Chapter 366 Snake Demon! First sight of young purple and young incense!!

Yu Xiang jumped up from the ground.

It is also a vigilant look around.

As a natural youkai, she is also more aware of danger than Yuzi.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Yu Xiang pulled Yu Zi up to the big tree next to her, hiding among the lush branches.

“What’s wrong? Baby incense? ”

Although Yu Zi was a little caught off guard, she still followed Yu Xiang to hide and carefully looked around.

She knew that at this time, it must be that Youxiang sensed some danger, so she would quickly pull her to hide.

Yu Xiang looked around and said in a deep voice, “I feel a demon gas approaching us, as if it is the big snake before… Leave it alone and let’s hide. ”

As a monster of nature.

Nature is the best protective barrier for young incense.

She also tried her best to hide herself and the breath of young purple.

“Hmmm… Well! ”

Young Zi’s voice was extremely worried, but she still responded with a low voice.

At the same time, she was also terrified and thinking in her mind.

There is a tail……… How is this possible?

Yu Zi felt that the snake demon could not find herself, it should be the use of some special ability to find them, right?

The two of them gathered their minds.

Hiding in a tree and not daring to move.

For them, if they are not careful, it is a crisis of life and death.


Not long after, in the silence of the forest.

There was also the sound of something shuttling through.

At this moment, even Young Purple felt that powerful demonic power.

About four or five minutes passed.

A giant snake with a length of 20 or 30 meters.

Appears in the realization of young purple and young incense.

When Young Purple and Young Xiang saw this giant snake, their pupils also shrank suddenly.

It’s really that giant snake!

This made the two of them a little frightened.

Because they joined forces, they couldn’t defeat this giant snake.

Otherwise, you will not use that method to obtain snake eggs before, but will choose to break through head-on.

Young Purple and Young Xiang had heard of the existence of the Great Demon.

They only know that the big demon is very powerful, but they don’t know how powerful the big demon really is but for them.

The giant snake in front of you is the big demon.

The two Lolitas glanced at each other, subconsciously looked at each other, and found that the other person’s eyes were full of fear like their own.

The snake demon was already quite strong among the youkai.

Because once they become yokai, they also have many advantages over other yokai.

The Great Serpent of Yaki is an extremely powerful being among the Great Demons.

Good to die and not to die.

The giant snake also stopped under the tree of young purple and young incense.

Young Purple and Young Xiang are both a heart-pounding salamander battle.

As they expected, the snake demon found them: “If you are just hidden, I really may not have found you.” ”

“But… You are so dead that you have eaten my eggs, you have eaten my eggs, do you think you can still run away? ”

The snake demon looked up fiercely in the direction of young purple and young incense.

Cold eyes, spitting snake letters.

All of them confirm its horror.


The two little Lolitas knew that the matter had reached this point, and there was no use in hiding anymore, so they immediately ran to the distance.

“Run? Do you think you can still run away after eating my eggs? ”

The snake demon’s eerie voice sounded behind him.

For these two little monsters that had just been born, it was extremely confident.

In its opinion, these two little demons, that is, the ability to hide is relatively strong, and the others are simply as weak as children.

And the ability to hide, after they eat the snake egg, in a short period of time, it is impossible to hide the snake demon.

And the speed at which they escaped was too slow after all.

In just an instant, the snake demon was in front of them like the wind.

“Fart! You are the first to eat us! We’re eating your snake eggs! ”

Young Zi watched the snake demon grit its teeth and couldn’t help but scold.

“I am better than you, and it is only natural that I eat you, and if you dare to steal my eggs, that is a terrible sin.”

The snake demon spat out the snake letter.

While talking.

One side also attacked the two little Lolitas.

Young Zi and Yu Xiang were also embarrassed that Kankan dodged the attack.

Then, without hesitation, he ran in the other direction.

But there is no doubt about it.

The snake demon stood in their way again.


Yu Xiang was also extremely angry, and she saw that the snake demon was playing a trick on them.

Suddenly, he also gathered the strength of his whole body and slammed a punch into the snake demon’s body.

– Boom!!!

In the end, it was a powerful youkai named Flower Tyrant in the future, and this punch that gathered all the power of Yu Xiang was already not weak.

It’s a pity……… The fist hit the snake demon’s body, but there was no fluctuation.


Yu Xiang’s face was full of shock.

She knew she wouldn’t be the snake demon’s opponent.

But unexpectedly, his strongest attack had no effect on the snake demon at all.

Followed by.

Yu Xiang felt a huge force coming, and she was directly slapped backwards by the snake demon’s tail, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air, and her face was painful.

“Baby Fragrant!!!”

Yu Zi’s face was full of shock, and she also rushed over to try to catch Yu Xiang.

As a result, when exposed to young incense.

She also felt a huge force coming, and directly vomited a mouthful of blood. – Boom!

Accompanied by a loud noise.

They hit a thick tree and stopped.

After forcing them to stop, the big trees also slowly collapsed.

What a terrifying power.

If it weren’t for the young purple, under this blow, the young incense might have been extinguished by the incense………

But now.

Although the two did not die, the situation was not much better.

Their faces were pale, and there was pain coming from all over their bodies, and they couldn’t move at all, and they were obviously dying.

“Good attack, good courage, even if the difference in strength is so big, there is the courage to fight, but the gap between us is really too big.”

The giant snake slowly came in the direction of young incense and young purple, or said leisurely.

When they came to the two of them, the huge body of the giant snake stood up, shielded the sunlight, and said slowly.

“Well, that’s it, so you should obediently die.”

You Xiang and Yu Zi clung to each other, looking at the behemoth in front of them, and their hearts were full of terror.

Are you going to die?

Obviously, they were still talking about what kind of life they hoped to live if they became stronger.

But now, it’s going to die!?

The serpent first ate them, then they ate the serpent’s eggs, and now the serpent is going to kill them.

There’s really nothing right or wrong here.

It’s survival.

If you want to survive in this world of dancing demons, for the weak and small, you must do everything.

The world has always been a paradise for the strong, and for the weak it is hell.

Weakling……… To survive in the cracks of the world.

Of course.

To say that there is no regret after now.

Young Purple and Young Xiang still have some regrets.

Because they don’t eat snake eggs.

Bear with me, be hungry and be hungry.

Wouldn’t it be what it is now? Look at the giant snake in front of you.

Young Zi’s eyes were full of confusion.

As a weak youkai, she had actually thought about whether she would be killed one day.

After all, this era is like this.

Demons dance.

Every day, I don’t know how many beings die.

The monster that is stronger than her eats and kills it, which is not unexpected, right? But………


Young Purple shouted unwillingly.

She didn’t want to die like this! She doesn’t admit it!

And at this very moment.

Anomalies emerge.

Just as the giant snake was about to eat the two of them in one bite.

A gap appeared behind Yu Zi and Yu Xiang, directly engulfing the two and disappearing in place.

Yakumo Purple Gap ability.

Awakened a bit again.

The giant snake was also stunned when he saw the two people who disappeared.

But after perceiving, it was found that the two did not flee her too far.

The food that reached the mouth actually flew again.

The giant snake is also a green tendon bursting.

This time, it didn’t pay any attention and rushed directly in that direction again as fast as it could.

It didn’t intend to let the two of them go!

Because of her lack of ability and unskilled use of strength, Young Zi had not yet escaped far, and she had reappeared in this world.

Both were scarred and dying.

It was obviously no longer like it could still run.

But that’s enough.

Because at this moment they have arrived.

– Hakuri Shrine!

“Oh, today was an unexpected two cute little guests.”

White Night walked out of the shrine.

Looking at the two little Lolitas who appeared, she also said with a chuckle.

He glanced at Yakumo Purple and the Wind to see the fragrance.

Yakumo Purple was expected.

As for the wind and the fragrance.

White Night did feel a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that Kazemi Yuka would actually be with Yakumo Zi.

But……… This is certainly a good thing.

Young Zi and Yu Xiang looked at the white night, and their eyes were full of shock…

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