Chapter 355 Protest! Lovely protest!!

“I really didn’t expect that the reason why Teacher White Night became so strong as now was that he had experienced so much.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s really hard and hard, I look at it with a shudder, it’s not easy.”

“From an ordinary person to being as strong as it is now, it’s unbelievable, it’s almost like the protagonist of a light novel.”

“Isn’t that the protagonist of a light novel?” While becoming stronger and saving the world, he meets many beautiful girls along the way, which is not what the protagonist is? ”

“It is true that there is a saying that difficulties return to difficulties, and it is not easy to return to difficulties, but is there too much for the beautiful girls who meet in the white night…?”

The girls looked at the white night of the other world, and one by one he said with emotion.

They admit that when they saw this, they understood why the white night had become so strong as it is now, and thus understood the white night better.

But……… Aside from the scenes that make them full of touches, White Night is desperately trying to become stronger for the world they live in.

The girls I met………

Isn’t that a little too much? Although two or three days of time.

Only let them see the ghost world.

However, in a single ghost destroying world, there are more than a dozen maidens who are close to the White Night.

Five Worlds………

Five worlds doesn’t sound like much.

Just the strength of the five worlds of White Nights had reached a level that they could not imagine now.

It can already be said that it is extremely exaggerated.

But the words of the five worlds.

There are definitely a lot of girls combined!

The girls who realized this were all jealous and threw their faces at Bai Ye.

How gentle the first two days were.

How ruthless they are now.

Although they understand how attractive the White Night is.

Looking at the white night of the other world and the white night is like a savior.

The girls of the ghost world will fall in love with the white night is also very understanding.

But……… Understanding is understanding.

You still have to lose your temper! Boycott!

This kind of behavior of the White Night must be strongly resisted!

Even if they have already made a contract, they must let the white night not increase in the future!

This proposal.

Naturally, it was agreed by all the maidens.

“When you meet so many young girls, you will not die of exhaustion in the future, Junjun.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the White Night of the Otherworld after watching the Ghost Extinction Edition and said without anger.

“What are you talking about?” Shi Yu. ”

Bai Ye said with an innocent face and a pure face: “For beings like us who have a long life, the most important thing is always only companionship, other things are secondary, and it is important to be with us all the time.” ”

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard this, her face turned red suddenly, and she glared at Bai Ye fiercely before she couldn’t believe that Bai Ye couldn’t understand what she was saying.

However, she did have to admit that what White Night said made sense.

But the time is long to a certain level, more than other things, the companionship between each other is the most important………

White Night smiled softly at Kasumigaoka’s demonstration, having them by their side is indeed the most important, besides… Who said he would be tired?

Alas, Shi Yu was an ordinary person before and always liked to measure him by the thinking of ordinary people.

I don’t know what kind of ordinary person he can still call him now.

After the end of the White Night Ghost Annihilation World Edition in the other world.

The white night was also thoroughly felt.

What makes the girls join hands ‘mercilessly’ to resist him.

Every time the girls saw him, they ignored him, didn’t talk to him, turned their heads completely when he was air.

Cold violence!

There is no doubt about cold violence!

The girls are using this behavior to express their dissatisfaction to the White Night.

It’s just that there are many girls, and their personalities are different.

But it can always make Bai Ye laugh dumbly, and can’t help but be funny.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Snow Under the Snow and others are naturally strictly enforced.

Even Eiri Pear, Kei Kato, Ai Hayasaka and others are very cooperative.

But……… Hestia is funny.

You say ignore it, ignore it, don’t talk if you don’t talk.

Sometimes I see the white night and hum triumphantly about what is going on, do you want to be so cute.

Artemus, Artemis, and Hestia smiled at him every time they saw the White Night.

However, as the girls on their side, they had never spoken to White Night.

Hestia is no exception.

The thin-faced Miko and Emilia of Shitani and several people, every time they see White Night, they can’t talk to White Night because they are not careful.

It caused them to run away with red faces and panic every time, which was so cute.

Reem, Ram, and Esther as maids, they are even more unsure that the sun under the snow is not to speak is to do, but to ignore whether they have done it or not, then it is a different matter.

As a little witch, Yoshino under the snow often pulled on Hirazuka Shizuka, making Hirazuka’s face full of embarrassment.

The naturally stayed Fujiwara Chika often forgot about this matter and talked to White Night, and needed Shinomiya Keiya to blush and remind her.

Although the girls’ original intention was to resist, they wanted White Night to learn its lesson.

But in the eyes of the White Night.

This feeling, quite novel, unexpectedly interesting, is simply to see more of the cute side of the girls.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu held her forehead, and the expression on her face was full of helplessness.

Have the heart to let the crumbs have a long memory.

How……… My teammates are really not powerful.

Originally, White Night thought that the girls would not watch it after watching the Ghost Extinction Edition.

But he still asked White Night to show them the other four worlds………

White Night was stunned.

“Of course you have to see it!”

“After all, it is the White Night’s experience in other worlds that makes you so strong, how can we not look.”

The girls replied.

Indeed, leave aside the girls of other worlds.

Just because this is the appearance of White Night in order to become stronger, becoming omnipotent in their eyes.

These White Nights have been experiences……… How could they not look.

When watching the ghost version.

The White Night’s posture of protecting the world in order to save the world has died again and again, resurrected again and again.

They were deeply touched by this.

This is what any touching and tearful movie or TV series can’t bring

Because the protagonist inside is right next to them.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they simply couldn’t have imagined it.

It is precisely because of personal experience that their feelings will be more profound.

They want to know more.

Bai Ye smiled lightly, and naturally would not refuse.

Then the second world is the God Killer World.

Seeing the world, everyone looked at Hestia and Artemis in amazement.

Both goddesses smiled slightly and nodded.

That’s right, that’s their world.

For them, the white night is also the real savior……… Another day passed.

Miko Yotsuya and Eiri find White Night.

One of them had a slight redness on their faces, and one was a little flustered, and said, “That, White Night, my mother… My mom knew I had graduated, and then she asked me where I was going these days since I had all graduated early, and I told her that she had come to you…”

Miko Yotsuya said with a blushing face and a very embarrassed face…

Obviously, after her mother knew about this, she said a lot of things that made the thin-faced Yotsuya see no place for herself.

“Me me me! Me too, Teacher White Night, my mother knows this too, what should I do? ”

Ying Lili’s face was full of panic, and she also asked.

Naturally, Sawamura sensed something was wrong.

After all, Ying Li Li had just transferred to school, how could she not pay attention to her daughter’s new school.

And then that attention is overwhelming.

Sawamura Koyuri froze directly.

Have their daughters graduated directly? What’s the situation?!!

White Night did not deliberately hide Sawamura’s intentions, she could naturally know about it.

Unlike Mrs. Shinomiya.

Sawamura Koyuri has never seen a white night.

Hearing that her daughter had graduated, she actually went to the home of a male classmate when she left early and returned late.

This made Sawamura frown deeply.

Although she knew that the male classmate was the White Night Teacher whom she and Ying Li Pear both liked, but liked it, this could not be messed up.

After all, no one had ever seen it, and Sawamura Sayuri was certainly not at ease.

Ying Li Pear is her precious daughter.

If Teacher White Night just writes books and can not be characteristic, what if Ying Li Pear is deceived?

Ying Pear Pear is sneaked out today.

After all, no matter how Sawamura Koyuri shuts up, how can she be shut down.

But no matter what, it was a sneak away, so her face was a little flustered.

“If you know it, you know, that’s to be expected, isn’t it?”

Bai Ye smiled and looked at Miko Yotsuya and Eiriri and asked, “What, how did your mother react when she learned that her precious daughter suddenly graduated?” ”

“What a reaction…”

Ying Li Li was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a red face: “Of course, that is very surprised, very, very surprised kind of ah.” ”

After all, Ying Lili’s previous academic performance was honestly not good.

The reason why I was able to enter the General Wu High School is even because Ying Pear is a special enrollment!

After all, Ying Li Pear is very good at painting.

I only transferred to the General Martial Arts High School for a few days.

Her originally stupid daughter actually graduated, and she still jumped two levels to graduate early?

Can this not surprise Sawamura Koyuri?

If it is not the English pear or this look, or this character.

Sawamura Koyuri even had to wonder if Eiri-ri had been replaced.


Sawamura Koyuri is still a little puzzled by this.

“Me, me too.”

Miko Yotsuya blushed and raised her little hand and said.

Although she is not as exaggerated as Ying Li Li, her previous results in the total martial arts high are only on the middle side.

For his daughter suddenly opened the trick directly from the first year of high school to the third year of high school.

How could Mrs. Shinomiya not be surprised……

“Ah, this is not important, my mother already knows, what should Teacher White Night do now?”

Ying Li Pear flicked her double ponytail and asked the white night anxiously.

After this period of time together, she has also become acquainted with Bai Ye, and naturally will not be as estimated as at the beginning.

“What to do? Then ask your mom to come to our house and we’ll tell them the truth. ”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said directly…

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