Chapter 354 Let’s see the White Night of the Other World!!

Name thing.

Just a small thing.

After the white night said, everyone remembered it in their hearts, and naturally it was not too harsh.

Instead, the girls ‘tortured’ White Night.

I wonder why White Night is able to keep getting stronger in such a short period of time.

It’s so terrifying it is now.

Obviously, they and White Night have been together all along.

Even if it is a white night, it has never been away for too long.

This rapid intensification.

It’s incomprehensible!

Although they were also curious before, but White Night did not say, they have always suppressed their inner curiosity, never asked more.

But this time, they couldn’t help it.

“Teacher White Night, just tell us.”

“White Night! White Night! Tell me about it! I’m curious! ”

“If you don’t say it today, don’t come to me for a week.”

“That, that… Please, Yuki…”

“I’m also curious, host…”

The girls are spoiled, threatened, seduced, and sold cuteness, and they also asked in the white night.

Each of them is excellent.

Any normal person who is spoiled and cute will not be able to resist.

Not to mention so many people working together.

Who can stand this?

Bai Ye couldn’t laugh at this, and could only raise his hand to show his helplessness: “Well, I surrender and I surrender, since you want to know so much, I will tell you.” ”

In fact, with the convergence of the world.

After everyone meets, everyone will know sooner or later.

Know the truth of everything.

Since they wanted to know so, it didn’t hurt that White Night would tell them in advance.

As everyone knows.

For the girls, the white night has always been spoiled.

White Night knows this.

The girls know this too.

Hearing Bai Ye’s words, all the young girls secretly exchanged glances, all of them showing a planned expression, and their eyes were full of smiles.

Although the girls like to play some little clever.

But it certainly doesn’t make people feel disgusted, but it feels fun.

The girls actually enjoyed the feeling of being spoiled by the white night.

“Do you want to hear the story from scratch?” Still wondering why I became so strong this time? ”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and asked.

“Of course I want to start from scratch.”

The girls first looked at each other, and then Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, and the other girls quickly nodded.

“Start from scratch…”

Bai Ye smiled lightly, there was some confusion in his eyes, and then said to the girls, “Okay, in fact, in the beginning, like you, I was just an ordinary person…”

These words of the White Night came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Because they never thought that White Night was an ordinary person in the beginning.

Even Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Miko Shitani, who first knew White Night, did not think that White Night was an ordinary person.

In their opinion.

This possibility is more than that of ordinary people.

They have always felt that it should be White Night hiding their strength identity, and it is more likely to live an ordinary life.

Even if he first saw the snow under the snow of the White Night Slashing Ghost, he only knew that the White Night was not as strong as it was now.

Instead, in a short period of time, it became as strong as it is now.

Even the three of them, let alone the others.

The white night that others saw.

Undoubtedly, they are all incredibly powerful, and those who can solve anything with a light touch seem to have no end in sight………

Hestia, Artemis, Artemis, Hestia, Emilia, Reemram, Yakumo Purple, Estes…

These girls have great strength in their own right.

Hearing White Night’s words was even more shocking.

Compared with the girls in the world, they can better understand the horror of an ordinary person reaching this strength.

It’s just… Unbelievable.

At the same time, they are more curious about the hidden experience of the white night.

“In fact, it is not right to say that it is an ordinary person, it should be said that compared to ordinary people, if I die, I have the ability to start over, and every time I die, I can have a little gain.” 」

White Night laughed softly and spoke to the girls first.

And then………

He glanced at all the maidens.

Immediately after that, he also gained his eyes and smiled lightly in front of everyone to experience a projection.

Let’s start from scratch.

It was naturally the first time that the simulator had just been obtained, and when it first came to the world of ghosts to satisfy the curiosity of the girls.

White Night naturally also dutifully played everything at the beginning to the girls.

It’s just that it’s just compared to the original monotonous text.

White Night shows the girls the picture, similar to the anime TV series.

After all, the senses of the picture will be better than the words.

This is just a piece of cake for White Night.

White Night had never done anything mad in the simulation.

Whether he is realistic or simulation, he dares to say that he is not ashamed.

Naturally, there is nothing that cannot be shown to the girls.

He has always felt that even in the simulation, changing his own nature to do whatever he wants, is too sad.

Cough cough cough.

As for the existence of other maidens in the other world.

Sooner or later, everyone will know, this can not be avoided, and now it is only known in advance.

He’s just got the problem that all men have.

There are also some pictures that are not suitable for broadcasting, and the white night is also artistically processed.

After all, it is understandable that what is inappropriate for children cannot be sown.

While broadcasting his own life in another world.

On the side of the white night, I also explain to the girls what kind of world it is, and some places that the girls do not understand.

The girls saw that the initial weakness was really a white night of ordinary people.

All of them were stunned.

And then.

They witnessed how many times White Night had grown from an ordinary person to a step stronger without their knowledge…

Such a scene.

Combine the impression of the White Night among them.

It was literally full of shocks.

And no matter what, in which world the white night is, and what he does, is to save the world.

Ghosts destroy the world and destroy man-eating demons.

The world of the God Killer ends the fateful reincarnation of the God Killer and the God of Disobedience, so that the God of Disobedience will no longer come to this world as a natural disaster.

The game Life World ends thousands of years of war………

Although the last two are due to time constraints, the girls have not yet seen them.

But the blade of ghost annihilation alone was enough to shock the girls.

They didn’t even dare to associate the wretched white night in the picture with the current white night.

Although that white night was also very messy, it was undoubtedly also very handsome.

Start on this day.

Every day after the arrival of Eiri Pear and Miko Yotsuya, everyone naturally watched the experience of the White Night together.

The girls who consciously learned the truth.

On these two days.

For the white night are surprisingly gentle.

White Nights couldn’t help but immerse themselves in it, feeling what kind of heaven this is on earth.

Until the third day.

Finally someone realized something was wrong.

“Wait, White Night, how do I feel that every girl in the video has a good feeling for you, how many people have you provoked?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu patted his forehead and looked at the white night and said.

All the girls were stunned, and at this moment, they were also looking at the white night.

White Night suddenly coughed dryly, and the girl who had been deliberately diluted was finally noticed.

“What, Shi Yu, you also know, I’m so good, it’s normal for girls to like it, isn’t it?”

White Night’s eyes fluttered and he said awkwardly.

“Every world has girls who like it, so how many girls do you have to go through it, how many girls like you, say, you have been to several other worlds now!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the white night with a sharp look in her eyes and asked in a menacing manner.

White Night replied, “Four… Not five wrong! That’s right! There are already five other worlds! ”

The simulated world, including the box court, is now only five.

Heaven and earth can be learned, and he has not deceived people.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the white night suspiciously.

Five……… Not much.

No, no! Still a lot!! And!

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