Chapter 367 Schrödinger’s Gap!!

The ability to shuttle between gaps has just awakened.

Young Zi’s current strength is also too weak to skillfully use Young Zi.

If only once.

It is estimated that it is impossible to get rid of the snake demon.

Therefore, she held her breath, and she was also ready to support her badly injured body several times.

In their current state.

Getting rid of the snake demon may not be able to survive.

But Young Zi couldn’t manage so much anymore, and the preparation was also to get rid of the crisis of the snake demon in front of him first.

But she didn’t think about it.

Just the first time she shuttled, she seemed to have come to a magical place.

And also saw a magical person………

That’s right, in the eyes of young purple and young incense.

White Nights are very, very magical people, giving them a feeling that magic can’t be said.

“You are… Who? ”

Young Zi asked in a daze.

“Me? My name is White Night. ”

Bai Ye laughed softly and also opened his mouth to answer.

Yu Xiang heard the words and just wanted to say something.

But at this very moment. – Boom

A loud noise also came from not far away, quickly approaching their room.

This way.

Many trees fell for it.

It’s coming so fast?!!

When Young Zi and Young Xiang heard the movement, their faces changed, and they were directly panicked.

Young Zi immediately used her abilities to continue to escape.

Before leaving, she did not forget to shout to the white night, “You go hide, this gentleman, there is a big demon coming!” Its target is us, and it shouldn’t care if you hide it. ”

Big Demon?

Bai Ye couldn’t help but smile in his heart.

That little snake is a big demon.

He had already noticed what had happened between Young Purple, Young Xiang and Little Snake Demon before.

After all, it was near the shrine of Tamari Shrine.

How could he not have known such a big move.

But he wasn’t in a hurry to come forward.

After all, whether it is young purple or young incense, now they all need to grow up and not because of his arrival, they have turned the two into flowers in the greenhouse.

Although White Night plotted against them, he did not intend to hinder the growth of the two.

After all, if they are flowers in the greenhouse, will they still be youkai sages and flower tyrants in the future?

It’s like the moon world.

The White Night Gang will naturally help Artoria.

But he didn’t get in too much of an obstacle to Artoria’s own growth.

“Oops! Why! Why can’t we use our abilities anymore? ”

Young Zi’s panicked voice rang out.

She had just awakened her abilities, and using her own abilities was undoubtedly not very skilled.

She couldn’t even control the distance very well.

Yu Xiang was undoubtedly a little flustered at this moment.

But then, her face showed a determined expression, in her opinion, if she can’t run, then the big deal will fight.

It is impossible to get her to die!

“Okay, if you escape in this state, you are also waiting for someone to save you, and seeing each other is a fate, that snake demon, let me help you solve it.”

Bai Ye looked at the two little Lolitas who were panicking in front of them and said with a chuckle.

A little snake demon.

It forced the two of them to this point.

As the future destined youkai sage and flower tyrant.

This crisis is even without him.

Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka will naturally turn the tide of danger in the end.

It’s just that they are all coming, and White Night naturally doesn’t mind taking this to enhance the favorability of the two people.

The snake demon had forced the two of them to such an extent that they could blow for a lifetime.

Young purple and young incense smell.

His face suddenly froze again.

Because in their eyes.

White Nights feel magical though.

But it looks like an ordinary person.

If the snake demon looks very fierce, it has a powerful demon qi on its body.

Then the white night looks completely ordinary, and there is no momentum on the body.

Except that the handsome looks are really shocking.

There is nothing else.

And before you can think about it yet, Young Purple and Young Xiang have time to think about it.

The giant snake had already come to the front of several people.

“You damn guys! How dare you play me! ”

After the giant snake came to several people, it also directly stood up a huge body and roared at Young Purple and Young Xiang.

For it, since the food to the mouth can still jump, it is a great shame.

“Damn little demon, go ahead and die.”

Without the slightest hesitation, the giant snake also opened its blood basin mouth directly towards the young incense and the young purple.

And then……… Click.


With the sound of something breaking, a scream came from the mouth of the giant snake, and the whole face turned green.

At this moment, the white night was undoubtedly in front of the two people.

The giant snake’s face was full of shock and he couldn’t help but take two steps back.

Its teeth are so sharp, once it relied on its own teeth to defeat one strong enemy after another, but now……… But I don’t know what I bitten on, and I just broke it.

“Since I have been ignored, it is really a rare thing.”

The figure of the chuckle sounded in the ears of the giant snake.

The serpent’s heart was shocked, looking for prestige, and found that a man appeared in front of him.

He was standing in mid-air, looking at himself indifferently.

“You, what are you?”

Being stared at by this look, the giant snake’s heart was suddenly shocked, and he couldn’t help but take two steps back and said in horror.

It felt that the man in front of it was not a small human being, but a fierce beast with infinite power.

“No, no, aren’t you…… Is it the One?!! ”

Didn’t wait for White Night to answer.

The giant snake’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized the identity of the white night.

It’s not that the serpent is well-informed.

A youkai like him was not qualified to know what the White Night looked like.

However, the appearance and characteristics of the White Night are too obvious, and his reputation is also extremely great.

After seeing the white night, the giant snake could guess at a glance that he might have met the legendary one.

Existence like his.

There can be no second person in the world.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The serpent simply turned around and fled.

In the face of the white night, it did not have the slightest intention of resisting.

The Hundred Ghosts Nocturnal Walk is nothing in front of this one.

Not to mention it?

“Did I let you go?”

The calm voice of the white night seemed to ring in the ears of the giant snake.

The serpent’s heart was filled with terror.

Hearing this, his heart trembled, and in order to save his life, he even shouted loudly.

“Wait, Lord White Night! I have no intention of offending, please spare my life, it was they, yes, yes, they stole my snake eggs first! ”

The serpent frantically defended itself.

Its will to survive has also reached an extreme at this moment.

“Oh, as if you were a good person.”

The sound of white night’s chuckling sounded in the ears of the giant snake.

These were the last words the serpent heard, and then its consciousness began to blur and fall into the darkness.

In the eyes of the white night.

The figure of the giant snake also dissipated directly at this moment.

And he himself.

But he stood still from beginning to end.

After all, a little demon is just that.

Of course, to him he was a little demon.

But for most people, it’s already a behemoth.

Finish the giant snake with ease.

White Nights also don’t care about procrastination.

Instead, from the gap, the young purple and young incense were pulled out.

That’s right.

Just now the giant snake was biting at the two little Lolitas.

Young Zi’s ability was successfully launched again.

In this regard, Bai Ye naturally found out at the first time, and there was still some crying and laughing in his heart.

What Schrödinger’s gap?

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