Chapter 364 Gensokyo World! Hakuri Shrine!!

[Ding, the world chooses success.] 】

[Current simulation world: Gensokyo World.] 】

[Please note that this simulation will not have a talent refresh, and new talents cannot be obtained to help the host complete the simulation.] 】

[Moreover, this simulation is an immersive simulation, and everything that happens in the mold is reality.] 】


Bai Ye naturally smiled at this.

He’s now in double figures.

Or the strongest strength in the double figures.

It can be said that there is no known wind of decadence at present.

There is nothing he cannot solve in the white night, no enemy that he cannot solve.

For such small things, he naturally did not pay attention to them.

【Simulation preparation begins】

[The current simulation talents are: “The Blessing of the Sword Saint”, “King of the Gods”, “You Think of the Lord”, “Can’t Speculate”, “The Strength of the Will”, “I am the Dragon King”, “Time and Space Traveler”……]

A series of existing talents began to appear in front of White Night’s eyes.

White Night also smiled softly at this.

To tell the truth, whether it is his aversion or his ability or personality.

What he cannot do in this world cannot be said to be absent.

Rather, there is basically not much left.

Look at the emulator.

White Night has directly begun to choose the timeline of Gensokyo.

Nowadays, he doesn’t need to care what timeline other worlds are in, he just needs to see what timeline he wants to go to.

Since it is to attack Yakumo Purple.

Naturally, it is necessary to choose a very early timeline.

Just go to the timeline where Gensokyo is now, the purple mother is all around me, so what does it mean?

White Night smiled lightly, thinking the same thing…

【Talent selected, simulation begins.】 】

On the first day, you appear in a deep forest. 】

[Your sudden appearance frightened the hunters who were hunting in the forest and happened to see this scene.] 】

[You didn’t care too much, you looked around, and you also understood that you had crossed into the world of Gensokyo.] 】

[In today’s timeline.] 】

[Gensokyo has undoubtedly not yet been born, and many of the strong people in Gensokyo in the future have not yet shown their special roles.] 】

[This is an extremely chaotic time.] 】

[Rivers are cut off, particles are not harvested, monsters are rampant, the earth is full of devastation, and the people are not happy.] 】

[The people of this era are undoubtedly living in the depths of the water.] 】

[First coming.] 】

[You are not in a hurry to find Yakumo Zi, who is still young. 】

[Instead, walk in the human world that is now like hell to mankind.] 】

You’ve seen too much along the way. 】

[You have seen the slaughter of youkai cities, seen the evil spirits wreaking havoc, and even seen humans in armor burning and killing cabins in villages that are also human beings]

Although the human situation in this world is poor, it is actually much better than the situation of human beings in the game life world. 】

Humanity in the two worlds, however, is very different. 】

[Although you have not deliberately put an end to this kind of thing, if you encounter it, you will naturally solve it.] 】

Over time, your reputation is also loud in this world. 】

[Because in your hands, no matter what kind of youkai or ghost, you can easily solve it, even if it is a big demon, the ghost king is no exception.] 】

[The great strength you have displayed, the countless demons, ghost kings, and even gods, all kinds of races in this world, are extremely jealous of you and don’t understand where you came from.] 】

[In the human kingdom, a hundred ghosts composed of more ghosts and ghosts are in the middle of the night. 】

They have the misfortune of meeting you. 】

[You slaughtered hundreds of ghosts directly.] 】

[Caused an uproar around the world!] 】

[Countless beings are full of shock at this!] 】

[Because among the hundred ghosts, there is no shortage of big demons, but the result is that you have solved it all too easily.] 】

All beings have a certain understanding of your strength, and regard you as the least provocative being. 】

[In that event.] 】

The witch you saved recognized your divine identity, and she couldn’t help but exclaim. 】

【Gods! 】

Everyone understood at that moment that you were a deity, and obviously an extremely powerful deity. 】

[You don’t care about this, but you smile at the witch who recognizes your divine identity.] 】

The witch’s face is also full of redness in the face of your smile. 】

[You don’t care about this, it’s commonplace.] 】

[Along the way, you don’t know how many girls have been saved, how many girls have fallen in love with you, but you have never accepted it.] 】

[After you leave.] 】

The whole human kingdom has also written down you who saved them. 】

At the end of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, you feel that you don’t have to walk any longer. 】

So you found a good place to hide. 】

[As a god, it seems a bit unreasonable to have a shrine without yourself.] 】

[For this, your bad taste is also a seizure.] 】

So you set up a shrine in the place where you lived.] 】

[And you also named this shrine.] 】

[You call it that]

【Hakuri Shrine! 】

[It is self-evident what the name of this shrine means.] 】

Then you are also here in seclusion, waiting for someone’s arrival. 】

[During this period.] 】

[People nearby were also very surprised to find the appearance of the Hakari Shrine.] 】

[I don’t understand when a shrine appeared here, and there are not even gods to be worshipped.] 】

[However, the shrine Bijin is a shrine.] 】

[After someone discovered the shrine of Hakuri, from time to time, there were also people worshipping on the mountain.] 】

Unfortunately, no one in the shrine has ever come out to receive them. 】

[Although this is a shrine where there is no one and the gods who worship do not know who it is.] 】

[But there are many strange things about this shrine, and magical things happen one after another, and everyone is also amazed.] 】

[I think this is a spiritual shrine, and the meaning of worship is more sincere]

You don’t care about that either. 】

Until one day, the little guy you have been waiting for has finally come to your realm. 】

Gensokyo World.

Speaking of Gensokyo created by Yakumo Zi.

In the beginning, there was none.

Before it was isolated from the human world, it was called ‘the frontier land of the East Far from the earth’.

Because there are many yokai living in this place, those who accidentally enter this place will be caught and eaten by the yokai.

As a result, people are afraid of this place, and ordinary people do not dare to approach it at all.

Of course, there are also some people who live in Gensokyo in order to retire from youkai, such as the existence of witches.

With the passage of time later.

The number of human beings has increased dramatically as a result of the development of civilization.

The sage Yakumo Purple of the Youkai believed that if humans continued to increase, it would cause the balance of Gensokyo to collapse, so he established the “realm of illusion and reality.” ”

It was only when “Gensokyo Far from the Earth” was established. And in this day and age.

None of this has undoubtedly happened.

This is an era when even the yokai sages do not exist.

There was only a little blonde girl who had just been born.

And at the side of the little blonde girl.

There was also a girl with short green hair.

They are.

Yakumo Purple and Wind See Yuka Eight.

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