Chapter 353 I punched Zeus!!

“Bai Qiujun!”

“Crumbs! Are you okay? ”

And it wasn’t long before the emulator was turned off on White Night.

The girls in the family also hurried to the room of the white night.

The white night breaks through double figures, but there is a lot of movement.

Naturally, they can’t be indifferent.

After rushing to the room of the white night, their faces were also full of excitement and excitement when they saw the white night that was safe and sound.

“White Autumn! White Autumn! ”

“I feel like my own strength is so strong now!” It’s really, really strong! ”

Hestia said with excitement on her face.

On the side, the moon god Artemus also nodded excitedly.

“So are we!”

“Me too!”

“And me! And me! ”

Miko Yotsuya, Yukino under the Snow, Shiba Kasumigaoka, Keiya Shinomiya, Amelia and others.

The same is true at this moment.

The improvement brought about by the strength of breaking through the double digits is too great compared to the previous improvement.

After the strength of the White Night is improved.

The strength of the girls who signed a contract with him has naturally been greatly improved.

They only feel that the power of their contract with you disappears for a moment, and then reappears several times stronger, which makes them misunderstand not to be shocked.

Their current strength.

It’s almost like the old days.

Artemis, the moon god of the god of the god killer world, and Hestia, the goddess of fire, were also illusory.

The two looked at each other, and the expression on their faces was full of shock.

“I always felt that if I went back to earth now, I could kill the bad old man Zeus with one punch.”

Hestia stroked his hands and feet twice, felt the exaggerated power in his body, and said with amazement.

“Zeus? That Greek king of the gods? Kill the God King with one punch? Really fake? ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s face was suddenly stunned.

It’s not just her.

Snow under the snow, Yang Nai under the snow, Miko Shitani, Eiri Pear and others were all stunned when they heard the words.

After all, compared to Hestia, Artemus was a few people.

Although they know that they are strong, and then they are strong they don’t know how much.

But they have no idea how strong they really are.

At first hearing Hestia’s words.

One by one, they all took a breath of cool air.

“While I’d love to say that Hestia is a bit of an exaggeration, but… No doubt this is true, and what Hestia said was the truth. ”

Artemus covered his face and couldn’t help but speak.

Her heart was filled with shock and horror.

It is precisely because the exaggeration is outrageous, but it is still really what will bring her such a big shock.

Who would have thought.

Obviously, at the beginning, it was another contract that she had brought to her, and it was able to raise her strength to such a point.

Although the ritual of the contract was later made up by herself herself……… But there’s no denying it.

It’s really unexpected, it’s unbelievable.

“Don’t say it’s you… I feel that if I go back to my own world, I can sweep through all the gods, and the millions of gods will not be a problem. ”

Hestia, the holy goddess of the God Killer World, smiled bitterly, looked at her hand, and said in a tone full of disbelief.

Artemis undoubtedly nodded at the side.

For thousands of years, their strength has not improved much.

Who would have thought that signing a contract with you would improve so much in a short period of time

All the sisters of the Lenovo Elegant God Department have a contract with you.

Artemis couldn’t help but feel slight.

Nowadays the God Killer may really be……… With a single sister of their elegant god lineage, they could sweep through all the gods in the world of the god killer.

Confirmed by the two lunar gods.

Even Hestia, the holy and sublime goddess, said so.

The hearts of all the young girls were shocked at this moment.

They didn’t expect it to be true.

Their strength was already above the God King? When I originally signed a contract with you.

They were shocked to find that the power of the covenant was comparable to that of the gods.


This is a god, and even the God King can not pay attention to it.

As long as you get your recognition and sign a contract with you, you can reach this level, which is a great good thing.

To know in many worlds.

The gods are all high, unattainable, and untouchable beings.

It’s so easy now.

This made the girls feel like they were in a dream.

Even they are.

Not to mention Yakumo Zi, who has not yet signed a contract with White Night.

Her face was full of shock at the moment.

Finally understand why these people are so strong.

Actually, it’s all because of you.

But……… This should also be extremely difficult to do, or impossible to do, ah, but you have done it………

See the surprised reaction of the girls.

Bai Ye also smiled lightly: “My strength has increased, and your strength will naturally increase, after all, you are my closest existence, and I am not reluctant to abandon you.” ”

The girls all looked at him in a daze.

This is really an understatement………

It’s better to say that the strength can improve so quickly, it is more unbelievable, well, the ghost knows what you have experienced.

“By the way, my real name is actually White Night, you should all know it, and you will call me this name in the future.”

The cute girls in front of their eyes in the white night also smiled and said again.

White Nights…

The girls naturally knew the name.

When you break through the double digits, the girls have this name in their minds

Although the time in the simulation is inconsistent with the world, after you inherit the two-figure power at the end of the simulation, the girls will get this news normally in their hearts.

“White Night, White Night…”

“I even used my real name as a pen name, and I really have you, Junjun.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu first murmured two sentences, and then looked at the white night and spat out.

“No problem White Night Teacher, good White Night Teacher.”

Ying Li Li nodded, and naturally directly agreed.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Ying Pear are actually more names to each other than the name of Kitahara Baiqiu, so naturally they can easily accept it.

The rest of the people who have read the White Night novel and know the name White Night, although it is not as easy as the two of them, it is not very likely.

Because of the name of Teacher White Night, it is really too famous.

Under the snow, Yang Nai even ridiculed whether White Night knew that there was such a day, so he deliberately named his pen name as White Night, so that everyone could accept it more easily.

White Night solemnly stated that he was absolutely innocent.

Coincidence, proper coincidence.

Of course.

There are those that can be quickly accepted, and naturally there are those that cannot be quickly accepted.

“Oh, white night?” White Night? ”

Kato Hui whispered two sentences, and said with some distress on his face, “But I have already called Bai Qiujun to be used to it, and suddenly calling Bai Ye always feels unaccustomed to it.” ”

Miko Shitani nodded beside them.

“It doesn’t matter, just get used to it slowly, what we have is time.”

Kitahara smiled softly and whispered to Kato.

Kato heard this, and his face turned slightly red.

This one……… They do have time.

I have to say, time, how much they want……… Well, let’s take our time…

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