Chapter 368 Shocked Yakumo Purple and Kaze See Youxiang!!



Just as White Night recaptured the two Lolitas.

Both Young Purple and Young Xiang both exclaimed.

Young Purple didn’t think of anything at all.

Someone was able to get her out of her gap.

The expressions on their faces were full of tension and uneasiness.

After seeing the white night.

They breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then continued to look around nervously.

After discovering that the giant snake had disappeared.

“So, what about the big snake?”

Young Purple asked timidly.

“The big snake? Didn’t I say that little demon I would help you out? Nature is solved, and what else to run. ”

White Night replied with a chuckle.

Looking at the little purple nowadays, the white night feels really different

Who would have thought that when he was a child, Yakumo Purple looked soft and delicious and delicious

I have to say, it is very cute.

It’s just that the years are really a pig-killing knife.

When he grew up, Yakumo Purple was completely a black-bellied, tender-hearted, crazy yokai idler.

Of course.

This pig-killing knife of the years.

It will also put the cuteness of today’s young purple.

The beauty of the carving in the future is…

“Solved…? A blink of an eye?!! ”

The faces of Young Purple and Young Xiang froze, looking at the white night with evidence.

In their opinion.

That big snake was already very, very powerful.

As a result, now White Night easily solves it, and it can even be said that it is only a momentary effort…

How awesome that is.

“It’s awesome.”

Yu Xiang looked at the white night in a daze, and also muttered to herself, and couldn’t help but say what she thought in her heart.

They’re not stupid.

Although in their eyes, the white night was simply like ordinary people, without any breath on their bodies.

But how could they really be ordinary people in the white night.

White Night had already revealed a hand when she grabbed them out of the gap between the young purples

Except for them before.

There were only two creatures on the scene, White Night and the Great Serpent.

Although they ran away as soon as the serpent attacked them.

As a result, they did not see the scene of the White Night destroying the giant snake.

But how could they possibly feel that the giant snake was not the cliché that was destroyed by the White Night because they didn’t see it.

Isn’t that stupid?

The giant snake was already very powerful in the eyes of young purple and young incense.

How strong should the white night that easily solves the serpent be. Young Zi and Young Xiang’s hearts were full of disbelief.

It was simply the most powerful being they had ever seen, “What are you!” Why save us! ”


Young Zi looked at the white night warily, but Yu Xiang did not relax in the slightest.

Although it was the white night that saved them.

Although the white night also gives them a feeling of closeness.


They still looked at the white night with a wary face.

There is no other reason, this era is like this.

Save your people.

It doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a good person.

“Didn’t I say that? My name is White Night, and as for the reason to save you, because you will all have something to do with me in the future, is this reason enough? ”

Bai Ye laughed lightly, looked at the two vigilant little Lori, and said sarcastically.

Will it all have something to do with him in the future?

Both Youzi and Youxiang were stunned and glanced at each other, both seeing the confusion in each other’s eyes.

They don’t understand what their future has to do with White Night.

In fact, don’t say it’s the future.

They can now all say that they have something to do with the White Night.

Yakumo Purple naturally needless to say, in the normal timeline, now they are actually living in the home of the White Night.

And the wind sees the fragrance of the white night among the many divine powers.

The divinity of the god of nature is still extremely remarkable.

As the god of nature.

The relationship with the incarnation of nature is naturally extremely close.

“Well, don’t think about it so much, you just need to know that I won’t hurt you.”

White Night spoke.

This time he was very simple.

When Young Zi and You Xiang heard these simple and clear words, they were undoubtedly relieved.

There was no need for White Night to deceive them.

Because the strength of the White Night was already strong enough that no matter what they did, they could not resist.

Even the gap ability that Young Purple had just awakened could easily crack, what else could they do?

Simple and clear words.

No doubt it has been able to reassure them.

“Thank you, our name is Yakumo Purple…”

“My name is Kazemi, thank you.”

After Yu Zi and Yu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, they both thanked Bai Ye.

Nothing else.

The White Night is their savior.

But just after that sigh of relief.

Young Purple and Young Xiang felt their upper and lower eyelids fighting.

The eyes began to close slowly.


“So are we.”

Yu Xiang’s stupid voice came out, and Yu Zi was also a dazed look.

Immediately after, the two of them were directly unconscious.

When they are unconscious.

Bai Ye hugged one in one hand, and also smiled lightly and held the two in his arms.

The two are in battle with the serpent.

Zhi was mentally tense and was also seriously injured.

Logically, it is long overdue to be unconscious.

It’s just that the strong will to survive has allowed them to support until now.

Now that the crisis has been touched, the tone has been relaxed.

Naturally, they couldn’t even react to themselves, and their bodies had already issued a strong protest to them, directly making them unconscious.

White Night held a Lolita in one hand.

I also took them to the Hakuri Shrine.

As he walked toward the Hakuri Shrine.

A little white light appeared on the bodies of Young Purple and Young Xiang in his arms, repairing the seriously injured bodies of the two of them.

It didn’t take long.

The injuries on the two of them also recovered as before.

The faces of the two men also slowly changed from pain, frowning to calm and serene.

White Night put the two of them together on the bed.

Let them rest in peace.

This incident, for the two people, is undoubtedly a dead end, full of crisis.

But for young purple and young incense.

And for the first time?

Living in this era of dancing demons.

They have experienced too many dangers and nine deaths.

They’re just lucky.

The two were not very strong at the beginning.

Bai Ye looked at the sleeping faces of the two and smiled lightly, and there was some worry.

Be able to move from weak to strong.

Actually no one is unlucky.

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