Chapter 356 Stay away from my daughter!!

Hearing White Night already had an idea.

Ying Li Pear was immediately relieved.

Then she also continued to watch the White Night of the Other World with everyone.

Now watching the White Night of the Other World every day is also the fun of everyone’s fixed program about the White Night.

Girls find it much more interesting than any novel anime game.

Naturally, Ying Pear does not want to miss it.

As for going back…?

She ran out of her own way, why should she go back? Just send two messages to your mom and say it.

Besides, if only to accommodate her.

Everyone doesn’t look at the other world White Night today just to wait for her to come together, that’s also very bad, isn’t it?

That being said is somewhat narcissistic.

But Ying Li Pear knows that there are really many people in these people who are too kind and excessive, so that Ying Li Pear is ashamed of himself.

Seeing her absent, this kind of thing is still very likely to happen.

Ying Li Li, who thought like this, also casually fiddled with his mobile phone twice, and sent two messages to Sawamura Kolily.

Even if you casually throw it aside, regardless of the reaction there, you will be excited to see the white night of the other world with everyone.

Compared to the English pear.

It’s much simpler.

Although Mrs. Shinomiya did not know why her daughter could suddenly become so smart and even graduate directly.

But her daughter gets along with White Night, and she is very supportive.

After all, it was to say that in high school, if Miko was pregnant and the child was born, she raised Mrs. Shinomiya.

It is not surprising that there is such a performance.

Miko Yotsuya often blushed for a mother like herself and waited for the time to come.

Miko Yotsuya and Eiri go back.

Miko Yotsuya was nothing, but she was pulled by her mother to ask questions about the east and west, very excited and curious.

And the words of the English pear.

What I saw when I got home was that Sawamura’s little Yuri’s face was black, and Ying Li Pear spat out her tongue and fled directly.

Sawa Mura Sayuri was helpless.

Of course, both Eiri Pear and Miko Yotsutani told their mother about inviting them to his house on a white night.

Mrs. Shinomiya was stunned for a moment, and naturally quickly agreed.

After all, White Night had come to visit their home, she really hadn’t been to White Night’s house, and she didn’t even know where White Night’s house was.

Sawamura Koyuri hesitated for a moment and decided to take a look.

After all, her daughter’s doubts have indeed become more and more recently.

Even if you don’t say that.

His daughter is so close to a person of the opposite sex she has never seen before, can she be a mother at ease?

Naturally, you have to go and have a look.

After a night has passed.


Sawamura Koyuri sorted out her dress and dressed up carefully.

Stand with Ying Li Pear.

Not like a mother or daughter at all, but like a sister.

“Ying Li Li, I tell you, we chase the stars to chase the stars, but we must follow the stars rationally.”

“I understand that you like Teacher White Night very much, because my mother likes me too.”

“But like to like, worship to worship, girls must be reserved.”

“How long have you known that White Night Teacher have you been, and you have been fascinated by the fascination.”

“If you have been together for a while, know each other well, and like each other, and decide to be together, your mother will certainly not object.”

“But now… Are you developing a little bit faster? ”

Walk on the way to White Night’s house.

Sawamura Koyuri had a distressed look on her face, and she was also thinking about the education of Ying Li Li.

She did not say that she was against Teacher White Night falling in love with her own daughter.

After all, Teacher White Night is not a bad old man, but a student of the same age as her daughter, perhaps even a year younger than her daughter.

White Night Teacher is very good.

If she and her daughter can successfully go to the marriage hall, Sawamura Koyuri will certainly not have an opinion.

But now the situation is… It’s too fast.

Soon, Sawamura even suspects that the White Night Teacher is not a good person at all, but has cheated on her daughter’s feelings.

“Knowing that, my mother is really very wordy, obviously you don’t know the truth, don’t you know when you see Teacher White Night?”

Ying Li Pear waved her hand and said perfunctorily.

Huh, verbose?

Sawamura Sayuri was struck by lightning.

She looked at Ying Li Pear and deeply felt that the child was now in a rebellious period.

However, Sawamura Koyuri knows that Eiri Pear herself is also measured, since she is like this.

Teacher White Night should indeed be a very good teenager.

If so, that’s a good thing.

After all, Sawamura Koyuri also likes White Nights very much, or likes White Night’s works.

If the two of them are really in love.

That was a terrible thing for Sawamura Sayuri.

Think so.

The two also came to the White Night’s house.

After seeing the large villa of the White Night family, Sawamura Koyuri was deeply shocked that she learned from her daughter that this villa was bought by White Night herself.

I just didn’t expect it to be so big.

This villa Sawamura Little Lily knew, nor did she expect it to be a white night.

I can buy this kind of villa in high school.

Young and promising is no longer enough to describe the white night………

However, Sawamura thought of the works of White Night, but she took them for granted.

“Welcome to the White Night House, Madam, I am Ram, the maid of the White Night House.”

“Welcome to the White Night House, Madam, I am Reem, the maid of the White Night House.”

The door opened slowly.

The first thing Sawamura saw was the two twin servants.

Rem and Ram.

Sawamura Sayuri froze again.

There was even a maid???

Sawamura looked at Reem and Ram in surprise, and it always felt strange to look at the two of them.

After all, Teacher White Night is now the age of flesh and blood, and there are still such cute and beautiful two maid ladies in the family………

After all, Sawamura Koyuri is also a teacher of Eromanga, and she can’t help but think of many plots in an instant………

“Reem, Ram, good morning.”

Ying Li Pear naturally greeted the two people.

“Good morning, Miss Eiri.”

“Good morning, Miss Eiri.”

Rem and Ram bowed and responded as well.

In fact, in this family, no one cares about these etiquettes, but the two campers insist on it themselves.

After White Night corrected some, the others went by the two of them.

“Are you going to receive your mother today?”

Ying Li Li asked curiously.

“Well, Miko Yotsuya and Mrs. Yotsunomiya have arrived, and they are now being cared for by Ai Hayasaka, so it is up to us to receive Madame.”

Reem nodded and replied.

“They have already come, and they are even earlier than me.”

Ying Li Pear said casually.

And right here it is.

Amelia walked out, and when she saw Ying Li Pear, she also smiled and said hello: “Ying Li Pear, you are here.” ”

“Well, Leah, where are you going?”

Ying Li Pear looked at Emilia and asked curiously.

For Emilia.

Ying Pear has actually been very envious.

Because Emilia is as beautiful as a girl in a dream.

It is worthy of the legendary elven girl.

“I was going to find Hestia to ask for the works from before the White Night, and suddenly I was a little curious.”

“Isn’t there something wrong with you in the White Night today?” He already told us about it yesterday. ”

“Seeing that they have arrived, you should take your mother with you quickly, and I won’t bother you.”

Amelia blinked, and after greeting Sawamura Sayuri with a slight smile, she also said to Eiri.

“Well, when Leah has seen it, you can talk to me about it!” Ying Li Pear nodded. ”

He also said with great interest.

Here she never had to hide her true nature, because everyone did not discriminate against Ying Li Pear even the identity of Teacher Elomana.

There were also many people playing with her.

For the English pear.

It was simply her favorite place.

“That, Ying Li Li, who was that fried woman just now?”

After separating from Emilia.

Sawamura’s eyes were full of shock, and she whispered to Ying Li Pear.

A girl as pretty as Emilia.

Even Sawamura Koyuri hadn’t seen much.

It’s so beautiful.

“Huh? Do you say Leah? Her name is Emilia, and she is the girlfriend of Teacher White Night. ”

Ying Li Pear was stunned at first, and then said.

“What? White Night Teacher’s girlfriend? ”

Sawamura was even more stunned, and asked in disbelief, “Does Teacher White Night already have a girlfriend?!!” ”


Ying Li Pear nodded.

Not only that, but there is more than one.


Sawamura Sayuri fainted.

Have a girlfriend, his daughter is still so close to him, every day to come here?

Could it be that she misunderstood?

The reason why Ying Li Pear comes here every day is not because of Teacher White Night, but because she comes to play with Teacher White Night’s girlfriend?

But it’s not like ah………

“So, who is the Miko you just discussed…?”

Sawamura Oyuri suppressed her inner emotions and asked in a low voice.

“Miko? She is also the girlfriend of Teacher White Night. ”

Ying Pear Pear Road.

Sawamura Sayuri: “…”

Scum, scumbag? Two girlfriends?

I didn’t expect that Teacher Bai Ye was such a person.

Sawamura Sayuri was furious.

She must not let her daughter fall into it again, into the abyss.

Let the scumbag get away with it….

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