Chapter 387: Is the Westward Demon, Very Strong?!!

After curing Yakumo Zi, you naturally asked about the cause of Yakumo Zi’s injury. 】

[In this regard, Yakumo Purple Branch is obviously not willing to say.] 】

[And Seijoji Yuyuko also showed an embarrassed expression on her face, and carefully raised her hand, indicating that she accidentally injured Yakumo Zi…]

[Saiyukiji Yuyuko is a human demon exterminator, and Yakumo Zi is a youkai from a human point of view, and her eyes are a big demon.] 】

[Because before they met you, Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka had both had the experience of being mutilated by humans, and they didn’t have any good feelings for humans.] 】

[For so many years, nature has ruthlessly eliminated many human beings who do not have long eyes]

[As the most powerful lady of the Saiyuji family, she was naturally entrusted with subduing Yakumo Purple.] 】

[Since then, the two have intersected, and when they come and go, the two begin to slowly become acquainted.] 】

[This time it was entirely because the two were seriously injured by each other in the fight, and Yu Yuzi felt that Yakumo Zi was actually not bad, dragging the seriously injured body, so she took Yakumo Zi back to her home to take care of it.] 】

It is precisely because of this that the two have completely formed a deep friendship. 】

[After you heard this and understood the situation, you also knocked on the heads of Yakumo Zi and Yu Youzi again, but your face was full of smiles.] 】

[Actually, this did not surprise you.] 】

[However, although the close relationship between Yakumo Zi and Yu Yuko in the later life makes people feel taken for granted and they are used to it.] 】

[But in this day and age,]

[The friendship between the demon exterminator and the yokai is actually very rare and precious.] 】

[Yu Yuzi looked at your relationship with Yakumo Purple and was also shocked, and her eyes lit up.] 】

[She knew that she felt right, what kind of big monster is this, isn’t this a girl in love?] 】

[Yakumo Zi was constantly blushing by Yu Youzi, very embarrassed, and only felt landless.] 】

[It is in response to the old saying, natural belly black.] 】

[The light smile you look at next to you is naturally also helping Yu Youzi to treat her injuries, although Yu Youzi looks a little better than Yakumo Zi, but in fact, her injuries are not light. 】

[When Yu Youzi saw that the wounds on his body had also been healed, he naturally thanked you.] 】

[The Soul Demon was also relieved to see this scene, and after learning that you were the famous god, she was also completely relieved. 】

[Yu Youzi was also very shocked to learn that you were actually the god, because now the folk rumor is that the god and the goddess Hui Yeji got married and returned to the moon.] 】

[Yu Youzi never expected that Yakumo Purple was actually related to you, which can better represent that Yakumo Purple is a good demon.] 】

[But if you are a god, doesn’t that mean you already have the legendary Princess Taketori Keiyohime?] 】

[Thinking that his father was not more than one wife, Yu Youzi quickly understood that it was not a big deal.] 】

[Next, under the expectation of Yu Yuzi, you also stayed for a while.] 】

[During this time, you are naturally also improving the favorability of Yu Youzi.] 】

[Now Yu Yuzi’s good feelings are actually very good.] 】

Because she is a lonely person herself, she longs to be able to communicate with people, to be able to make friends, to grasp all possibilities. 】

[The Youyouzi of the human period is a poor person in his own right.] 】

[Your appearance has actually made Yu Youzi very happy, and the reason why she calls you brother like Yakumo Zi is not envious of your relationship?] 】

[Coupled with the fact that Miss Youyouzi has the attribute of snack goods, just by virtue of this, you are not at will? 】

[Today’s Miss Youyouzi, as a human being, is limited by race, but she is not as able to eat as she was during the Guangling period.] 】

[But the nature of enjoying food will not change, every time you eat your food, Yu Youzi will be unusually satisfied and full of happiness. 】

[And the result of feeding Yuyuko is.] 】

Yu Yuko said to Yakumo Zi that she can understand why Yakumo Zi likes you, and if she is a youkai or you are human, she will definitely like you. 】

[It’s just that the current situation is still not good, the difference in life between you is too big, and the kind she doesn’t want anyone to be sad.] 】

[Yakumo Purple heard this and froze about it.] 】

You heard this but smiled softly and didn’t say anything. 】

[This is like a joke, Yu Yuzi herself did not care, but Yakumo Zi was very concerned.] 】

[During this period, the other exterminators of the Saiyuji family also came to Yuyuko several times.] 】

[But without exception, they have a very bad attitude towards the big lady of Yu Youzi, disgust, fear, and disgust are directly written on their faces.] 】

[You see in your eyes, you didn’t come forward to eliminate these people, but afterwards asked Yu Youzi why he didn’t resist.] 】

Yu Youzi was stunned for a moment, and said after a moment of silence, because she was used to it, she was an unknown girl who operated the undead, and everyone should hate her. 】

Anyway, those people just hated her, ignored her, hated her, and didn’t dare to hurt her.] 】

[You touched the head of poor Yuyuko, who looked very lonely at the moment, and Yuyuko felt the warmth above her head and also looked up at you.] 】

[You tell Yu Youzi that this is not a habit.] 】

[When a strong person is bullied by the weak.] 】

[Those who are weak are undoubtedly also taking advantage of the goodness, innocence, and innocence of the strong, so as to gain inches.] 】

[The strong are bullied by some weak people, in fact, it is often sad. 】

Yu Youzi seemed to understand it, but she still wrote down your words, and a happy expression appeared on her face. 】

[She can feel that you really care about her, which is a feeling that she rarely remembers, and it is actually a very happy thing that someone cares.] 】

[Next, Yu Youzi also listened to your advice and taught those who were disrespectful to her a harsh lesson.] 】

[In the Xixing Temple family, there were some big shocks in this matter, and everyone naturally did not dare to have any slack in their attitude towards Yu Youzi. 】

[As the strongest demon exorcist of the Xixing Temple Family, if it weren’t for Yu Youzi being too weak, no one would dare to be disrespectful to Yu Youzi.] 】

After staying at the Sai Hang Si House for a while, you are naturally leaving. 】

Youyouzi is naturally full of reluctance about this, and you smile and touch the cute girl’s head and tell her that you will come to see her from time to time. 】

Yu Youzi heard the words, and a smile appeared on his face. 】

[When you leave, this big lady of the Xixing Temple family also gave you a dance, the movements were smooth and beautiful, and the tossing and turning were graceful.] 】

Watching you leave, there was a trance in her eyes, and she remembered what she had said. 】

[Unfortunately, you are God, and she is human.] 】

[When you return to the Boli Shrine, the night of Penglai Mountain is naturally very happy.] 】

[Looking at the lovely and beautiful Penglai Mountain Glowing Night, that night, you and her played poker again.] 】

[Penglai Shan Huiye’s face turned red and asked if you would have children.] 】

[You asked Penglai Shan Hui Ye, does she want it or not?] 】

Penglai Shan Hui Ye quickly shook her head and said that she didn’t want it, she herself was still a child, how could she possibly want a child. 】

[You can’t laugh at this, a child of unknown age, right?] 】

[You knocked on the Penglai Mountain Hui Ye in a bad mood and told her that you could not have children in the short term.] 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was immediately relieved when he heard the words, and spit out his tongue with a cute look.] 】

[The next few days.] 】

[You will enjoy Yakumo Blue’s service as usual, you and Yakumo Blue joked that such a virtuous Blue, who will be able to leave her in the future, provoke Yakumo Blue’s face to turn red.] 】

Yakumo Blue felt that compared to Lord White Night and Lord Purple, she had only done something trivial. 】

[But as everyone knows, that little bit of insignificant thing is actually quite comforting, heart-warming, if Yakumo Blue is a wife, she is definitely a virtuous and gentle wife.] 】

[Even Yayi Yonglin is extremely recognized by Yakumo Blue and often praises the dishes made by Yakumo Blue.] 】

[You flirt with Yakumo Blue every day, sometimes mention the medical knowledge of Bayi Yonglin, and sometimes play with Penglai Mountain Hui Night.] 】

[Bayi Yonglin was very shocked by your achievements in medicine, often discussed this aspect of the problem with you, and every time she discussed with you, she benefited a lot and was satisfied, and your relationship also improved by leaps and bounds.] 】

[The days are spent in such a relaxed way every day.] Pure】

[Until Yakumo Purple came to the Hakuri Shrine full of sorrow to find you, hoping that you could rescue Sai Byoko.] 】

【The birth of Yuyuko Saijoji.】 】

[In fact, it is very special, the legendary big demon westward demon, in fact, can exist, the demon and exist.] 】

Yakumo Purple naturally couldn’t have watched his friend die because of sealing the Westbound Demon. 】

[But this is Yu Youzi’s own will, and Yakumo Zi alone can’t stop it.] 】

[So Yakumo Purple naturally found you, hoping that you can save Yu Youzi.] 】

[You smiled lightly at this, and naturally agreed.] 】

[Westward Demon, is it strong?] 】。

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