Chapter 372 The Two Little Lolitas That Swell!!

The road to becoming stronger is often arduous. 】

[Even for the gifted little purple and young incense, it is not surprising.] 】

[But for little purple and young incense.] 】

[This time, however, is also the happiest time in their lives.] 】

[No need to be displaced every day, the heart is trembling for the time being.] 】

[When they are able to eat enough every time, enjoy a variety of food, and do not have to go hungry, they are already very satisfied.] 】

[The daily meal time is the time that the two are most looking forward to.] 】

[The training of the two is extremely hard, and you naturally cannot treat them badly in this regard.] 】

Not only that, Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiang have also seen many new and strange little things here. 】

[Every time you teach them to use it, you can always cause them to react cutely, and they will exclaim.] 】

Getting stronger is naturally important. 】

[But you also pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, often take two people out for a walk, take them to play together.] 】

[Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang felt more than once that you were so good to them, so good that they couldn’t help but immerse themselves in them.] 】

Even the only slightly harsher teaching is for their own good…]

Compared with the previous days, they all feel that meeting you is the luckiest thing in their lives. 】

[On days like these.] 】

The strength of the two little guys is also getting stronger and stronger, and the use of their own abilities is also becoming more and more skilled. 】

[Finally one day.] 】

With the strength of the intermediate yokai, they each defeated the opponent you prepared for them, that is, the giant snake of the high-level yokai.] 】

[Defeating the giant snake, this made Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang undoubtedly very excited.] 】

The giant serpent that had left them powerless to resist and almost killed them was no longer their opponent. 】

[This makes them clearly aware of how much they have improved.] 】

[When you see this scene, you naturally smile slightly and feel happy for them.] 】

For that, you even celebrated for the two little ones.] 】

[It’s just that after defeating the giant snake, these two little guys are obviously a bit inflated.] 】

After all, the giant snake is a high-level youkai, a high-level youkai. 】

[Although in your mouth the high-level monster is like a cabbage, worthless.] 】

But even in this chaotic era, high-level youkai are not cannon fodder, and in most places, they can become the overlord of one side.] 】

[Defeat high-level monsters or something.] 】

In the past, Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang only dared to think about things in their dreams. 】

Now that it has become a reality, how can we not let the two swell? 】

[The two little guys who have swelled up even start to inquire about what kind of strength you are]

You laughed at this, but you didn’t answer. 】

[The two little guys you did not answer, naturally you can only guess by yourself]

You can easily defeat the serpents, and you can also transform them into rivals. 】

[Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang naturally feel that you must be stronger than the giant snake, most likely the legendary big youkai.] 】

[The legendary big monster.] 】

[Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiang are undoubtedly more excited.] 】

[They who just defeated the giant snake are undoubtedly very confident and inflated, even if they know that you are at least a big monster, but they still say to you:]

“Brother White Night, when I become stronger, I will protect you!” “】

“That’s right, and I still have me, I will not let anyone hurt Brother White Night.” “】

[You listened to the words of the two little guys dumbfounded, and didn’t say anything.] 】

[The two little ones are very excited.] 】

In their opinion, they have already defeated high-level youkai, and it is certainly not impossible to defeat the big yokai in the future, they know that they have such qualifications. 】

[And if you can defeat the big monsters and become stronger than you, then naturally you will be able to protect the best for them.] 】

Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang both felt that your strongest estimation was only at the level of the Great Youkai, because if you were stronger than the Great Youkai, it would be beyond their cognition. 】

[When you think of the future, you can be better than blue and play with your role.] 】

[There was an inexplicable excitement in the hearts of the two little ones.] 】

[After going back.] 】

[The strength of the two has also broken through from the middle-level yokai to the high-level yokai, which undoubtedly makes them happier.] 】

[Feeling that the high-level yokai were several times stronger than the intermediate yokai, they even began to leaf the giant snake as a high-level yokai good garbage.] 】

[And at this time of happiness.] 】

[But you just poured cold water on them.] 】

[Because the little purple and young incense are found. 】

After solving the giant snake, the opponent they have to face is actually you?!! 】

Or rather, your incarnation. 】

[You have only controlled the strength of your own incarnation to the level of ordinary demons.] 】

[But the gap between the Great Demon and the other Youkai is really too big, and the gap between the high-level intermediate levels is not comparable at all.] 】

Even if you control the avatar only at the level of the ordinary big demon, Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang face it for the first time, or unsurprisingly directly by the second. 】

[Killed by your avatar, Xiao Zi and Youxiang are also completely honest, and you can still see what inflated emotions ah.] 】

[The two even looked miserable and aggrieved, constantly crying in front of you that you are the devil, the devil, the devil.] 】

Naturally, you don’t care about this, and even want to laugh a little, telling them that their next goal is to defeat your avatar.] 】

Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang recalled the strength of your avatar, and their faces were dejected, but they had to accept it. 】

[The next two people also worked hard for this.] 】

[But they found that your avatar is really too strong, not only has the strength of the big demon, but it is much stronger than the giant snake.] 】

[And with each challenge, your incarnate abilities are different but extremely powerful.] 】

[This is not at all comparable to the serpent.] 】

At that time, they can also sum up their experience and come up with countermeasures to finally defeat the giant snake. 】

But in the presence of your incarnation, all this is in vain. 】

Because they never know what the next power you use in your incarnation will be. Copy]

Although the opponent is your avatar from beginning to end, for Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang, this is all facing a new big demon every time. 】

[Such difficulty is undoubtedly hell level and dream level.] 】

This is the result of your intention. 】

After all, who stipulates that in the future, the opponents that the two will face will be familiar with the enemy’s abilities? 】

[The two naturally have the ability to face all unexpected situations, any enemies, and adaptation.] 】

Anyway. 】

[Your incarnation is only at the level of an ordinary demon.] 】。

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