Chapter 358: What is the Experience of a Daughter Being a God?!!

“God, gods…”

Sawamura muttered to herself, a look of disbelief.

For ordinary people living in the ordinary world.

The most amazing.

It is tantamount to the appearance of the legendary gods in front of their eyes.

Is there anything in this world that has a greater impact on ordinary people than the gods? Now it is undoubtedly happening in front of Sayuri Sawamura.

Sawamura’s eyes were confused, and she couldn’t look back for a long time.

She already understood.

Why would White Night dare to tell her about Ying Li Pear.

Because White Night is not an ordinary person at all, but a legendary deity.

For ordinary people.

To be liked by the gods is a kind of luck, a kind of honor, right? Don’t doubt it.

In most worlds.

The gods have this status.

They are much more noble than any king, no emperor, not even a level.

“Gods? Bai Qiu, you are actually a god…? ”

It’s not just Sawamura Sayuri.

Mrs. Shinomiya was also muttering to herself at this moment, and her brain was blank.

She suddenly understood why the white night looked like it should only exist in heaven, for reasons that could not exist in the mortal world.

For he is a man of heaven.

Mrs. Shinomiya subconsciously glanced at Miko Shitani, and then at White Night.

Other words.

Her daughter fell in love with a deity.

In the same way, did the gods also like her daughter? Mrs. Shinomiya held her forehead and felt a little dizzy.

If it is not reality, it will happen in front of you.

She was really unbelievable.

“Well, Aunt Shinomi, I am a deity, and I am the king of the gods, and my real name is White Night.”

Bai Ye smiled lightly, and also said to Mrs. Shinomiya.

“White Night……”

Mrs. Shinomiya muttered quietly, and her eyes looked at the white night in a trance.

It was as if I was getting to know him again.

In fact, it is indeed a new acquaintance………

“King of the gods…”

Sawamura also muttered to herself, “Is it referring to the legendary Greek myth Zeus, the Norse mythical Odin kind of god king?” ”

And this question has not been answered by the white night.

The pear flew down from the sky.

Hearing Sawamura’s words, she said, “Mother, no, Teacher White Night is much more powerful than Odin Zeus, and Sister Hestia said that Teacher White Night can at least punch Zeus.” ”

Although Hestia said that she could punch a Zeus and didn’t mean White Night, but now that this is the case, Pear Pear Natural Art Processing a bit.

After all, what she said was also true.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Ying Pear with a light smile and did not refute it.

After all, in most worlds, what she said is indeed true.

One punch to one Zeus………

Sawamura Sayuri fainted directly.

What level of god king is this?

Zeus as the widely circulated god king.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is already very powerful.

The man in front of him was even higher than Zeus? And Hestia…

Wouldn’t it be the legendary sacred, holy goddess? What the hell is this guy?

He even took a fancy to his daughter.

Sawamura suddenly couldn’t help but think.

What is her daughter for?

Although her daughter is indeed cute and beautiful in the eyes of ordinary people.

But for the God King, it should not be anything at all……… Sawamura Oyuri was puzzled.

Although this has the meaning of belittling her daughter, it is really no way that her daughter is very good.

But the other party is not a person at all………

Ying Li Pear did not know what her mother was thinking.

Seeing his mother’s face full of surprise, his heart was still a little proud.

Miko Yotsuya also descended at this moment and came to his mother.

“You already knew about Miko, didn’t you?”

Mrs. Shinomiya looked at her lovely daughter and said helplessly.


Miko Yotsuya blushed a little, nodded slightly, and said, “I’m sorry to hide from you for so long, Mom.” ”

“It’s all right… It’s just that the impact is too big for a while. ”

Mrs. Shinomiya pressed her temple with a headache and said, “That means that my future son-in-law will be a god?” ”

Miko Yotsuya glanced at White Night, and nodded shyly in her heart again.

Sawamura Koyuri was stunned and thought in her heart.

Indeed, in this case, her future son-in-law would be a god.

Be aware of this.

A strange feeling also arose in Sawamura’s heart, which was a very subtle feeling.

The son-in-law of the gods………

There is always a feeling that only appears in light novels.

Was her daughter a little too lucky?

Thinking like this, Sawamura Koyuri also looked at Ying Li Pear suspiciously.

“Since you all told me about this, Namiko, you and Bai Qiu… No, I have no objection to the White Night King’s matter. ”

Mrs. Shinomiya smiled helplessly and whispered to Miko Shitani.

Miko Yotsuya naturally looked at her mother with surprise and hugged her excitedly.

Sawamura Koyuri naturally acquiesced, and also nodded.

Ying Li Pear’s face was full of happiness.

That’s the benefit of identity.

If it were ordinary people, the two wives would definitely say something and disagree.

But if it is the sublime existence of the gods, the two wives will naturally change their minds and will no longer be bound by common sense.

After all, the gods have appeared, and there is no common sense.

What’s more, their daughter really likes this god very much, and the god’s kindness to her daughter is also in their eyes.

Face the gods, and then consider the feelings of the daughter.

Naturally, they could not refuse any longer.

“It’s just that after all, White Night King, you are a god and are with mortals, is this really no problem?”

After Mrs. Shinomiya finished speaking, she looked at Bai Ye with complicated eyes and asked.

Knowing the identity of White Night, she didn’t know how to face White Night for a while.

“Well, in most fantasy works, gods and mortals fall in love, and the long lives of gods and the short lives of mortals will basically become tragedies in the end, right?”

When Sawamura heard this, she also looked at the white night and said.

White Night Whispering.

With Miko Yotsuya, Eiri Pear smiled at each other.

He explained, “Please reassure Aunt Shinomiya and Aunt Sawamura, I naturally can’t let this happen.” ”

“I have a contract with Miko and Eiri, and as long as I don’t die, they will never die.”

“Hmmm… Simply put, you can think of Eirishi and Miko as my gods, and there won’t be those problems at all. ”


Sawamura Koyuri was stunned and subconsciously asked, “Who are you, this little girl of Eiri, is now also a god?” ”

White Night nodded and replied, “You can think so.” ”

Mrs. Shinomiya and Sawamura Koyuri fainted even more.

Her own daughter has become a god? It’s simply……… It’s simply………

People don’t know what to say, huh? Is there such a good thing?

But think about it, as the king of the gods, how many gods does White Night make perfect sense?

“Miko, Eiri, do you show Aunt Shinomiya and Aunt Sawamura?”

Bai Ye looked at the two dazed wives and said to Yotsuya Miko and Eiri Pear with a chuckle.

“Huh? How to demonstrate? ”

Ying Li Li was stunned for a moment and asked incomprehensibly.

Miko Yotsuya also had doubts on her face.

Didn’t they already fly by?

“Just release a little energy in one direction, don’t push too hard.”

White Night said with a chuckle.

Miko Yotsuya and Eiri suddenly realized.


Ying Li Pear immediately answered excitedly.

Miko Shitani glanced at Mrs. Shinomiya and nodded.

Then they stood together, in the same direction, and released a magic cannon

This is actually a very crude and simple method of attack.

However, both of them are first-time, so it is inevitable that they are very excited and nervous inside.


A magic cannon went down.

A deafening sound suddenly sounded in the world created by the white night.

Endless destructive power.

Let the mushroom cloud rise directly in the distance.

The strong wind was directly scattered with the sound of explosions.

With the Northern Plains White Autumn present, the strong wind naturally could not blow a few of them.

But Mrs. Shinomiya and Sawamura watched the scene more terrifying than the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

It is also a clearer understanding of the gods.

Is this the deity………

Mrs. Shinomiya and Sawamura Koyuri also completely understood the meaning of these two words, and White Night laughed softly.

Immediately with a few people also returned to the White Night’s house.

White Night looked at Mrs. Shinomiya and Sawamura Koyuri who were still staying and didn’t say anything.

Instead, he told them that he hoped that Miko Yotsuya and Eirishi would also move to her house.

After all, only Miko Yotsuya and Eiri Pear have not moved here yet.

And Hakuya also said that if Mrs. Shinomiya and Sawamura Koyuri were not at ease, they could also move over.

After all, Kato’s sister, Hiromi Kato, is now at the White Night House.

Have fun watching the white night of the other world with everyone every day.

Naturally, there was no reason to reject Mrs. Shinomiya and Sayuri Sawamura.

Mrs. Shinomiya and Sayuri Sawamura, who were still in a sluggish state, naturally did not care what White Night said.

They all nodded their heads in agreement.

After saying this, White Night sends Mrs. Shinomiya and Sawamura Koyuri out.

I also want Miko Yotsuya and Eiri to take their mother back today first.

After all……… Look at what they look like.

It is really necessary to calm down.

Miko Yotsuya and Eiri Pear naturally agreed.

After Miko Yotsuya takes Mrs. Shinomiya home.

As soon as Mrs. Shinomiya entered the door, she directly poured a large mouthful of water to suppress herself and the other side.

After taking Sawamura Sayuri to the doorstep.

Sawamura Koyuri has finally come back to her senses.

“Ying Li Pear, you must come on…”

Sawamura looked at her daughter and said with complicated eyes.

“Huh? What refueling? ”

Eiri was stunned, confused by Sawamura’s words.

“Of course it’s a matter of time with the White Night King, you don’t have any advantage.”

Sawamura Koyuri meant to point out, and looked at his daughter with a headache.


Eiriri naturally understood what Sawamura Koyuri was saying, and retorted with a red face: “Where I have no advantage, I will draw eromanga!” ”

“Ying Li Pear you have changed, can draw Eromanga comics is also an advantage…?”

Sawamura looked at Ying Li Pear with a headache and said, “Forget it, when we move to Bai Yejun’s house, I will teach you about this matter.” ”

“Don’t look at you as a god now, but I’m still your mother!”

Ying Li Pear: “………”

Ying Pear pears are full of red…

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