Chapter 388: Two Sages! The beginning of the Moon War!!

[For anyone in this world, the Westward Demon is undoubtedly very terrifying.] 】

But for you, that’s nothing. 】

[In the face of Yakumo Zi’s request, you naturally said that you would take the shot, but not now, and the time has not yet come.] 】

[After all, how can the Westbound Demon also be the embodiment of Youyouzi, the power that belongs to Youyouzi, and there is a close connection between the two, and there is no need for Youyouzi to give up the power of the Westbound Demon.] 】

[Yakumo Purple is very happy to get your reply, and naturally is also relieved]

Although she is already a youkai sage, she is still the same as before, thinking that you can do everything, and if you agree, naturally there is nothing to worry about, and this is of course a fact. 】

[Yakumo Zi’s return this time, he let her meet Yayi Yonglin.] 】

When she learned that Bayi Yonglin was a sage on the moon, she naturally came to great interest. 】

[When the two sages met, they naturally talked about each other.] 】

After learning of the strength of the lunar surface, Yakumo Zi’s face was shocked, and a crazy plan suddenly came to mind. 】

After she consulted with Yayi Yonglin, Bayi Yonglin frowned when she heard Yakumo Zi’s plan. 】

[She admired Yakumo Zi’s idea of founding Gensokyo, Yakumo Purple deserved to be known as a sage, but used the strength of the moon to reduce those restless monsters…]

[Although it is feasible and feasible, this will undoubtedly plunge the lunar surface into chaos, and it will have a great impact on the lunar surface.] 】

[Bayi Yonglin looked at you, and finally sighed, looking at your face, no doubt still agreed to the Yakumo Purple Plan.] 】

[Lunar War.] 】

[As far as the two sages consulted, this was a farce from beginning to end, and this was Yakumo Zi’s plan to destroy those radical yokai.] 】

[Yakumo Purple decided that after Yuyuko’s matter was settled, she would launch a Moon War!] 】

[Because of this, Bayi Yonglin also bid farewell to you and Penglai Mountain Huiye, she had to go back to the moon surface, after all, although the moon surface is stronger than the ground, the strength of some big demons is still not to be underestimated.] 】

[Penglai Shan Hui Ye waved her hand, naturally she directly agreed, rather than saying that she was still very excited about something that could happen on the moon.] 】

[Bayi Yonglin couldn’t laugh at this, and after Penglai Mountain Huiye agreed, she also returned to the moon surface, and she still had to go to the moon night to see Zun to discuss it.] 】

[After getting rid of a large piece of heart disease, Yakumo Zi’s face was also full of smiles.] 】

[But soon Yakumo Purple’s face was full of black lines.] 】

[Because Penglai Shan Hui Ye was in front of her, what Yakumo Zi should call her sister-in-law, after all, you are all officially married.] 】

[If she has a child with you in the future, will she be called Yakumo Purple Aunt or Sister-in-law?] It was impossible to see who had said before that they didn’t want children. 】

[Yakumo Purple was full of black lines, ignored them, and went directly through the gap.] 】

[But Penglai Shan Huiye’s face was full of pride, and she liked to see Yakumo Zi grit her teeth at her, but she was helpless.] 】

[In the past, she was always bullied by Yakumo Purple with strong strength, and now that feng shui takes turns, it is undoubtedly her turn.] 】

[You also cried and laughed at this, and knocked on the head of Penglai Mountain Huiye, signaling her to get along with Yakumo Zi. 】

[Penglai Mountain Hui Ye suddenly bowed his head and gave a well-behaved Oh.] 】

[The days go by day by day.] 】

[You have also been to Yu Youzi once, telling her not to worry about the Westbound Demon, you have your own arrangements.] 】

[Yu Youzi trusts you very much, and she is happy to say a little, although she does not know if you really have a way, but even if it is a lie, she is also very happy, and the girl is easy to be satisfied.] 】

[And just as the westbound demon cherry blossoms were about to open, you had not yet appeared, and although the soul demon knew that you had made a promise to the big miss, and believed that you would be able to protect the big lady, she could not help but be a little anxious.] 】

[There is still a month before the westward demon blossoms, and the soul demon is determined to go to the Hakuri Shrine to find you, and after so many days of getting along, she already knows that you live in the Hakuri Shrine.] 】

[If anyone in this world can save the big lady, then this person is undoubtedly you.] 】

[And she, after a long journey, naturally found the Hakuri Shrine and found you…].

“Lord White Night! Please, please, please save Miss Yuyuko! She was about to use herself to seal the Westward Demon! ”

Bai Ye looked at the gray-haired imperial sister in front of him and was also a little stunned.

He didn’t think of it at all.

The Soul Demon would actually find the Hakuri Shrine.

You know, Saigyō-ji Temple and Hakuri Shrine are far apart.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult for people without spatial ability to visit, even non-human.

But the Soul Demon was undoubtedly specially rushed from the Westbound Temple………

“Didn’t Yakumo Zi tell you that I already had arrangements for Yu Youzi?” Why did you come to me? ”

Bai Ye looked at the soul demon and asked with some shock in his heart.

“Lord Purple said, and Lord Youyouzi also said that she believes that you want me not to worry, sorry Lord White Night, it is my reason, I have some… Some are in a hurry……”

The Soul Demon shook his head and quickly explained.

Bai Ye heard the words and said, “I’m sorry, but I was a little negligent about this.” ”

White Night was originally prepared to wait for Yu Youzi to turn into an undead and digest the demon’s power of the Westbound Demon before solving the problem of Yu Youzi.

After all, Yu Youzi’s undead are different from other undead, as the future undead princess, the administrator of the underworld, and the master of the White Jade Building.

For Yu Youzi, this is just a simple change of race, and there are many benefits.

White Nights naturally will not prevent this from happening.

But he knows that.

It doesn’t mean that the soul is jealous, Yakumo Purple, Yu Youzi knows this.

This is actually something he has overlooked during this time.

As the person who has spent the longest time with Yu Youzi, although she rarely talks to Yu Youzi because of her identity, she is undoubtedly very concerned about Yu Youzi

Bai Ye looked at the Soul Demon Jealousy, smiled lightly and said, “Originally, I wanted to wait a few more days before passing, but since you are here, I will go now.” ”

The soul demon was afraid to hear the words, and his face was full of surprise.

After saying that, the White Night with the soul demon also disappeared directly in the same place.

Before leaving, there was only one month left before the cherry blossoms on the westbound demon tree bloomed.

And now.

Naturally, there is only a world left in less than half a month.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Westbound Temple Family to wait until the Westbound Demon was really about to bloom before it began to seal.

Now Yu Youzi, under the arrangement of the Xixing Temple Family, was actually ready to seal the Westbound Demon.

When the white night falls on the Westward Temple’s house.

In the past, there were no people in the Westward Temple.

Nowadays, there are many monks and exterminators.

Just a came.

White Night heard the voices of these people talking.

“It got here and it went according to our plan.”

“Hmm! Our enchantment should be able to support the girl until she completes the seal. ”

“Having the same death demon qi as the Westbound Demon and being able to induce people to die, is really a disgusting girl.”

“It is indeed an abominable girl, some time ago she was suddenly strong I was shocked, I thought she would rebel against her fate, but I did not expect to obediently admit it.”

“Who said it wasn’t hahaha, she didn’t admit her fate is to fight against everyone, against the world’s demon exterminators, the monster girl against the monster cherry tree, the monster is also dead, it is also a rare and gratifying congratulations.”

“Having said that, obviously from the beginning of his life, he was just a tool to seal the Westbound Demon, but it is really funny that he has done a lot of things for our Westbound Temple over the years.”

“Hahaha, what a stupid girl.”


Hearing the words of these monks, demon masters, and yin and yang masters, the soul demon jealousy’s face was full of anger.

Do these people know what Big Miss has done all these years! No, they know!

But because of the ability of the big miss, they are also very prejudiced against the big miss! Because of this, no matter what the big lady did, they never admitted the big miss!

White Night listened expressionlessly.

But he didn’t give a crap, but just shot it.

With a scream, the figures of these people undoubtedly began to dissipate between heaven and earth.

At the time of their deaths, there was no doubt that they were filled with fear and pain.

Because they have no idea why they have become like this.

Instead, it was a consciousness that watched itself die in pain little by little.

“Let’s go.”

After Bai Ye finished solving these guys, he also said expressionlessly.

The Soul Demon Ji also hurriedly followed up.

She didn’t say anything, she just felt relieved.

The human base is simply too many.

Admittedly, there are still many good people in the world.

But it is also undeniable that the world has all kinds of people except good people

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