Chapter 389 White Night Brother Help!!

After casually solving some of the scum of the Westward Temple.

White Night also continued to walk in the direction of the Westbound Demon with his soul demon.

The so-called enchantment.

Nature is not ~ may stop the white night.

On the way forward, the cherry blossoms are also constantly drifting apart, and as they get closer and closer to the Westbound Demon, some pink dead discs also appear in the eyes of the white night

Although the pink dead disc is beautiful, how can the dead disc formed by the demon qi of death be consumed by ordinary people?

Most people, even if they just touch it, will be killed.

When the Soul Demon was afraid to see the Death Disk, he was undoubtedly more anxious and felt extremely urgent.

As the two of them deepened, more and more cherry blossoms fell, and when they saw that the whole sky seemed to be shrouded in cherry blossoms.

The White Night and the Soul Demon Jealousy undoubtedly came to the face of the Westbound Demon.

The scene in front of him is that Yakumo Purple and Yu Youzi are deadlocked.

Yu Youzi was walking towards the westward demon step by step, but Yakumo Zi was desperately trying to stop it.

It’s just that now it’s the time when the westbound demon cherry blossoms are about to bloom, and the death demon qi reaches its peak, and it is also the peak of Yu Youzi’s strength.

Although Yakumo Purple was blocking Yu Youzi, he could not stop it with all his might, and could only delay it slightly.

“Brother White Night!”

After Yakumo Zi saw the figure of White Night, his eyes lit up suddenly, and the loud Yu Youzi was also slightly stunned after hearing White Night’s name.

Looking back, I undoubtedly saw the figure of the White Night and the Soul Demon Jealousy.

“Brother White Night, here you are.”

After seeing the white night, Yu Youzi also showed the most beautiful smile on her face and said softly.

“Lord Yuyuko!”

And at this moment, the Soul Demon Ji was also anxiously shouting at Yu Youzi the huge Death Demon Qi around Yu Youzi now, and she couldn’t even get close.

Yu Youzi took a look at the Soul Demon Jealousy, shook her head slightly, and then whispered to White Night, “Brother White Night, let me go, once the Westbound Demon is fully awakened, it will die a lot, a lot of people.” ”

“There is no need for unnecessary sacrifices anymore, and I can leave the matter of the Westbound Demon to me alone.”

“This is my business, there is no need for any more sacrifices, the matter will be over soon…”

The girl said softly.

As the owner of the Death Demon Qi, she is well aware of the horrors of the Westward Demon.

The maiden could not see so many people dying because of the Westward Demon, and only if she could stop all this.

Once the Westbound Demon broke out, Yakumo Purple was undoubtedly unable to solve it.

And White Night, Yu Youzi is actually in doubt about whether she can solve it.

“No! No way! You can’t die! When everyone else dies, they die! What does it have to do with us to die more! We won’t allow you to die anyway! Brother White Night! Hurry up and stop Yuyuko! ”

Yakumo Zi stared at Yu Youzi, and Kazuna did his best to stop this Yu Yuzi from saying.

Yu Yuzi smiled slightly at this and shook her head.

This may be some small differences between the two.

“Yuyuko, do you remember when I said I’d solve this problem?”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and asked Yu Yuzi.

Yu Youzi was stunned, and then nodded, “Of course I remember, but it was a white night.” ”


Bai Ye directly interrupted Yu Yuzi’s words and asked again, “Then do you trust me?” ”

“Of course trust……”

Yu Yuzi looked confused and confused, but still spoke.

“Well, then I won’t stop you from sealing the Westward Demon, but I promise you that after that, I’ll save you.”

White Night smiled softly.

In the face of the extremely strong Death Demon Qi, he walked unimpeded to Yu Youzi, touched her head, and said.

Yu Yuzi was naturally very shocked by this.

“Hmm! I believe in Brother White Night! ”

Yu Yuzi nodded heavily and said with a happy smile on her face

Bai Ye also smiled slightly, then looked at Yakumo Zi and said, “Zi, let her pass.” ”

“But, Brother Yakumo…”

Eight to the purple face is very anxious.

“Rest assured, I’ll find a way.”

White Night spoke.

Yakumo Purple was filled with a moment, and naturally silently withdrew his power.

Yu Yuzi looked at Yakumo Purple and smiled softly.

After trying his best to suppress the Death Demon Qi in his body, he embraced White Night and Yakumo Purple respectively, and then flew towards the Westbound Demon.

After coming to the Westbound Demon, after Yu Youzi took a deep breath, he undoubtedly began to seal the Westbound Demon.

Under the witness of the white night, the eight clouds of purple, and the soul of the demon.

Yu Youzi’s body undoubtedly began to fade slowly, as if it was merging into the Westbound Demon.

The cherry blossoms in the sky fade with Yuyuko’s body, and they also continue to land

After the figure of Yu Yuko completely disappeared, the cherry blossoms on the westbound demon tree also completely fell clean, becoming a bare cherry tree.

Thick breath of death.

It is also a disappearing without a trace.

The Westbound Demon was sealed.

When White Night saw this, he also laughed lightly and came to the face of the Westbound Demon to shoot directly.

With the White Night’s shot, the Westward Demon, who had originally calmed down, also rioted again.

But this bit of riot, for the White Night, what is it, naturally it was easily suppressed by the White Night.

Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji were undoubtedly watching nervously.

There was a great movement between the White Night and the Westbound Demon, and several villages near the Westbound Temple House could undoubtedly feel it.

Everyone looked up in amazement, their faces full of uneasiness, they knew that it was the place of the Westbound Demon, but they didn’t know what was happening.

Along with the huge movement, a figure slowly reappeared in front of Yakumo Purple and the Soul Demon Jealousy.

Isn’t it Seijoji Yuyuko, who is it?

Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Taboo are naturally full of surprises!

In the past, the reason why Yu Youzi was strong was actually mainly dependent on the protection of powerful undead, and she herself was not very strong.

But now, Yu Youzi, who combined all the death demon forces of the Westbound Demon, undoubtedly reached a peak of his own strength.

Even the current Yakumo Purple would not be Yu Youzi’s opponent.

With the help of White Night.

Yu Youzi is undoubtedly much stronger than the original.

Let the Westbound Demon so that the power of the demon is used by Youyouzi, including the Westbound Demon itself is under the control of Youyouzi.

This is also the reason why White Night does not prevent Yuyuko from making contact with the Westbound Demon.

Of course, the current Yu Youzi has also been reborn into the undead.

After all, it is easier for the undead to manipulate the power of death.

As White Night said, this is just to give Yu Youzi a different race, and the others have no impact.

After the figure of Yu Yuzi appeared.

Her closed eyes also trembled slightly, and then she slowly opened them.

In his eyes, he was full of confusion.

Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji naturally looked at Yu Yuzi expectantly.

“You are… Who? ”

Yu Youzi looked at the two of them, his eyes were full of puzzlement, and he tilted his head and asked.

Yakumo Purple and the Soul Demon were jealous, and their faces showed expressions of disbelief.

Unexpectedly……… Have you lost your memory?

But after experiencing this, I lost my memory, which seems to be quite normal.

Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji had a bitter smile on their faces.

But they quickly regained their spirits and looked at the confused Yuyouzi.

It doesn’t matter if they have amnesia, they can completely re-acquaint themselves, at least the person is still there.

“Our name is Yakumo Purple, is your friend, reacquaint yourself?” Please give me more advice in the future. ”

Yakumo Purple said with a smile on her face.

“I, I am a soul demon, and I am the guardian of Miss Youyouzi.”

The soul demon was afraid of panicking, and also opened his mouth.

Yu Yuzi blinked and looked at the two of them as if she were really seeing them for the first time.

Until the white night came to Yu Youzi’s side and knocked on her head, he said without anger, “Okay, don’t play, play it again, you can’t take the game.” ”

“Yikes! Brother White Night, don’t you expose me so quickly! I still want to be more purple and demon-taboo! Their expressions are really funny! ”

Yu Youzi cried out in pain and couldn’t help but complain.

“Don’t expose you, wait a minute when Purple finds out and does something you don’t ask for forgiveness.”

White Night said without anger.

“Hey… This, it won’t be so kind,…? ”

Yu Youzi was immediately frightened.

Look at the ghost who fights with the white night.

Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon were also stunned on their faces.

“Brother White Night, doesn’t Yuyuko have any amnesia?”

Yakumo Zi asked subconsciously.

“Of course there is no amnesia.”

White Night said without anger.

Indeed, if you follow the original settings.

After becoming a princess of the undead, Yu Youzi will forget all the memories of her life.

But what did this mean in the face of the White Night?

If you don’t want to make Yu Youzi lose his memory, White Night has a way to prevent Yu Youzi from losing his memory.

Yuyuko is naturally impossible to have amnesia.

Realizing this, Yakumo Zi’s face was also completely black, and he roared angrily at Yu Youzi, “Yu Youzi!!!” ”

Even the Soul Demon was blushing at this moment, shouting loudly, “Lord Youyouzi! You’re going too far! ”

“Huh? Wait, purple, demon you listen to me, when I started, I really lost my memory and didn’t recognize you, but Brother White Night helped me find it back quickly, and I didn’t lie to you…”

Yu Youzi looked at the two fierce gods and explained in a hurry.

She is innocent!

At first, she really didn’t remember Yakumo Purple and the Soul Demon Jealousy!

Only then did I suddenly think about it again, and I thought that the expressions of Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Jealousy were somewhat interesting, so I didn’t rush to say it.

One second he said he didn’t know, the next second he remembered.

This is also very strange good or bad!

Can she be blamed for this?

But at this moment, Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji were undoubtedly black-faced, and they didn’t listen to Yu Youzi’s explanation at all.

Yu Youzi was trembling, and his eyes were sweating with tears.

Only one last trick could be used, shouting loudly: “White Night Brother Lifesaving Pill!” ”

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