Chapter 369: The Age of the Dancing of Demons…!!

The next day, early in the morning.

Young Purple woke up from her sleep confused.

The first thing you see is the unfamiliar ceiling.

Her heart was shocked.

He looked around nervously.

Then she found Yu Xiang lying next to her. The look of serenity had not yet woken up later.

She also remembered yesterday’s events.

This undoubtedly gave her a sigh of relief.

Touching his body, Yu Zi also found.

All the injuries on her body were healed.

Not only her, but also the wounds on Youxiang’s body have all healed.

Not only that.

Originally, they became gray-headed because of their escape, and they were extremely embarrassed like little flower cats.

Nowadays, the body is also clean, it looks cute and moving, and it is much fresher.

It won’t be that person

Look at the clean appearance of yourself and Youxiang.

Young Zi’s face was also red, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

It’s just that she has been wronged in the white night.

White Night was just treating the two of them when he was doing such a small favor.

After all, it is nothing for White Night, and even if you need to bring two little Lolitas to wash it deliberately.

Young Zi didn’t know this.

And it was a wonderful misunderstanding.

After calming down a little, Yu Zi looked at the exquisite rooms around her, and there was also some confusion in her eyes.

She has been.

I also want to find a place to live a peaceful and happy life.

Only she knew.

If there is no strength, then everything is a fantasy.

Because weakness is the original sin, it is impossible to have the right to peace and the freedom to enjoy happiness.

In this world.

If you don’t have the strength, even if you have always been careful with the country.

Well, sooner or later, the crisis will still find you.

After all, not everyone wants to live a peaceful and happy life like they do.

The monsters who act arbitrarily with their strength are the majority in this world.

Compared to most other yokai.

Born from the realm.

And the embodiment of nature.

Yakumo purple and wind see the fragrance.

They are even born fatherless and motherless, with no one to rely on.

Two people who have no place to live.

Wander around, make the world home.

Crisis can happen anytime, anywhere.

It wasn’t until the two met that they relied on each other and encouraged each other.

Yakumo Zi will want to establish Gensokyo in the future, and this may also be the reason.

Gensokyo is Yakumo Purple’s home.

In Gensokyo, nothing else, all youkai, whether strong or weak, have their own abode.

They no longer have to be forced to wander, they don’t have to be home, and they don’t have to be in crisis all the time.

For youkai.

It’s definitely a unique paradise.

Maybe it’s because Yakumo Zi had such an experience when she was a child.

In the future, I will have that extraordinary attachment to Gensokyo.

Yu Zi glanced at Yu Xiang, who was still asleep.

Light-handed, also got up and walked out of the room.

And just after she carefully closed the door.

She also saw the white night sitting in a chair not far away.


Bai Ye lay on the chair and did not move, looking at Yu Zi also smiled and asked.

“Mm-hmm, thank you, Lord Night…”

Young Zi looked at the white night, and at first her face was slightly red.

Then he nodded nervously and thanked White Night again.

It was the person in front of her who saved her young shield.

Young Zi naturally remembered this in her heart.

“If you already said thank you yesterday, you don’t need to say it again.”

Bai Ye smiled softly and beckoned Young Zi to come over.

Yu Zi hesitated for a moment, and also came to the front of the White Night.

When Bai Ye saw Young Purple come over, he also directly transformed into a small stool and a small table for him.

on the table.

Then some hot food came out of thin air.


Looking at the sudden appearance of so much food, Young Purple couldn’t help but exclaim.

“This, this is?”

Young Zi looked at Bai Ye and asked.

“Eat, this is the breakfast for you.”

Young Zi’s eyes lit up suddenly, and when she was affirmed, she immediately wanted to reach out and take it.

But then, she was stunned again, tangled for a moment, and finally shook her head and said.

“That, Lord White Night, I already ate it yesterday, and it doesn’t matter if I’m not very hungry or not…”

“Who says that after eating yesterday, you can’t eat it today?”

White Night said softly.

“But,” Young Purple still hesitated.

“Okay, there’s nothing to do, so eat it with confidence.”

White Night Road.

“Well, I’ll wait for the young incense to wake up and eat it together.”

Youzi was eventually moved, but she still wanted to wait for Youxiang to be together.

“When you wake up, she naturally still has it, and this part is yours.”

White Night shook his head and continued.

Young Zi’s eyes lit up suddenly, and the fetal head looked expectantly at the white night.

After getting the nod of the white night again to confirm, she finally took the food and ate it with confidence.

It was so delicious.

Young Zi just took a bite, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She had never eaten anything so delicious.

Rather, for her and Yu Xiang, hunger is a common thing.

Food is good or not, what dare you hope to ah…

Bai Ye looked at Youzi and smiled lightly, and there were also some emotions in his heart.

Oh the times.

When eating a little and a half.

Young Zi stopped eating, and she told Bai Ye that she wanted to save until the next time to eat.

White Night was not angry and told her to eat it all, and if she didn’t eat it, she would dump it.

You know, the food taken out in the white night is also the amount of food for ordinary children

Will this be saved for next time?

As soon as Young Zi heard that she was going to pour it down, she also ate all the food in a hurry.

After eating.

Young Purple also sat obediently next to the White Night.

“Do you have a place to live?”

Bai Ye looked at Youzi and asked with a chuckle.

“No, no.”

Yu Zi was shocked when she heard this, and answered the value honestly.

Today’s young purple pitiful appearance is really a little sad to watch.

“If that’s the case, are you willing to stay?”

White Night asked again.

“Huh? May I? ”

Young Zi was shocked and looked at the white night in disbelief.

Is this kind of heaven-like place where they can stay?

“Hahaha, of course, at least until you get a little stronger, it’s perfectly fine, now you’re too weak.”

White Night said with a smile.

Don’t say it’s him, even if it’s someone else.

If it weren’t for the prejudice against the youkai, those who saw that Yu Zi and Yu Xiang were capable of this situation would choose to help them.

Of course

In this day and age, since most yokai are cruel and brutal, there is very little to say about yokai without prejudice.

And those who have the ability and are not biased can be said to be completely absent.

All along.

Young Purple and Young Xiang had never been encountered.

Young Zi looked at the white night in a daze, her heart was full of unrest, and many emotions were directly gushing into her heart at this moment.

Grievances, touched, rejoiced. And so on, and so on.

At this moment, the young purple was crying loudly.

She was crying.

Bian still asked in a choked voice, “Lord White Night, can we really become stronger too?” ”

“Of course.”

White Night smiled.

Looking at the little girl who was crying, naturally this was the answer.

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