Chapter 390: Wouldn’t it be better for Brother White Night to raise me for the rest of my life?!!

The fight of three beautiful girls.

It is undoubtedly very aesthetic and pleasing to the eye.

White Night Nature has no ill will go up to stop it.

Although Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji were denouncing Yu Youzi, they had tears in their eyes, and their hearts were undoubtedly very happy.

Although Yu Youzi was bullied, the shock in her heart was not much at all.

She didn’t think about it.

White Night was so easy, so simple.

In such a short period of time, the matter between her and the Westbound Demon was resolved.

Although she became an undead because of this.

But Yu Yuzi didn’t really care at all.

Because she felt that the undead were not much different from the human beings.

Yu Youzi had always known that White Night’s strength was very strong, but she didn’t know how strong White Night really was.

Nowadays, it seems that it is completely unfathomable to describe it as unfathomable.

It may also be her luck to meet the white night, after all, if there is no white night, she does not know what she will become………

“Brother White Night, you didn’t come to save me.”

After kneading Yu Youzi for a while, Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji also finally let go of Yu Yuzi.

The soul demon was still a little red on his face, surprised by his boldness

The bullied Yuyuko came to the front of the white night, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Brother White Night actually stood by and watched! How can this be!

“Didn’t I say that? If you want to play like this yourself, you can not ask for forgiveness when you are bullied. ”

Looking at the cute Yu Yuzi, Bai Ye said with a light smile.

Yu Youzi’s mouth flattened, and he said playfully, “I don’t care, Brother White Night wants to compensate me.” ”

Bai Ye touched Yu Yuzi’s head and asked with a chuckle, “What compensation do you want?” ”

“Uh-huh… Just punish Brother White Night for asking me to eat! The kind I’m going to eat enough! ”

Yu Yuzi thought for a moment and said with a serious face.

Yuyuko is a snack after all… No, now it should be said that it is a big foodie.

Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji looked at each other when they heard Yu Youzi’s words, and they were both crying and laughing.

“Okay, no problem.”

White Night naturally agreed directly.

The matter of Yu Youzi has been solved.

The Westward Demon directly and slowly transformed into a small tree, which was carefully collected by Yu Youzi.

Today’s Westbound Demon, with the help of White Night, has been completely controlled by Yu Youzi.

The next few people naturally returned to the Xixing Temple house, eating and discussing some things at the same time.

“Yuyuko, what are your plans for the next one?”

White Night asked.

“Oh, the problem of the Westbound Demon has been solved, and my mission has been completed, so I will follow Brother White Night, and listen to Brother White Night’s arrangement?”

Yu Yuzi thought for a moment and asked.


White Night’s chuckling nature replied.

“Thank you Brother White Night, but before you go, I think Brother White Night can take me to the Westbound Temple house for a walk?”

Yu Yuzi asked softly.

She didn’t actually have much of a memory for the Xixing Temple family, but it was her home after all, and Yu Youzi wanted to make a decision.


Bai Ye touched the head of the Yuyuko who looked at him expectantly, and smiled softly and agreed again.

Yakumo Purple and Soul Demon Ji heard the conversation between the two of them with smiles on their faces.

After all, this is the best ending.

Yakumo Purple needless to say, in the eyes of the Soul Demon Taboo.

Lord Youzi was able to follow Lord Purple and Lord White Night, which was naturally much better than continuing to stay in the cold Westward Temple.

In the past, Lord Youyouzi needed to guard the Westbound Demon and did not want to leave.

Now that the Westward Journey Demon has been solved, what reason is there to stay? Lord Yu Yuzi had already paid enough for the Sai Hang Si family, and now she should

Anyway, I will definitely follow Lord Youyouzi.

But think so.

Slowly, but again they sensed something was wrong.

“Lord Yuyuko, that… Are you eating a little too much? ”

The Soul Demon said in a panic.

Youyuko has eaten more than the usual amount of food, and it has exceeded a lot.

This made the Soul Demon jealous a little panicked.

“Because Brother White Night’s stuff is delicious.”

Yu Yuzi’s mouth bulged, and he said, “Now, Brother White Night, do you still have it?” I still want to eat. ”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said, “Nature does.” ”

Saying that, he also directly took out a lot of food.

“Is it okay for Yuyuko to eat so many things?” White Night Brother? ”

The first time Yakumo Zi saw such a terrible amount of food for Yu Youzi, she couldn’t help but ask.

Such an amount of food, even in her eyes as a youkai, was a little terrifying.

“No problem, Yuyuko is no longer a human being, but a special kind of ghost, and it will be okay to eat as much as you want.”

White Night helped Yu Yuzi wipe his mouth and said with a chuckle.

“Mm-hmm! I found that there is a limit to what humans eat! I used to always want to eat a little more of Brother Baiye’s dishes, I couldn’t eat it, I could only eat a little, and now I can finally satisfy it at one time, I am not a person! ”

Yu Yuzi said happily.

You’ve eaten a lot before.

Yakumo Purple and the Soul Demon Ji heard Yu Youzi’s words and spat madly in their hearts

This undead princess with pink hair and pink eyes may also be the reason why humans are very edible, but her body is very tall, and the flesh is growing where it should go.

Of course, now that she has become a ghost, the amount of food she eats is really terrifying.

“It doesn’t matter how much you eat, Yuyuko won’t be hungry if she doesn’t eat now.”

White Night added with a chuckle.

“How could it be! If you don’t eat, you will definitely be hungry! Brother White Night! ”

Yu Youzi heard the words and immediately retorted.

“If you’re hungry, it’s just your psychology, not really hungry.”

White Night Road.

“It is impossible and impossible, no one will be hungry, even a ghost.”

Yu Yuzi quickly shook her head and retorted.

But who said the truth and who said the false, it is clear at a glance.

Yakumo Zi said with a cry and laughter, “Yu Youzi, you may not be able to afford to feed you like this, except for Brother White Night.” ”

Now Yu Youzi is more difficult to raise than before.

“Wouldn’t Brother White Night raise me for the rest of my life?”

Yu Youzi looked at Bai Ye and said seriously, “Our side, but there is a saving grace, with the saying that I am willing to give my life, Brother Bai Ye saved my life, if I let me promise myself, it is also okay.” ”

Before she was human, Yuyuko felt that she and White Night were not suitable.

But now that she was already a ghost, Yu Youzi naturally had no concern for this.

As he spoke, Yu Yuzi still looked at Yakumo Zi nervously and asked, “Zi you should not mind, right?” After all, the White Night Brother already has the legendary Princess of the Bright Night, and it shouldn’t matter if I have one more? ”

Yakumo Purple: “…”

Yakumo Purple is full of black lines, she is really a little speechless… Or rather.

Don’t know what to say for a while? After all, Yu Youzi is also telling the truth.

Even if the matter had reached this point, Yakumo Zi did not want to answer this question, she could only dryly change the topic: “This is not mattered, compared to this, we have actually always wanted to ask, Brother White Night, I wanted to ask before, why do you do not cook, how much food can be taken out.” ”

Yu Yuzi blinked when she heard Yakumo Zi’s words, but stared at Yakumo Zi for a moment but smiled.

Because she knew that although Yakumo Zi did not answer her positively, she did not reject her either.

After that, she can be bright and upright with Brother White Night.

Bai Ye heard Yakumo Zi’s question and replied with a chuckle, “This is one of my many abilities, and it doesn’t really mean much to do it or not to do it.” ”

It’s just some food, and it’s naturally easy for the white night.

If he wants to experience the process of cooking for a long time, he can naturally cook, but if he does not want to, it is not really a good thing to directly conjure up the food for the white night.

Under the infinite supply of the white night, Yu Youzi was naturally full. This kind of hugging is not the same as Yuyuko who is not hungry, which is a psychological effect.

Yu Yuzi naturally felt satisfied.

But looking at this terrible amount of food, even White Night had to admit it.

This cute Yuko.

Except for him, there may really be no one who can afford it.

The long line of the courtyard marks the evil standard, the title to the middle of the summoning Ba carved cat net, but the nuclear shirt rice sentence is high.

After Yuyuko has eaten enough.

White Night naturally also took her to the Westward Temple’s house.

White Night reveals his identity at the Westbound Temple house and says that the problem of the Westbound Demon has been solved by him, and he will also take Yu Youzi away.

The Westbound Temple family naturally did not dare to resist, and was also very grateful that White Night could solve the Westbound Demon.

They finally understood what had happened to the previous movement of so many demons on the Westward Demon’s side.

The White Night undoubtedly left another mythical story in the human world.

As for how the recorder carried out the artistic processing, White Night did not care, anyway, he knew that his image would be positive in the story.

For the arrangement of Yu Yuzi.

White Night naturally arranged for her to go to the White Jade Building of the Underworld.

After all, she would be the master of the White Jade Building in the Underworld in the future.

Beautiful undead princess.

Hakuba tells Yakumo Zi that she will take Yu Yuko to find a demon named Four Seasons Eihime, and then mention his name.

“You know, in this world, those people who are really at the top of the world, you mention my name to them, that’s very useful.” 」

Bai Ye smiled softly and said to Yakumo Zi.

Yakumo Purple: “…”

Yakumo Purple was a little dizzy, she already knew this, what was she still working so hard, and constantly mentioning the name of Brother White Night would not be the end?

Of course, Yakumo Purple is just thinking about this.

In fact, even if she had known earlier, she would not have relied too much on the white night, and she had her own pride.


Yakumo Purple with Yu Yuzi undoubtedly found the Four Seasons Eihime.

Four seasons Ying Ji heard the name of the white night and directly covered her head with black lines…

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