Chapter 359: The Princess of the World! Chiboki Nishiki!!

Eiri and Miko Yotsuya left.

White Night naturally also went out to send a few people a trip.

After separating from a few people.

White Night smiled lightly, and also went to the café ‘LYCORECO ~’ ten times.

Meet two young girls, Chishu Nishiki and Inokawa Nao.

Since the last incident of one side passing.

Chishu Nishiki and Inoue Takina are now present.

But they are all princesses worthy of the name of the whole world.

Their identities were exposed.

Whether in the eyes of people in this world or in the eyes of people in other worlds.

The status is all rubbing up.

In the attitude towards the two.

No matter who it is, it is undoubtedly prudent that it can no longer be cautious, and dare not slack off in the slightest.

This is no exaggeration.

It has to do with that person, that is, there is this treatment.

Leave aside the people close to White Night.

In the eyes of outsiders, the white night is so supreme.

Isn’t it normal for Chishu Nishiki and Inoue Takina to have this kind of treatment? Of course.

The highest treatment is the highest treatment.

The only thing is that everyone has tacitly decided.

That is, you can’t put Chishu and Inokawa in danger again!

One side passes that thing.

Just scare everyone out of the way.

How could this make Her Majesty the two princesses go to risk it again?

Naturally, we have to protect them well and not let them get hurt a little.

Naturally, this was strongly opposed by Chishu Nishiki and Inokawa Nao.

For two.

Even if it was Chishu, it was already very unaccustomed to being treated as a princess or something, and these people even wanted to restrict their movements.

The white night did not restrict them.

How can this be tolerated?

Then they taught everyone who had come to ‘protect’ them.

They had made a pact with White Night.

Strength is no longer what it used to be.

Even people from other worlds are no exception.

Of course.

The strength displayed by Chishu Nishiki and Inokashina also shocked the whole world.

Everyone just thought about it for a moment and figured it out.

In a party traffic event.

The two did not yet have such strength.

It must be because the existence appeared because Ino Takina was in distress and then improved the strength of the two, so the strength of the two would be so strong.

This makes people all over the world.

Especially the people of the other world.

My heart was filled with shock.

How the hell did that guy do it…… It actually made the strength of the two people improve so much.

All the people of the other world looked at the two people whose strength seemed to be bottomless now.

Thinking back to the strength of the two people before they were only stronger than ordinary people………

I can’t believe it in my heart.

They had never seen anyone improve so much in a short period of time.

Not even the gods.

But now, it was in front of their eyes.

This filled them with shock and shock.

After all, they watched as Chishu Nishiki and Inokashira surpassed them in an instant………

Under the powerful power of Chishu Nishiki and Inokawa Nao.

Naturally, the “conservation plan” cannot be implemented.

Even if the object of protection is stronger than you, even if it is stronger than you, I don’t know how many times, it is not above one level at all.

How else can this be protected, and who protects whom? Naturally, everyone gave up.

It’s just that even Chishu Nishiki and Inoka are strong.

The world’s top brass is also that unless it is absolutely necessary, it will not bother these two without bothering these two.

The reason for this is also self-evident………………

“Lord White Night!”

“Lord Bai Qiu!”

After stepping into the café on a white night.

Chishu Nishiki and Takina Ino.

These two princesses of the world today also hugged happily, and they were extremely close to the white night.

“Takina, your name is wrong, oh, obviously it is the White Night Lord.”

The two held one hand after one of them.

Chishu blinked, also to Inoue Taki Kami.

Inokawa panicked when she heard this, and said, “Yes, I’m sorry, Lord White Night.” ”

“It’s all right.”

Hakuya smiled lightly and touched Iino’s little head, who would care about this?

After a cup of coffee is served.

White Night also asked the two maidens, “Are you interested in moving to my place?” ”

Chishu Nishiki and Ino Takina were stunned when they heard this.

Nishiki Chishu looked at Rishi Nakahara on the side, and Hisayoshi and the others looked at each other with some hesitation: “Move to the side of Lord White Night…”

Bai Ye looked at the appearance of Nishiki Senshu and understood it in seconds, and then he also spoke.

“If Chiyuki is reluctant to Miss Nakahara and Kurumi, they can also go together, of course, if the man is the one, I will refuse.”

Hear the words of the White Night.

The shop owner, Mika, smiled awkwardly.

The rumors that this adult favors women are really worthy of the name………

When Riki Nakahara and Hisayoshi heard this, their eyes lit up and they looked forward to Nishiki Chishu.

Chishu Nishiki smiled and asked Toino-no-tako, “What do you think?” ”

Inokawa thought for a moment and said, “Chiyuki just decided.” ”

“Do I decide… Takina is really unexpectedly cunning. ”

Chishu first chuckled a little, then said, “If I decide, then I won’t go for the time being.” ”

As soon as Chishu said this, everyone was stunned, only Inokitaki was not surprised.

After Jinmu Chishu finished speaking, he also began to explain, “We will spend a lot of time with Lord White Night in the future, so we are not in a hurry, so if we don’t go now, let’s not go first.” ”

“Well, since it’s your decision, of course it’s no problem, and I’m always welcome when you want to go.”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and spoke.

“Hey hey, sorry Lord White Night.”

Nishiki smiled mischievously, then folded her hands and apologized.

Then she continued, “Anyway, whether we go to see Lord White Night or Lord White Night to see us, it’s very relaxed, isn’t it?” ”

“And if Lord Hakuyo wants to do something to Takina, it’s also very simple, as long as you don’t go back at night, isn’t it?”

“Whether we move or not, it makes no difference.”

Chishu smiled and gestured to Inooka in the white night, and said in a seductive tone.

“A thousand bunches!!!”

Inokitaki’s face was flushed and she couldn’t help shouting loudly.

She glanced at the white night and only felt that she had no place for herself.

Shame into anger.

Inoue Takina also pounced directly on Chishu.

Nishiki Senshu naturally exclaimed in surprise and quickly hid behind the white night.

Inoue Takinade suddenly fell into White Night’s arms.

White Night hugged Inoue Takina, and was naturally full of laughter about the fight between the two girls.

Inoue Takina sees herself in the arms of White Night, and then thinks of Inoue Takina’s words.

Smoke began to rise from the top of my head.

After a scream, he also hid in a room in the café and watched Inokitaka disappear from sight.

White Night’s gaze also looked at the initiator Nishiki Senju, and directly lifted her up.

Nishiki Chiyuki saw that Inoue Takina’s face was full of amusement, and for the sight of the white night, she was also a mischievous leaf leaf tongue.

Bai Ye cried and laughed, and then laughed and asked, “You said that Takina can, but what about yourself?” A thousand bunches. ”

Nishiki Senshu was stunned when he heard this, and his face suddenly began to rise red, and he said with a sigh, “I, of course, I can.” ”

“Well, that’s what you said, Thousand Bunches.”

White Night heard the words and said meaningfully…


Nishiki Chishu blushed and bowed his head, responding in a low voice.


After drinking coffee.

The white night was gone.

After the White Night left.

Nakahara Rishi immediately gave a strong condemnation of Nishiki Senju, and asked excitedly, “Senju! Why didn’t you promise Lord White Night to go to her house!!! ”

“If you said yes, I’m not also… Look, can’t I and Walnut also go to Lord White Night’s house? ”

“Mika, this bad old man, you let him die!” Do you know what you were missing! No, you know what you made me miss!!! ”

Mika: “…”

Mika heard Nakahara’s words, and the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

He’s right next to him.

I wish someone had taken care of him personally………

Hisayoshi looked at Chihiro, but also had some doubts.

“I just don’t think it’s necessary now.”

When Nishiki heard Rishi Nakahara’s words, she also turned back and said with a chuckle.

“Why isn’t that necessary, and doesn’t it mean that we went to the White Night Lord’s house and can’t come over anymore, obviously Chishu and Takina themselves are renting a house outside, aren’t they?”

Nakahara Rishi slapped the table and said again in a menacing manner.

“No need is no need, why not?”

Chihiro Nishiki shook her head and said again.

What is so simple, Nishiki Kaneboku felt if he really threw it in.

If she and Inokashina don’t say anything else, they will never be so diligent in coming to the café.

If Lord White Night was doing something interesting, how could she not be attracted.

Over a long period of time.

Her life today can be said to be fleeting.

But life on that side is not in a hurry to open so early.

Let her choose between the two.

“All right, if I go to Lord White Night’s side one day, I promise to take you and Walnut with me.”

Nishiki Senshu looked at the dissatisfied Nakahara Rishi and immediately assured.

Zhongyuan Rishi’s eyes lit up suddenly, “This is what you said, Thousand Beams, no remorse!” ”

At this moment, Kuyumi was also looking at Nishiki Chibou, and there was some anticipation in her eyes.

“No remorse, no remorse.”

Nishiki Chiho rolled her eyes and reassured again.

Then the café will continue to operate normally.

Time flies fast.

It didn’t take long for the afternoon to come.

As soon as Nishiki Chishu thought about what he and Bai Ye had said, his face couldn’t help but blush.

At the same time, she was also thinking about what Lord White Night’s words really meant.

It doesn’t feel simple all the time………

Then, in the evening.

Chishu Nishiki understood when she saw the white night that appeared in front of her.

Her face was flushed.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night….

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