Chapter 357: My son-in-law is a god?!!

Sawamura Koyuri never expected that Teacher White Night was such a person.

She and Ying Pear were a long time ago.

Because the works of Teacher White Night are actually very fond of Teacher White Night.


The first time I met Teacher White Night, it turned out to be like this.

Before meeting Teacher Hakuyo himself, Sawamura’s perception of Koyuri was extremely poor.

It’s not that Sawamura Koyuri hasn’t seen anyone like White Night, and many executives are actually like this.

But White Night Teacher.

He’s still so young.

Lost in the great achievements of yourself? Sawamura thought to herself.

If that’s the case, or maybe she’s helping to correct Teacher White Night, it’s also good.

Think so.

Sawamura Koyuri also followed Eiri Pear to finally come to the front of the White Night.

She’d take a look.

What kind of person is the so-called White Night Teacher?

And then just at first glance………

Sawamura Sayuri was stunned.

What a personable, extraordinary and beautiful man.

Sawamura Sayuri was deeply shocked.

It was only when she saw White Night herself that she finally understood.

Why did his daughter care so much about him?

Just by virtue of this appearance, to deceive some young girls who are not deeply involved in the world, it is simply a deception.

After all, even Sawamura Koyuri’s own heartbeat that was not in contention just now accelerated and Sawamura Xiaoyuri took a deep breath and suppressed her inner emotions.

Yes, even so.

She wouldn’t approve of that either.

She is such a daughter, and she must not let her daughter be wronged.

Sawamura Sayuri looked to the side.

An extremely beautiful wife and a young girl who looks no less than her daughter.

Sawamura thought about it.

I knew that this might be Miss Yotsuya Miko and her mother.

“Ying Pear Pear you are coming.”

White Night arrives at the arrival of Eiri Pear and Sawamura Koyuri, and says with a chuckle.

“Well, I brought my mother here, White Night.”

Ying Li Pear ran to Bai Ye’s side, hugged Bai Ye’s arm and said happily.



Sawamura Koyuri watched this scene and felt a little myocardial infarction.

She shouldn’t have transferred Ying Li Pear to school in the first place………

“Hello, the first time we met, you are Ying Li Li’s mother, Aunt Sawamura, often heard Ying Li Li mention that you are younger and more beautiful than she said.”

White Night looked at Sawamura Sayuri and said hello with a light smile.

Ying Li Pear was stunned for a moment and looked at the white night wordlessly.

She didn’t say that…

When Samura heard this, she was suddenly flustered and replied, “Hello, White Night Elder… Cough cough, white night Jun, my name is Sawamura Koyuri, please give more advice when you meet for the first time. ”

Of course she knew her daughter couldn’t say that.

That is what White Night himself said.

Handsome and sweet-talking, who can resist this?

Although Sawamura is annoyed, she is very understanding of her daughter.

To be honest, in Sawamura’s opinion.

Just by virtue of the conditions of the white night, as long as he is targeted, basically only ——— result is left, there is no other possibility, it is such an exaggeration.

“Aunt Sawamura, please sit down.”

“Hmmm… Good. ”

White Night beckoned Sawamura Koyuri to sit down.

Sawamura Koyuri also sat on the sofa.

She and Mrs. Shinomiya looked at each other, and both of them nodded to each other, which was considered to be greeting.

“That’s right, two aunts, I invite you two to come today, and I hope you can give me the trust of Miko and Eiri.”

Bai Ye looked at the two of them, smiled slightly and said directly.

He didn’t procrastinate.

Because that’s not necessarily necessary.

The performance of Miko Yotsuya and Eiri Pear has already done everything.

Sawamura Koyuri and Mrs. Shinomiya were a little silent when they heard the words.

Sawamura Koyuri was even a little stunned, she didn’t expect that the white night would be so direct………

This and this………

It almost made her not know what to say for a while.

“Bai Qiujun, you know me.”

After a moment of silence, Mrs. Shinomiya took the lead in saying, “I have always been very supportive of your relationship with Miko. ”

“You’re excellent, excellent in every way.”

“I’m here today, and to be honest, even I was surprised, because I didn’t expect you to be so good, even I didn’t expect it.”

“It’s just that about this matter, I still have to calm down first, I will see such a child, and I don’t want her…”

Mrs. Shinomiya did not continue to say this, and the meaning was not subt.

In fact, this is why Mrs. Shinomiya is familiar with the white night, otherwise, I am afraid that she would have pulled Miko away angrily by now.

“I disagree!”

Sawamura said directly.

Since the white night is direct, then she is also direct.

How could she possibly agree to such a thing.

She only has one daughter, Ying Li Li.

Is this person in front of you a god?

Want to let yourself hand over your daughter to him in this situation? Hear the words of Mrs. Shinomiya and Sayuri Sawamura.

Kitahara Hakuaki, Yotsuya Miko and Eiri looked at each other, and they were not in a hurry, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, you can listen to me before making a decision, since I dare to say so, naturally there is a reason.” ”

“No matter what reason you have, even if you say that you are breaking the sky, I will not agree.”

Sawamura Koyuri took a direct stance.

And then immediately after.

Sawamura’s face froze.

Because she saw… His own daughter actually flew up in front of her.

Moreover, it is only a blink of an eye.

They were no longer in the White Night House, but the people who appeared on the plain and stayed were not just Sawamura Koyuri.

Mrs. Shinomiya also stayed where she was at the moment.

Because at this moment, Shitani Miko, like the Eiri pear, should be above the mid-air.

“This is, what’s going on…?”

Mrs. Shinomiya’s brain went blank and she murmured.

They simply could not understand the supernatural phenomenon in front of them.

“Aunt Shinomiya, Aunt Sawamura, this is what I want to say, in fact, I am not an ordinary person, but a deity, and I am also a person of the gods.”

Bai Ye looked at the two ladies with a light smile and spoke.

Mrs. Shinomiya and Sawamura Koyuri both fainted when they heard this.

God, God?!!

Sawamura Koyuri had a confused look on her face.

How did not expect that their own family just thought, the result of the white night is really a god.

But…… In real life, is there a god?

Sawamura Koyuri and Mrs. Shinomiya only felt that their three views had been seriously affected.

For a long time, I couldn’t come back.

No way, this is a god.

For them who have been living in the ordinary world, what kind of strange existence are the gods?

But everything in front of you.

But it was because the two wives did not believe in the valley.

After all, if it were not for God, how could it have done this.

And if it is God’s word.

A lot of things in the past……… But it also makes sense.

For example, why.

Miko and Ying Pear can instantly Bizhou or something….

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