Chapter 392: The Moon War Breaks Out! Mizuki Toyohime and Mizuki Iki!!

The strength of their own performance.

Probably a little too strong indeed.

White Night unexpectedly saw this funny scene, and couldn’t help but start to reflect on it in his heart.

Next to him.

Bayi Yonglin was also a bit stoic.

She shook her head and smiled softly, “Then, Lord White Night, I will go back to make preparations for the time being.” ”


White Night nodded, naturally not to stop it.

Looking at Yakumo Purple, the wind saw Youxiang, and the three Youyouzi, the white night was somewhat breathtaking.

I have to say that the acting skills of the three people are really good.

It is completely impossible to see that the lunar war is a set….

Next. 】

[Lunar War.] 】

[The demons of the earth wage a great war against the people of heaven.] 】

[Undoubtedly also a complete start.] 】

[However, before the war began, Yakumo Purple still had to make some preparations.] 】

[For Yakumo Purple and Yayi Yonglin, it is of course very simple to go to and from the moon alone. 】

[But to send so many yokai to the heavens, even for Yakumo Purple, this is actually a bit troublesome.] 】

[But trouble does not mean the solution.] 】

Yakumo Purple has long been prepared for this. 】

[After the passage between the ground and the lunar surface, endless spiny rays began to pour into the lunar surface.] 】

[Hundred ghosts nocturnal.] 】

[This is undoubtedly the largest nocturnal walk in history.] 】

[The lunar surface has undoubtedly ushered in the most terrifying invader ever.] 】


“Hahaha, compatriots, follow our bodies and march toward the so-called eternal capital of the moon, toward the people of the moon who are high above and look down on all the people of the earth, and carry out our hundred ghosts at night!”

“This move will surely open up a great cause for our demon clan!” Keep up! Everyone, invade the Moon Capital, open up the new world of our demon tribe, and completely shatter the pride of the Moon People~”

“Defeat the surface of the moon to the earth!”


After coming to the surface of the moon, the excitement of the monsters had reached its peak

Don’t look at them very much about White Night, but that’s just that White Night’s strength is really too strong.

If it was just the capital of the month, how could they possibly put it in their eyes.

The 10,000-year-old tranquil moon sea undoubtedly ushered in the earth………

100 ghosts nocturnal!

Many big demons looked excitedly at the new world in front of them.

They felt a different lunar surface than on the ground, and the moon surface was full of aura and magic, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was the heavenly court.

Without the slightest hesitation, they each rushed out with their own men.

That’s why.

One of the main reasons why the Moon War Youkai side is doomed to lose.

As monsters on the ground, they were actually not weaker than the Heavenly Moon Capital.

However, the soldiers of the Moon Capital were well trained.

And the so-called monsters are completely scattered sand.

When the monsters invaded the Moon Capital, the Moon Capital naturally reacted quickly.

The Great Junction was raised, and the counterattack began at the first time.

A scuffle between youkai and the Moon Capital.

There was no doubt that it also broke out completely, and the shouts of killing began to ring out continuously….

Moon City Jingu.

Located in the middle of the Moon Capital, the Shrine is the Moon Capital, this fertile sea plain, and the most important center of the world on this lunar surface.

Because here is not only the supreme god of the lunar surface inhabited, the moon and the night to see the honor.

There are also two royal families living in the current Moon Capital.

Princess Moon Moon Toyohime and Moon Princess Moon Yoshi.

“Oh, I don’t know how Hui Ye is doing now?” I really didn’t expect that she would marry that one…”

Moon Princess Moon Toyohime’s bedchamber.

Both sisters are undoubtedly here today.

Sitting on the tatami mat reading a book, wearing a strange white hat, a beige long-haired girl wearing a white dress and a white dress, put down the book and suddenly sighed.

She is Princess Mizuki Toyohime.

“Brilliant Night?” She is married to that one, what is there to worry about, I have to say that this guy really stepped on the luck, luck will be so good. ”

Next to Toyohime Mizuki.

A single-pony-tailed girl wearing a white jujube red dress, a long and somewhat unusual Tang horizontal knife tied around her waist, and long light pink hair, said in a tone of envy.

She is naturally the princess Mianyue Yiji.

Originally, Penglai Shan Hui Ye was also their sister, the youngest of them, but now it is obvious that it is not.

The youngest of the three sisters is now married! Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji still have no clue.

Moreover, the one who married Penglai Mountain Hui Ye was still very special, even if their father Yue Ye saw Zun after knowing that it was her, he was only silent for a moment and did not say anything.

“It’s also said…”

When Mianyue Fengji heard Mianyue Yiji’s words, she was embarrassed and embarrassed.

In fact, compared to Mianyue Yiji, Mianyue Fengji is the most stressful.

Because she was the oldest of the three sisters.

“Speaking of my sister, do you think we’ll get married in the future?”

Mianyue Yiji looked at Mianyue Fengji and suddenly asked.

“Shouldn’t it be…?”

Mizuki said uncertainly.

She really didn’t know that.

“I think if I would get married!” You must find someone who is not weaker than that one, otherwise you will definitely be ridiculed by the guy in Hui Ye in the future. ”

Mianyue Yiji gritted her teeth and said with an old reputation.

“The one who thinks you still don’t want to get married…”

Mianyue Fengji heard the words and said somewhat wordlessly.

Not weaker than that one……… How is it possible to find it? Unless you marry that one too, it’s not even close.

Of course, this Mianyue Fengji was just thinking in her heart, and did not say it directly.

Mianyue Yiji was a little unconvinced when she heard this, but after thinking about it, she was a little discouraged.

Indeed, as my sister said, it is too difficult to find a being like that one.

All Mianyue Yiji said that Penglai Mountain Hui night luck is really good.

What luck, obviously punished and degraded to the ground, the result is now blessed by misfortune, and a happy relationship with that one.

To tell the truth, if it wasn’t for the news brought back by Master Bayi Yonglin, they would really be a little incredulous.

And just when Mianyue Yiji continued to want to say something.

The two sisters’ hearts were frozen at the same time, feeling the huge palpitations and touching The two looked at each other tacitly, and their eyes were full of shock.

Staring at each other tightly, the two sisters subconsciously opened their mouths almost at the same time: “Something went wrong!!!” “x2。

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