Chapter 365 That Year! Purple Mom is really only seventeen years old!!

Time goes back not too long ago.

In the middle of a secluded jungle.

A little girl with short light green hair sat on top of a fire and looked in one direction as if anxiously waiting for something.

And it didn’t take long.

In that direction.

A little girl with beautiful blonde hair.

It was also a gray-headed man who ran out of the grass.

The little blonde girl looked like she was in a mess.

But her eyes were full of excitement and happiness at the moment.

“Fragrant! We stole it! Stolen it! ”

The blonde little girl was also bright-eyed when she saw the green-haired little girl, and she shouted excitedly.


Although the two were still young, they looked rustic in their outfits, as if they were living a very miserable life.

But it is not difficult to see the natural beauty of the two.

The incomparably cute appearance is enough to make people feel amazed.

“Was it successful? Little Purple? ”

The green-haired girl asked happily.

“Well, it worked, I stole the snake egg.”

With that, the little blonde girl also carved out a small gap and took out her own booty from inside.

It was a snake egg, four or five of them.

Although the future is destined to become a famous big demon, he is known as a youkai sage.

But now, the blonde little girl who has just been born is extremely weak.

Gap in your own abilities.

Nowadays, it can only be used to store some things and do some things of thieves.


As the embodiment of nature.

The future is destined to become a big demon too.

Even Yin Yin is stronger than Yakumo Purple, and one of the strongest youkai in Gensokyo is Kaze Mikami.

At this moment, it is the same as Yakumo Purple.

It was just a very weak little girl who had just been born.

Look at the snake egg on the young purple’s hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Xiang took it directly, put it in the fire with a tool and roasted it.

Young Zi also came to help.

They had been hungry for days.

Over time.

Looking at the snake eggs that already emitted fragrance on the shelf, the two girls couldn’t help but swallow.

Who would have thought.

Future youkai sage and tyrant of flowers.

When I was young, I didn’t even have enough to eat.

But in this era.

That’s exactly what it is.

Monsters run rampant, evil spirits are rampant, and the people are not happy.

Weakness is undoubtedly the original sin.

It’s just the young purple and young incense that have just been born.

Except for some of their own special abilities, they are actually similar to human children.

And because their own abilities cannot be brought into play, they are undoubtedly the weak and small people now.

It is to live in the depths of the sea.

Living a life with no downtime in the upper part of the day.

Speaking of monsters.

Humans hate them.

The gods crusaded against them.

Youkai themselves also believe in the predator of the weak.

In this case.

Powerful monsters are fine.

Weak monsters.

It may be said that the race in the most miserable situation today may not be said.

Young purple and young incense.

It is undoubtedly in this line now.

Like many weak monsters in this world, there is no difference.

When the snake egg is almost baked.

Yu Xiang swallowed his saliva, and regardless of whether the fire was still burning or not, he directly reached out and grabbed the snake egg that seemed to be ripe.

“Be careful of the heat!”

Young Zi hurriedly reminded.

“It doesn’t matter, I don’t care about the temperature anyway.”

Yu Xiang first said something indifferently.

But on the small hand, it is constantly changing the hot snake egg left hand for the right hand.

Young Zi looked a little speechless.

Does this still call this temperature not care?

You Zi first put out the fire, and then carefully took Tong Tong’s share in front of him.

Take a small bite and blow cutely.

“Speaking of snakes, it seems that they may be poisonous, right?” I don’t know if the only thing we stole is not poisonous, but can the poisonous snake eggs be eaten? ”

Young Zi cooled his snake egg while he asked curiously.

“I don’t care if it’s poisonous or not, I’m about to starve to death, and whether it’s poisonous or not?” If you are afraid, you can give me your own. ”

Yu Xiang didn’t care at all, and even began to peel off the shell impatiently.

“We didn’t say no!” Poisonous we eat too! ”

Young Purple looked at You Xiang and said directly.

It’s not easy for little demons like them to find a little food these days.

Since the young incense is so bad.

Still want her share.

It’s so bad.

To this.

Youxiang also rolled her eyes.

I only felt that since Young Zi did not give the snake egg to her.

So what’s there to say.

Thinking that it was poisonous, she did not dare to eat it, and tried to trick her into giving her all the snake eggs.

How is this possible?!!

Speaking of Youzi and Youxiang, he met them by chance.

In this regard, when Yu Zi stole the rabbit that Yu Xiang had so hard to catch, she was caught by Yu Xiang and straightened up.

You Xiang that is called a qi, naturally it is impossible to easily let go of Young Zi.

In the end, the two of them chased after a while.

But no one can help anyone.

Young Purple escapes a little more powerful than Young Xiang.

But Yu Xiang didn’t know why she could always find Yu Zi.

In the end, the two were exhausted and panting, and both fell to the ground.

Young Purple proposes.

Or they cooperate.

Because of the weakness, it is not uncommon for the group between the little demons to warm up.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Xiang was naturally the same.

In the chase, she also admitted to the young purple.

In the end, the rabbit was naturally eaten by the two of them.

Although you are the embodiment of nature, after all, you have already transformed into a demon, and nature is not that you do not eat meat.

After the two worked together.

Although I still have to go hungry a lot, I am undoubtedly much better than the previous person.

For example, this is the snake egg.

Yu Xiang’s task is to be responsible for luring away the giant snake.

As the embodiment of nature, after luring away the giant snake, it is difficult to hide it and be found by the giant snake.

And Young Purple is responsible for stealing snake eggs.

After all, she ran fast, and there was a gap to take the snake egg, too, so easy to take.

Don’t look at the snake eggs only four or five, but in fact, it is not too small.

The little appearance of young purple and young incense is how big it is.

If there is no young purple, it is not convenient to change the snake egg to run.

“Uh-huh… It’s delicious. ”

After biting the egg in her mouth, Yu Xiang also said with excitement on her face.

“Youxiang, you say that every time.”

Yu Zi looked at You Xiang and said helplessly.

No matter what you eat, the young incense really says it’s delicious every time.

They don’t have any spices or anything else.

Basically, no matter what you do, you can just bake it, or cook it and eat it.

The eggs are actually good inside.

But the young incense will say delicious every time.

“Don’t you think much of Xiao Zi?”

Young incense asks fragrant young purple.

Yu Zi’s face turned red: “Of course, we also think it’s delicious.” ”

When hungry.

Everything is delicious in the world.


Young purple and young incense are basically in a state of hunger.

“Wouldn’t that be fine?” Ah, contentment and satisfaction. ”

Yu Xiang finished eating all of her portions in three or two bites, lay on the ground and said, “I feel like I can go without eating for three days.” ”

“We can do it for five days.”

Young Zi saw that Yu Xiang had finished eating, and also sped up to solve his own share.

There is no other reason.

Afraid that Yu Xiang would rob her.

“……… You don’t have to argue with me about this, Xiao Zi, uh… Take a day off today, and go back tomorrow to find something to eat…”

Yu Xiang lay on the ground and first spat out a bad word, and said casually.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, her heart was unusually quiet.

For two.

Their lives are either to escape danger or to find food.

Be able to eat once at a time.

It’s all full of happiness.

Yu Zi heard the words, and this time naturally there was no rebuttal.

Just lie down beside her with Yu Xiang.

“Now, Xiao Zi, you say, will we always be like this in the future?” Will we become that kind of monster in the future? ”

You Xiang’s tone was calm, looking at the sky and asking the young purple lying next to him.

“Of course!”

Yu Zi naturally nodded, “We’ve been seeing our own kind for so long, maybe we’re the only youkai born from the realm.” ”

“Since it’s the only one, why don’t we get stronger?” We will definitely become very strong and strong in the future! ”

Young Zi also did not move, lying on the lawn to answer Yu Xiang’s question.

“The only one doesn’t mean it will get stronger…”

Yu Xiang first spat at this, then smiled and said, “Then since Xiao Zi you will become very strong, I will definitely become very strong and strong in the future!” You are stronger than Xiao Zi! ”

“Shi… Then we will definitely be better than you are still good! ”

Yu Zi was suddenly unconvinced and protested.

“No, I’ll be stronger!”

“Damn, then we are the strongest!”

“It’s okay, I’m stronger than the strongest!”

“Not really! The strongest is already the strongest!!! ”

The two little Lolitas immediately began to argue.

He had even begun to sit up with wide eyes and small eyes.

No one will accept defeat.

Until after a stalemate for a while.

Both of them laughed, and then the laughter grew louder and louder, and the tears came out laughing.

After all, now they are so weak that they are not much different from ordinary human children and become stronger or something, which is really a bit of a wild talk.

It’s too far away from them.

It’s more like a dream than a goal, a kind of childlike scene.

They are not really sure whether they will be able to become stronger in the future.

After laughing.

Yu Zi also asked, “Now, what do you think after you become stronger?” ”

“I… My words are probably to stay in a place where no one will bully me. ”

Yu Xiang thought about it and replied.

This wish sounds very simple, but in this day and age, it is extremely difficult.

Two little Lolitas to survive.

Hikari has been displaced for a long time.

“Little Purple what about you?” What do you want to do when you get stronger? ”

“Huh? If there is such a day, of course, it is to eat a lot of delicious things, and then do whatever you want! ”

Young Purple said triumphantly.

“It’s really a simple wish…”

The young incense spat out.

“What’s wrong with simplicity? And it’s not that simple! ”

Yu Zi retorted.

Young incense stunned.

Then I thought about it and nodded.

Indeed, it just sounds simple, but it’s actually not simple…

“Hmmm… Well?!! ”

Yu Xiang was preparing to continue to say something.

At this moment, his face suddenly changed, and it was dangerous to jump up from the ground?!!

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