihilation.

I’m afraid that no one in the box court will feel that the white night has been destroyed.

They just feel.

The White Night was sealed under the combined efforts of Shakyamuni and the Wind of Decadence.

Because if not simulation.

The white night facing the two is undoubtedly the end of being sealed.

This is also the thinking of normal people.

With the passage of time.

At the peak of White Night’s strength.


[Advent distribution is complete.] 】

[Simulator into the cooldown, this cooldown time: 240 hours.] Ten days! 】

Ten days as always.

White Night looked at the cooldown time and was not surprised.

The wind of decadence?

The next time you simulate the box court, you should see how far you can face this strongest demon king.

[Ding, White Night Fork detected, Sun Wukong, Double Goddess, Halloween Queen, Alger, Double Goddess…… The fate has been changed by the host, and the ability to not be activated from the fate of the person, please pay attention to the host. 】

White Night looked at this line and was stunned.

Immediately he also laughed, his disobedience, so that he will not be controlled by any fate, but also unscrupulously change the fate of others.

This is the power of the unobeyed.

I have to say that the simulation of the moon world, the harvest is really good.

“System, what is the nature of this changed destiny?”

White Night asked.

[Ding, after the host changes the fate of others, the fate of her people will change, according to the fate changed by the host, but because it is a simulation, it will dilute the existence of the host. 】

[People will only remember that there was someone who changed everything, but they will not remember who that person is, what kind of being that person is, and forget all his memories…]

White Night listened with interest.

It’s a bit of a blue talent plot! Curing! Meaning.

Only White Night knew.

The fate of non-obedience is not comparable to the blue talent.

After White Night figured it out, he didn’t care about it.

Because he has the talent that reminds Grandpa of you.

This may or may be better.

The change in the fate of the White Night Fork, Sun Wukong and others also means that the things done by the White Autumn of the Northern Plains have not been done in vain.

This made Kitahara Baiqiu also very pleased.

“But now there really is a sense of Bodhidharma.”

White Night laughed softly in his heart.

[You can choose a talent to inherit, the inherited talent will inevitably appear in the next simulation, is it inherited?] 】

“Inherit talent?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the two talents in front of him and also thought a little.

Perfect Control has been rewarded by White Night Choice.

Let him choose.

Naturally, only the Master of the Beast and I am also a person with an identity.

Bai Ye thought about it for a while, and finally made a decision: “System, I choose that I am also a person with an identity.” ”

[Ding, I have successfully inherited the talent, I am also a person with an identity, and the talent will inevitably appear in the next simulation.] 】

White Night nodded.

The reason why I was chosen is also a person with status.

It was also because White Night felt that this talent would help him even more.

Maybe there will be any surprises next time.

To his point, color does not represent everything, practicality is the key.

[The world of the box court enters the cooling.] 】

[During cooling, the host can choose another world to simulate once, please note the host.] 】

Kitahara nodded.

The emulator is also closed.

The other world was leisure, and he naturally did not look at the hurry.

Compared to other worlds.

He was looking forward to the next meeting with the Wind of Decadence.

Of course.

Leisure to leisure.

Gensokyo World, Dating Battle World, Forbidden World, Proto-God World.


These were once familiar worlds.

In two days to find one to go for leisure he also does not mind…

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