Chapter 371 teaches Xiao Zi and Young Xiang! Stronger two!!

[You promised Youxiang to help them become stronger.] 】

The two cute little guys naturally cheered loudly, and the expressions on their faces were full of joy. 】

[You look at these two little guys and your heart is full of smiles.] 】

[Only you declare it beforehand.] 】

You don’t intend to be their master. 】

[Because you feel like you’ve been being a master lately.] 】

[Although your strength is so strong, this is also a matter of course. 】

[But you still tell Youxiang and Xiaozi to call your brother just fine, and you recognize the two of them as sisters.] 】

[When You Xiang and Xiao Zi heard the words, they were naturally more pleased, and the two directly agreed.] 】

“Brother White Night.”] “】

“Brother White Night.”] “】

Two cute little Lolitas scream sweetly at you. 】

[You also lost yourself in the sweet voice of two little lolitas, and you feel extremely comfortable.] 】

[Called by Master Xiaololi a lot, hearing Little Lolita call Ernie Sauce is really a different flavor.] 】

Next. 】

[Naturally, you also took out a young breakfast and let her eat breakfast.] 】

Like Xiao Zi, Yu Xiang had never eaten such a delicious thing, but she froze at the first bite. 】

[Then the faster you eat, the faster you eat, and two lines of tears silently flow from the corners of your eyes.] 】

[Yu Xiang knows.] 】

From today on, she and Xiaozi will be different from before, and there will be no need to live in hiding anymore.] 】

And all this is because of your presence.] 】

Like Xiao Zi, Youxiang also silently remembered all this in her heart. 】

[In the following days.] 】

[Hakuri Shrine also has two more small guests.] 】

You also fulfill your promise to start teaching them to be stronger. 】

【Are you a famous teacher?】 】

Nature is. 】

This is not the first time you have become a master. 】

[With many abilities, you can say that you have your own opinions in various fields and can guide the existence of any field.] 】

Not to mention that you already know the future development route of Xiaozi and Youxiang. 】

[Teaching two people is naturally easy for you.] 】

【Are young incense and little purple disciples?】 】

Of course, too. 】

[As the future youkai sage, the future tyrant of flowers, standing at the peak of this world. 】

[The natural posture of the two people, the degree of genius is naturally needless to say.] 】

[And the two are well aware of the darkness of this era of demonic dance.] 】

Under your teaching, nature is also very hard. 】

[Famous teachers and disciples.] 】

[The strength of Xiao Zi and Young Xiang naturally improved by leaps and bounds during this time, and the progress of the gods.] 】

[The increase in strength is simply obvious to all.] 】

[The gap between the young purple Schrödinger has naturally been fully mastered long ago.] 】

[The natural power of young incense has also been greatly enhanced.] 】

Nature is a powerful force in the world. 】

The power of the realm of young purple is terrifying, but the natural power of young incense is also not weak. 】

Since they are taught to become stronger, it is naturally indispensable to opponents and sandbags. 】

Although there are many monsters in this world, there is never a shortage of opponents and sandbags. 】

[But you didn’t find other opponents for Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang.] 】

[And directly transformed into a giant snake that almost put them to death as an opponent]

[This is nothing to you.] 】

[Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang were also directly stunned when they saw their opponents for the first time.] 】

[This is a raw fear for them, and the first time they behaved very badly.] 】

[Since you forbid them to escape, Xiaozi naturally can’t use the gap, or can only use the gap within the limited range.] 】

In the end, the two even died directly at the hands of the giant snake.] 】

You are not surprised by this. 】

This is just the trial you prepared for them, and naturally they did not really die. 】

After they die, you pull them out directly. 】

[Experiencing the feeling of death was resurrected again, both of them had palpitations in their hearts.] 】

[As a titular brother, a de facto master.] 】

Naturally, you also come out every time to teach them and guide their shortcomings. 】

“It’s just a high-level youkai, and you can’t deal with it, so why get stronger?”

“To be honest, I was disappointed by your performance.”

In terms of guidance, White Night also behaves very severely.

Little Purple and Young Fragrance Whispering.

Naturally, he bowed his head in shame.

They also know that they are out of control.

“We, we just saw the snake and were startled…”

“Yes, yes, Brother White Night, and the high-level youkai are already very powerful.”

Xiao Zi and You Xiang were both aggrieved on their faces and whispered.

High-level youkai ah………

This is simply not something they can deal with now………

“The high-level youkai are powerful?” Do you know how many high-level youkai there are in this world, and how many big demons there are? ”

White Night looked at the two Lolitas who were very cute, and said without anger.

“And the key is not that you can’t fight, it’s that you perform.”

“Because it’s nervous to see the serpent again?” Scared? Messing around? ”

“Then how many things in this world can distract you in battle?”

“I admit that the serpent is very strong to you now, but if you deal with it carefully, won’t you have no chance at all?”

Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang are not little demons who are no different from ordinary girls except for their abilities and ordinary girls.

Instead, they all reached the level of intermediate yokai.

Two mid-level yokai face one high-level yokai.

Not to mention that Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiang’s abilities are so special and powerful.

If it is not unsatisfactory, how easy it is to be killed, and even counter-killing is not even exaggerated.

When Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang heard Bai Ye’s words, they were even more ashamed, and they lowered their heads like children who had done something wrong.

“I’m sorry, Brother White Night, we won’t be next time.”

The two assured White Night at the same time.

The white night was guaranteed, and naturally it was also a slight smile.

[You have once again conducted practical training for Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang.] 】

[This time, you directly transformed into two giant snakes.] 】

[Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang deal with one person at a time.] 】

[The giant snake had one more than the last time, Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang had just been promoted to intermediate level youkai, and naturally they were defeated in the end.] 】

[However, in the face of two giant snakes, their performance is much better than the first time they just faced one.] 】

Naturally, you nodded with satisfaction. 】

Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang’s faces were also red and flushed, extremely excited. 】

[They feel.] 】

The terrifying serpent they imagined did not seem to be so terrible, not so invincible. 】

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